Woman raising her skirts to scare off the devil. Perretta flashing the devil. The devil of Pope-Fig Island. Le diable de Papesiguiere
Two Young Jewish girls play cards - Christmas Eve - RussiaTwo Young Russian Jewish girls spend christmas Eve (Epiphany Evening) playing cards. With Torah study off the table for the evening, a number of traditions developed as to how to spend ones night
Christmas Morning by Margaret Tempest. circa 1910s
King Henry VI of England married to Margaret of Anjou at Titchfield Abbey, 23 April 1445. The mad king was 24 and the queen 15
Silhouette - Postcard DesignSeated lady at her spinning wheel, spinning by candlelight. Date: 1920s
Silhouette - Postcard DesignFinely dressed couple with top hat and bonnet and their bonnetted daughter are greeted by a lady by candlelight. Date: 1920s
The invention of drawing
Godfried Schalcken, Dutch genre and portrait painter, 1643-1706Godfried Schalcken, Dutch genre and portrait painter in the polished manner of the Leiden fijnschilders, 1643-1706. Depicted with candle and candlelight. Goffredo Schalcken, Pittore
Dutch peasants butchering a pig by candlelight, 17th century. A group of men, children gather to watch in front of a thatched cottage and well with water pump. Pig Slaughterers, circa 1642
King Louis XIV holding the royal lottery in 1660King Louis XIV holding the royal lottery as part of his wedding celebrations in 1660. Courtiers sit at a square table in a large hall by candlelight. Lotterie royale
The Eternal Song by Marcel Rieder (1862-1942) - French Painter. Rieder's paintings became notable for their peaceful and intimate interior scenes of rooms lit by oil lamps or electric lighting
Advertisement for Nell GwynnAn image from an advertisement for Nell Gwynn'. Delights of dining by candlelight Dining by Nell Gwynn candlelight is the vogue. Date: circa 1929
Facey Romford hands his candle to a footmanEnglish gentleman in formal clothes attending a dinner, 19th century. Facey Romford hands his candle to a footman at the bottom of a staircase. Lucy Somersville in yellow crinoline dress follows him
A formal ball dance in the 17th century. Men and women dancing in a circle at right, and men lining up in front of women across the hall at left
Home Sweet Home -- happy domestic scene, How sweet it is to sit beneath a fond fathers smile. (1 of 5) Date: circa 1890s
Blackout, meal by candlelight, 1949Once again the victims of an unofficial strike: the long-suffering public
Blackout. Fuel-crisis shopping in London, 1947The Candlelights of London: business as usual in the capital. Fuel-crisis shopping with department store lighting - modern style
SOCIAL / US SEAMSTRESS 19CA girl sews by candlelight in her apartment while a man drinks at the table and another person lies (ill?) in bed in the same room Date: 1872
MISER EXAMINES LOOTAn old miser checks his hoard by candlelight Date: 19th century
GIRL SEWS / NEW YORK / 1872A girl sews by candlelight in her apartment while a man drinks at the table and another person lies (ill?) in bed in the same room. Date: 1872
FAMILY / READINGFather reads by candlelight to his wife and their six children in a well- to-do household Date: 1783
By Candle Light, a comedy, Hippodrome, MargateBy Candle Light, a modern comedy, at the Hippodrome, Margate, presented by Lionel Bute. 20th century
Candles on stairs, North Guni Temple, Bagan, MyanmarCandles on stairs at North Guni Temple Pagoda on the Plain of Bagan, Bagan, Myanmar (Burma) Date: 2016
The Abbe Liszt by Mervyn SuartFRANZ LISZT Hungarian musician (1811-1886) - an unusual composition showing Liszt deep in thought, bathed by candlelight, while a couple dance in a romantic clinch, presumably to his music. Date: 1938
La Poupee by Ernest HubbardA young woman in a slip admires herself in front of a mirror. Close by a poupee or boudoir doll sits with its arms outstretched looking up at its owner. Date: 1929
Santa Claus by Charles RobinsonIllustration of Santa Claus reading his Book of Good and Bad Children by candlelight, surrounded by toy dolls. Date: 1906
Tatler cover - Christmas Shopping Number 1959Front cover of The Tatler magazines Christmas Shopping Number featuring a model wearing a 9000 diamond tiara and 2000 diamond and pearl drop earrings, both from Wartski of Regent Street
Rich Japanese Woman aided with her dressing by a housemaid, stood before a large full-length mirror. Date: circa 1910s
Fairies and sleeping girl on a Christmas cardFairies with gifts, hovering round a sleeping girl on a Christmas card. circa 1890s
Girls Dress / CandlelightIf ladies be but young and fair, they have the gift to know it. Mother holds up a candle while her daughters dress. Date: 1821
Thomas Jefferson / Decl InTHOMAS JEFFERSON Third President of the USA (1801 - 1809) writing the Declaration of Independence Date: 1743 - 1826
H. L. Oakley cutting the silhouette of a fellow officerCaptain Harry Lawrence Oakley, the famous silhouette artist, pictured cutting the silhouette of a fellow officer in what looks like a dug-out during World War One. Date: 1920s
His Christmas Gift to Her by Fred Pegram, WW1Illustration by Fred Pegram depicting a British officer in a dug-out somewhere on the Western Front, carefully crafting a ring by the light of a candle as he smokes a pipe
Reading by candlelightBeautiful illustration of a young boy and girl reading a book Date: 1926