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Carnelian Collection

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman gladiator with helmet, shield and sword

Roman gladiator with helmet, shield and sword, with his leg on a shield. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of art dealer Thomas Moore Slade

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Ajax and Ulysses protect Achilles with their shields

Ajax and Ulysses protect Achilles with their shields
Ajax and Ulysses protect a kneeling Achilles with their shields. Ajax et Ulysses Achillem Clypeis Tuentur

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Peleus performing a purification ritual

Peleus performing a purification ritual
Peleus, Greek hero, king of Phthia, husband of Thetis and father of Achilles, performing a purification ritual at a fountain

Background imageCarnelian Collection: A satyr playing panpipes and faun with ram's horn

A satyr playing panpipes and faun with ram's horn before an altar. Faunus et Satyrus. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of the art dealer Thomas Moore Slade

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Figure of a charging bull. Taurus

Figure of a charging bull. Taurus. Carved in carnelian, onyx and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman man and woman lounging on a couch in a triclinium

Roman man and woman lounging on a couch in a triclinium or dining room. With oil lamp and vase. In carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Ancient warriors leading a sacrificial bull to an altar

Ancient warriors leading a sacrificial bull to an altar
Ancient warriors in armour leading a sacrificial bull to an altar. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Warrior with spear running alongside a horse

Warrior with spear running alongside a horse
Ancient warrior with spear running alongside a horse. Unknown figure on carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Ignotus inc. Carneolo & Dactyl

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Cupid fishing with a rod and basket on the shoreline

Cupid fishing with a rod and basket on the shoreline. Cupido Piscator. In carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Unknown figure in profile in carnelian and dactylotheca

Unknown figure in profile in carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Incognito in Cornel. & Dactyl. Hon. C. F. Greville

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman, lawyer and philosopher

Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman, lawyer and philosopher
Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106 - 43 BC, Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher, and academic skeptic. From an antique carnelian gem. M. Tullio Cicerone

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Head of Demosthenes

Head of Demosthenes. Either the Athenian general, died 413 BC, or the famous orator and statesman in ancient Athens, 384-322 BC

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Hippocrates from Kos, ancient Greek physician c.470-370 BC

Hippocrates from Kos, ancient Greek physician c.470-370 BC
Head believed to be Hippocrates from Kos, famous ancient Greek physician c.470-370 BC. Head of a bearded man with bald head from a round carnelian gem. Creduta per Ippocrate

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Pergamus, mythical founder of the city of Pergamum

Pergamus, mythical founder of the city of Pergamum
Pergamus, son of the warrior Neoptolemus and Andromache, mythical founder of the city of Pergamum. Depicted as an adult with long beard in an oval carnelian gem

Background imageCarnelian Collection: One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae

One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae. The mother of Dionysus Semele and her sisters Autonoe, Agave and Ino. Or a follower of Bacchus, Roman god of wine and grapes, wearing ivy leaves in her long hair

Background imageCarnelian Collection: One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae

One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae. The mother of Dionysus Semele and her sisters Autonoe, Agave and Ino

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of an unknown woman in carnelian

Bust of an unknown woman in carnelian. Thought to be Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite beloved by Leander. Testa incognita. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves in her hair

Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves in her hair
Bust of a Bacchante wearing a band of ivy leaves in her hair. In carnelian. Bachante. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves and berries

Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves and berries
Bust of a Bacchante wearing a band of ivy leaves and berries in her hair. In carnelian. Bachante. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of unknown woman in carnelian cameo

Bust of unknown woman in carnelian cameo. Testa Incognita. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of unknown woman in bizarre headdress

Bust of unknown woman in bizarre headdress, in carnelian. Testa Incognita. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Vibia Sabina, Roman Empress

Bust of Vibia Sabina, Roman Empress
Bust of Vibia Sabina, 83-136 AD, Roman Empress, wife of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. in headdress with garland of roses. In carnelian. Sabina. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of an unknown woman

Bust of an unknown woman. With her hair loose and flowing. In carnelian. Testa Incognita. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Agrippina the Younger, Roman empress

Bust of Agrippina the Younger, Roman empress
Bust of Julia Agrippina, 15 - 59 AD, or Agrippina the Younger, Roman empress from 49 to 54 AD, fourth wife and niece of Emperor Claudius. In carnelian. Agrippina Minore. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Sappho, Archaic Greek poet

Bust of Sappho, Archaic Greek poet
Bust of Sappho, c. 630 - c. 570 BC, Archaic Greek poet from Eresos or Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. Garland of laurel leaves. In carnelian. Saffo. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Psyche holding a butterfly by its wings

Bust of Psyche holding a butterfly by its wings
Bust of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul, holding a butterfly by its wings. Human beauty abducted by Eros. In carnelian. Psiche. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman emperor Elagabalus

Roman emperor Elagabalus
Elagabalus, c. 204 - 222, Heliogabalus or Antoninus, Roman emperor from 218 to 222, while he was still a teenager. Bust in profile with laurel wreath. In carnelian. Elagabalo. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman emperor Caracalla

Roman emperor Caracalla
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus or Caracalla, 188 - 217, Roman emperor from 198 to 217. Elder son of Emperor Septimius Severus and Empress Julia Domna. In carnelian. Caracalla. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of bearded Hercules the Cynic, Greek hero

Bust of bearded Hercules the Cynic, Greek hero. In cornelian. Hercole cinico. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Nero, Roman Emperor

Bust of Nero, Roman Emperor
Bust of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, AD 37 - AD 68. Fifth Roman emperor and final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, reigning from AD 54 until his death in AD 68. In carnelian

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus or Caligula

Bust of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus or Caligula, third Roman emperor, 12-41 AD. In laurel wreath. In carnelian. C. Caligula. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust in profile of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman general

Bust in profile of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman general and statesman, 100 BC - 44 BC. Wearing laurel wreath, with star and lituus crook. In carnelian. C. Giulio Cesare. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Pompey the Great, Roman general

Bust of Pompey the Great, Roman general
Bust of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus or Pompey the Great, a leading Roman general and statesman, 106 BC - 48 BC. In carnelian. Cn Pompeo M. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Lucius Junius Brutus, semi-legendary first Consul

Bust of Lucius Junius Brutus, semi-legendary first Consul
Bust of Lucius Junius Brutus (fl. 6th century BC), semi-legendary first Consul and founder of the Roman Republic. In carnelian. Lucio Iunio Bruto. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Numa Pompilius, legendary second king of Rome

Bust of Numa Pompilius, legendary second king of Rome
Bust of Numa Pompilius, c. 753-672 BC, legendary second king of Rome, succeeding Romulus. Seen on silver coins. In carnelian. Numa Pompilio. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Antinous, Greek youth and favourite of Hadrian

Bust of Antinous, Greek youth and favourite of Hadrian
Bust of Antinous or Antinoös, c. 111 - 130, Greek youth from Bithynia and a favourite of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. In carnelian. Antinoo. In corgnola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Ptolemy XIV Philopator, brother of Cleopatra

Bust of Ptolemy XIV Philopator, brother of Cleopatra
Bust of Ptolemy XIV Philopator, c. 59 - 44 BC, Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, brother of Cleopatra. In carnelian. Tolomeo. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of a young athlete crowned with laurel wreath

Bust of a young athlete crowned with laurel wreath. By the Greek artist Allion. In carnelian. Allione. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of King Pergamon, Attalid kingdom

Bust of King Pergamon, Attalid kingdom
Bust of King Pergamon, founder of the city of Pergamon, in the Attalid kingdom, ancient Greece. In carnelian. Pergamo Re. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of a Roman priest or Sacerdote

Bust of a Roman priest or Sacerdote, in palliolum hood. In carnelian. Sacerdote. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Asclepius, ancient Greek god of medicine

Asclepius, ancient Greek god of medicine
Asclepius, hero and god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Depicted in carnelian with a serpent-entwined rod. Similar to the statue described by Callistratus. Esculapio

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of a Roman priest or Sacerdote

Bust of a Roman priest or Sacerdote
Bust of a bearded Roman priest or Sacerdote, in palliolum hood. In carnelian. Sacerdote. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust profile of an unknown woman in carnelian

Bust profile of an unknown woman in carnelian. Roman noble woman with her hair tied up in an elaborate hairstyle with bun. Testa incognita in corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust profile of an unknown sitter in carnelian

Bust profile of an unknown sitter in carnelian. Said to be Annia Galeria Faustina the Elder, Roman empress and wife of emperor Antoninus Pius. Testa incognita in corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust profile of Lepidus, Triumvir, in carnelian

Bust profile of Lepidus, Triumvir, in carnelian. Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, c. 89-12 BC, Roman general and statesman who formed the Second Triumvirate alongside Octavian and Mark Antony

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust profile of Augustus in carnelian

Bust profile of Augustus in carnelian. In laurel wreath. Caesar Augustus, 63 BC - 14 AD, also known as Octavian, first Roman emperor. Augusto in corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust profile of Julius Caesar in carnelian

Bust profile of Julius Caesar in carnelian. Gaius Julius Caesar, 100-44 BC, Roman general, statesman, emperor and dictator. In laurel wreath, chlamys with clasp. Giulio Cesare in corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of an unknown Classical bearded poet

Bust of an unknown Classical bearded poet. In laurel wreath. Possibly Virgil. In carnelian. Poeta incognito. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Unknown ancient Greek philosopher with beard

Unknown ancient Greek philosopher with beard. In carnelian. Filisofo. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Unknown ancient Greek philosopher with beard

Unknown ancient Greek philosopher with beard. In carnelian. Filisofo. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Archytas, Ancient Greek philosopher

Bust of Archytas, Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, music theorist, astronomer, statesman and strategist, 435/410-360/350 BC. In carnelian. Archite. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Wild boar hunting in ancient Rome

Wild boar hunting in ancient Rome. Hounds harry a boar that has been speared under a tree. In carnelian. Caccia del Cingniale. In corgniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman acrobat or desultor with four galloping horses

Roman acrobat or desultor with four galloping horses. Equestrian performers stood astride or jumped between horses at full gallop. In carnelian. Cavalli Desultori. In corgnola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman charioteer driving a biga to victory

Roman charioteer driving a biga to victory
Aurigator or Roman charioteer driving a biga, a two-horse chariot. He wears a pileus felt hat and holds a whip. The palm signifies victory in a race. In carnelian. Avricatore. In corgnola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Socrates, Greek philosopher from Athens, c. 470-399

Bust of Socrates, Greek philosopher from Athens, c. 470-399 BC. In carnelian. Socrate. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Figure of Europa riding a bull over the sea

Figure of Europa riding a bull over the sea
Figure of Phoenician princess Europa riding the Greek god Zeus as a bull over the sea. In carnelian. Europa. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: A wolf attacking a ram

A wolf attacking a ram. In carnelian. Lupo et Capro. In corgnola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Romulus and Remus suckled by a wolf

Romulus and Remus suckled by a wolf
Romulus and Remus, legendary founders of Rome, suckled by a wolf. In carnelian. Lupa con Romulo e Remo. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Tiger representing Bacchus, Roman god of wine

Tiger representing Bacchus, Roman god of wine
Tiger with ferula or rod, representing Bacchus, Roman god of wine. In carnelian. Tigre di Bacho. In corgnola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Virgil or Vergil, ancient Roman poet

Bust of Virgil or Vergil, ancient Roman poet, author of the Aenied, 70-19 BC. In laural wreath facing a Bucolic mask. Publius Vergilius Maro. Virgil. in carnelian. Virgilio. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Cupid driving a chariot of Bacchus

Cupid driving a chariot of Bacchus
Cupid, Roman god of love, driving a chariot of Bacchus, god of wine. The biga chariot is drawn by two leopards. In carnelian. Carro di Bacho. In corgnola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Ram of the Roman god Mercury

Ram of the Roman god Mercury with ears of wheat. In carnelian. Ariete di Mercurio. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Silenus, companion to the wine god Dionysus

Bust of Silenus, companion to the wine god Dionysus
Bust of Silenus, companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus in Greek mythology. In carnelian. Sileno. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman Murmillo gladiator with victory palm

Roman Murmillo gladiator with victory palm. Standing with his Scutum shield and Cassis Crista helmet, in tunic and boots. In carnelian. Namfero Vincitore. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman soldier in serpent-crested helmet

Roman soldier in serpent-crested helmet
Roman soldier in breastplate armour, with shield, sword and spear. The helmet with a serpent crest like that of Pallas. In carnelian. Soldato. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Philemon, Athenian poet

Bust of Philemon, Athenian poet and playwright of the New Comedy, c. 362 - c. 262 BC. In cornelian. Filemone. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman soldier carrying the dead body of his comrade

Roman soldier carrying the dead body of his comrade. Legionary in helmet, breastplate, armour skirts, leather boots. Military piety. In carnelian. Carita Militare. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Alexander the Great with spear and sceptre

Alexander the Great with spear and sceptre
Alexander the Great, Alexander III of Macedon, 356-323 BC, standing with sceptre and spear, wearing crested helmet, mantle, breastplate and tunic. In carnelian. Alessandro Magno. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Diogene. In corniola

Diogene. In corniola
Greek Cynic philosopher Diogenes of Sinope (4th century BC) standing in a jar or pithos. In carnelian. Diogene. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Rustic man and woman making a sacrifice to health

Rustic man and woman making a sacrifice to health. Offering a serpent to Aesculapius, and a ram's head on an altar. In carnelian. Sacrifitio alla Salute. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Bust of Hyacinthus, divine hero and lover of Apollo

Bust of Hyacinthus, divine hero and lover of Apollo
Bust of Hyacinthus, divine hero and a lover of Apollo from Greek mythology. Hyacinth. In carnelian. Hiacinto. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: A man making a sacrfice to the Greek gods of health

A man making a sacrfice to the Greek gods of health. He kneels before an altar, offering a snake to a sacred flame altar to the gods of healing Apollo and his son Aesculapius. In carnelian

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Sileno. In corniola

Sileno. In corniola
Figure of bearded satyr Silenus, companion to the Greek god of wine Dionysus, with faun, bunch of grapes and ribbons in the boder.. In carnelian. Sileno. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Heads of Meleager and the Calydonian boar

Heads of Meleager and the Calydonian boar
Heads of the Greek hero Meleager and the Calydonian boar. In carnelian. Meleagro. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Jocus, masked companion of Cupid or Amor

Jocus, masked companion of Cupid or Amor
Winged figure of Jocus, masked companion of Cupid or Amor, Roman god of love. In carnelian. Il Giuoco Conpagno di Amore. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Winged figure of Amor Victorious

Winged figure of Amor Victorious
Figure of winged Cupid or Amor, Roman god of love, with the breastplate, shield, helmet and spear of Mars, god of war. Amor Victorious. In carnelian. Amor Vincitore. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Diva Rumina, Roman goddess of breastfeeding mothers

Diva Rumina, Roman goddess of breastfeeding mothers
Figure of Diva Rumina, Roman goddess of breastfeeding mothers. Holding a baby below her exposed left bosom. In carnelian. Dea Rumilla. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman goddess Diana with bow and deer

Roman goddess Diana with bow and deer
Naked figure of Diana, Roman goddess of the Moon, hunting and the countryside, with bow and deer. In carnelian. Diana Cacciatrice. In corgnola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Diana of Ephesus inside a water jug

Diana of Ephesus inside a water jug
Curious figure of Diana of Ephesus with her body inside a hydria or water jug, like the Osiris of Canopus. With turreted crown and veil, and two deer. In carnelian. Diana Efesa. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Roman god Vulcan creating a helmet

Roman god Vulcan creating a helmet
Vulcan, Roman god of fire, volcanoes and metalwork, creating a crested helmet for Achilles or Aeneas with hammer and tongs.. In carnelian. Vulcano. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Venus holding poppy flowers with Cupid

Venus holding poppy flowers with Cupid
Venus, Roman goddess of love, holding poppy flowers, with Cupid. In carnelian. Venere e Amore. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Celestial Venus: winged figure of the goddess of love

Celestial Venus: winged figure of the goddess of love
Celestial Venus. A winged figure of Venus, goddess of love, with Cupid or Amor. In carnelian. Venere Celeste. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Iole wearing Heracles Nemean lionskin and holding his club

Iole wearing Heracles Nemean lionskin and holding his club. In carnelian. Iole. In corniola

Background imageCarnelian Collection: Ganymede carried off by Zeus disguised as an eagle

Ganymede carried off by Zeus disguised as an eagle
Ganymede, son of Tros, King of Troy, carried off by Zeus disguised as an eagle. The vase signifies ambrosia or nectar, as cupbearer to the gods. In carnelian. Canimede. In corniola

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