Hannibal winning Battle of CannaeSECOND PUNIC WAR : Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, though outnumbered by the Romans, wins a decisive victory at the Battle of Cannae thanks to his superior cavalry
Cannae Battlefield19th century view of the battlefield of Cannae, where Hannibal routed the Romans : they lost 50, 000, he lost only 5700 though greatly outnumbered
Carthaginians defeat Romans in Battle of Cannae, Punic WarsCarthaginians defeat Romans in Battle of Cannae during the Punic Wars. Showing the death of the Consul Lucio Emilio Paolo (Lucius Aemilius Paullus) during the battle. Date: 2 August 216 BC
Venetian morion and Roman helmetAncient Venetian morion helmet ornamented with military trophies, and an ancient Roman helmet found at Cannae
Illustration, Orthosiidae -- Nonagria Arundinis, Nonagria Cannae, Leucania Pallens, Leucania Obsoleta, Gortyna Flavago, Xanthia Fulvago, Hoporina Croceago, Orrhodia Rubiginea, Orrhodia Vacinii
The History of Hannibal: Mago, Hannibals messenger, in Carthage. ca. 1570. Mago recounts the victory at Cannae and displays the plunder before the Senate
The History of Hannibal: The plunder of Cannae. ca. 1570. The Carthaginians lay before Hannibal the rings of the vanquished in the battle of Cannae in 216 BC. Fourth cloth preserved in the series
Despondency in Rome after learning of their armys defeat at the battle of Cannae