Smithfield MarketCarcasses hanging from hooks and butchers wearing their traditional white overalls at Smithfield Market, London. Date: 1950s
Smithfield MarketThe vast interior of Smithfield meat market, with carcasses hanging from hooks all down the central aisle
Smithfield Market 1870The arrival of an early meat train at Smithfield Market in London: porters unload and move baskets and crates
Beef CarcaseesButchers removing intestines from cattle carcasses, part of the Argentinian meat (beef) production process. Date: 1930s
Butcher & CarcassesA butcher cuts large meat carcasses in half
Inspecting CarcassesLocal Government inspectors examining the carcasses of pigs
Kamchadal people inside a yurt, Kamchatka, 1800sKamchadal or Koryak people inside a yurt, Kamchatka, 1800s. A man in reindeer-skin clothes starts a fire, watched by a woman with child. Two dog carcasses hang from a wall
The Wine CarrierAn oil painting of a dwarf, named Grigorio, a wine skin maker who is carrying some large animal carcasses over his shoulder, with a wine container in the other hand. Date: circa 1908
Deer and ox roasting is often part of a celebration or custom, in various parts of Britain. Here deer carcasses are being roasted in the open air at Bournemouth, England. Date: 1950s
Butchers in street, DublinTwo butchers carry lamb carcasses on their shoulders down a market street in Dublin, Ireland Date: 1990
Turkeys galore outside a butcher in High WycombeA spectacular display of turkeys hanging outside a butchers shop in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Smithfield Meat MarketOverview of Smithfield Meat Market, London, showing a brisk trade for the meat carcasses hanging from hooks. Date: 1903
Meat market, GhardaiaCustomers and merchants exchange money and goods at the meat market in Ghardaia. Animal carcasses line the walls and a young merchant boy looks straight into the lens of the camera. Date: circa 1910s
Arctic Fox feeds on carrion of a Ringed Seal (Phoca hispida Sc) near a fishermen hunters hut (Alopex lagopus). Kara sea shore, tundra of Taimyr peninsula, North of Siberia, Russian Arctic, winter
Roasting Deer on a SpitDeer and ox roasting is often part of a celebration or custom, in various parts of Britain. Here deer carcasses are being roasted in the open air at Bournemouth, England. Date: 1950s
Drawing seal blood - GreenlandWomen from Greenland drawing blood from the carcasses of hunted seals. Date: circa 1910
Manchester Ship Canal - Beef Carcasses for LondonA chalk scrawl on the wagon door records that 1000 beef carcasses were transported in these wagons from the offload on the Manchester Ship Canal down to final destination of Smithfield Market, London
Ritchie and Mcalls Preserved Meat Establishment, HoundsditcScene showing Ritchie & M Calls preserved meat establishment in Houndsditch, London. Various workers wearing caps and aprons are tending vats while meat cuts and carcasses fill the tables and worktops
Cholera in EgyptScene in the courtyard of a house in Cairo. The patients were laid in the courtyard partly because of the cooler temperatures and also because the occupants were afraid of infection
Beef for Export / 1930SBeef carcasses for export are stacked up in a freezer room
Butcher Shop DisplayA fine display of meat displayed outside a butchers shop. Much of the meat has claimed first prize
Whaling / Landed WhalesLanded whales in Norway