Statue of the Egyptian god Anubis (or Hermanubis) with jackals head, wearing a chiton, holding a caduceus. Copperplate engraving by Giacomo Bossi after an illustration by D.A
Mercury, messenger of the Roman gods. With winged helmet or petasus, breastplate, winged sandals, and holding a caduceus
Allegorical frontispiece with personifications of the arts. Sculpture with chisels, Painting with palette, brushes and canvas, and Architecture with compasses and plumb line
Mercury, Roman god of communication with cadeceusMercury, Roman god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, luck, trickery and thieves. In winged robe with caduceus staff with entwined serpents. Hermes in Greek mythology
Mercury, Roman god of commerce and communicationPortrait of Mercury, Roman god of commerce and communication with petasos, caduceus, cloak and winged ankles
Roman god Mercury with caduceus and rooster. In Etruscan religion, messenger god and god of trade Turms. Roman Mercury, Greek Hermes. From an engraved agate gem. Mercurius in Achate ap March
Roman god Mercury with caduceus and winged hatRoman god Mercury with caduceus, staff, winged petasos hat and winged feet. In Etruscan religion, messenger god and god of trade Turms. Roman Mercury, Greek Hermes. From an engraved cornelian gem
Ticket for the Lord Mayor's Ball, Mansion House, London, 1775Ticket for a Ball at the Mansion House, London, 17 April 1775, hosted by Lord Mayor John Wilkes
Mercury with his caduceus riding a ramNaked Mercury with his caduceus riding a ram. Mercurio cum Ariete in corniola. Romae MDCLXX
Mercury with his sacred bird, a rooster with ear of wheat. The Roman god of commerce and commyunication holds a caduceus. In cornelian. Gallo et Mercurio in corniola
Union, Strength and Security - England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland before Britannia seated on a throne. circa 1840
Moses Caduceus HealingCADUCEUS: Symbol of brazen serpent, set up by Moses on divine instruction and heals all those who look at it Date: BC
God Mercury. RingGod Mercury depicted with his caduceus and winged sandals, and the cock and the goat. Ring. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary
Jacques DavielJACQUES DAVIEL French surgeon, the first in France to operate on cataracts of the eye : an allegorical depiction with cock, caduceus and cherubs galore. Date: 1696 - 1762
Cover design, Circuit of Britain ProgrammeCover design, official programme issued by the Royal Aero Club for the Circuit of Britain 1010 Miles Air Race for the Second 10, 000 Daily Mail prize
Know him by this sign - the medical caduceus The wounds of war are not all healed
Knight of Grand SerpentThe ceremonial initiation of a Knight of the Bronze Serpent : the participants march anti- clockwise round a tumulus surmounted by a caduceus - a crucifix with a serpent Date: 1890s
Poster advertising the Sixth Paris Fair, 1909Poster advertising the Sixth Paris Fair, from 12 to 28 February 1909, at the Grand Palais in the Champs Elysees
Britannia CrownedBritannia crowned by Victory, trampling upon the chains of France, holding the trident of Neptune, whilst Fame proclaims the glory of her arms by pointing to military triumphs
Religion / Egypt / Anubiswith varius attributes, notably a caduceus and a crocodile : he has a jackal head
The principal classical gods of Olympus: Aphrodite, Cupid, Zeus and Hermes
Hermes Airborneairborne, thanks to his winged shoes; he carries a caduceus, with which he can send anyone to sleep at a touch
Caduceus TalismanCADUCEUS TALISMAN symbolising wisdom and health, it was adopted by the medical profession who possess the first and bestow the second