Pittacus of Mytiline, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, c. 640-5Head of Pittacus of Mytiline, military general and one of the Seven Sages of Greece, c. 640-568 BC. Son of Hyrradius or Caicus of Thrace. Profile of a bearded man from a bronze medal. Pittaco
Pergamon - View toward BergamaAn ancient Greek city in modern-day Turkey, in Mysia, north western Anatolia, 16 miles from the Aegean Sea, located on a promontory on the north side of the river Caicus (modern day Bak)
Ruins at Bergama / PergamonThe Ruins at Pergamon or Pergamum
Theatre at Bergama / PergamonThe Theatre at Pergamon or Pergamum
Ruins of the Basilica at Bergama / PergamonThe Basilica at Pergamon or Pergamum
Site / Ruins of Pergamon - TurkeyThe Ancient Bridge with the Basilica behind at Pergamon (or Pergamum)