Lord Byron / Greek CostumeGEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON English poet, depicted here in his costume as a Greek patriot
Augusta Ada ByronAUGUSTA ADA BYRON daughter of the poet Byron, later countess Lovelace mathematician, arguably the worlds first computer programmer, aiding Babbage
George Lord ByronGEORGE GORDON, lord BYRON writer and champion of Greek independence with his autograph
The Bright Young People - mock Rayner-Ponsonby weddingA group of Bright Young Things indulging in one of their many silly pranks, in this case a mock wedding where Elizabeth Ponsonby married John Rayner. The best man was Robert Byron
Lord Byron in 1826GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON English poet as a supporter of Greek independence in 1826
Anne, Lady Byron (Anon)ANNA ISABELLA MILBANKE Lady Byron (1815 to 1816)
Cologny / Villa Diodati 6 /Cologny, near Geneva: the Villa Diodati which Byron rented in the summer of 1816; he wrote the third canto of Childe Harold here
Claire ClairmontCLAIRE CLAIRMONT stepdaughter of William Godwin, and mother of Byrons daughter Allegra
Newstead Abbey / WebsterThe Seat of the late Lord Byron
Lord Byron in the uniform of a Greek patriotGeorge Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824) in the uniform of a Greek patriot, including a cavalry helmet which he designed himself, based on descriptions of armour in Homers Iliad
Newstead Abbey near Nottingham. Date: circa 1909
Books / Byron / Don JuanAlfonzo first examined well their fashion, and then flew out into another passion. (Canto 1 Stanza 181)
G Stephenson - WillingtonGeorge Stephenson (1781 - 1848) Stephenson Memorial Schools at Willington Quay
Byron / Newstead / BedroomNEWSTEAD ABBEY Bedroom of Byron, aristocrat and Romantic poet, at his Nottinghamshire home
Byron / Newstead AbbeyNEWSTEAD ABBEY Nottinghamshire home of Byron, aristocrat and poet
George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron, English poetGeorge Gordon Byron (1788-1824), Lord Byron, English poet, aristocrat and politician. Date: early 19th century
Lord Byron, English poet, at Cambridge, where he studied at Trinity College Date: early 1800s
Countess of Blessington, known as Marguerite Gardiner (September 1789- June 1849), was an Irish novelist, journalist, and literary hostess
House where Lord Byron died, Missolonghi, GreeceHouse where Lord Byron died, in Missolonghi, Greece, in 1824. 1850
BYRON/MISSOLONGHIMISSOLONGHI, GREECE Place of death of Byron, aristocrat and Romantic poet Date: early 19th century
Dr Glennies AcademyView of Dr. William Glennies Academy, Dulwich Grove, south London, in 1820. The school attended by British poet Lord Byron between 1799 and 1801. Date: 1875
The Vale of HealthView of the Vale of Health, Hampstead, London. Those who wished to attract visitors or new residents invented and promoted the Vale of Health name, which was first recorded in 1801
Samuel Rogers house facing Green Park
Samuel Rogers (1763-1855), an English poet, during his lifetime one of the most celebrated, although his fame has long since been eclipsed by his Romantic colleagues and friends Wordsworth
10th Carriage of the Royal Household in Queen Victoria s10th Carriage of the Royal Household in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Orson Byron Lowell (1871-1956). American artist and illustrator Date: circa 1928
Illustration, Selim and Zuleika, The Bride of AbydosIllustration, Selim and Zuleika, in The Bride of Abydos, a poem by Lord Byron (1813). 1844
Byron meets the Gigantic PatagoniansCommodore John Byron meets with the indigenous people of Patagonia, on the Chilean coast. Byron stands with some of the people of Patagonia, who are depicted as dwarfing the man
Commodore Byron with the PatagoniansDepiction of Commodore John Byron and his men rowing ashore to meet with the native people of Patagonia, on the coast of Chile, most likely to be the Selk nam people
Countess Robilants Baby Party, Venice, 1926One of the most discussed social events of the Venetian season - the " Baby Party" given by Count and Countess Robilant in their home, the Mocenigo Palace, where Byron once lived
Byrons Early Love by E M Ward. 19th century
Arrival of Lord Byron in Mesolongi Date: 1861
Royal Italian Opera - FoscariThe first English production of this opera set in Venice, staged at the Royal Italian Opera House, London : it is based on a play by Byron. Date: first performed 1844
NEWSTEAD ABBEY / WEBSTERThe seat of the late Lord Byron Date: 1835
Lord Byron contemplating the Colosseum in RomeLord Byron (1788-1824) contemplating the Colosseum in Rome. circa 1850
Patagonian GiantsIn Patagonia, South America, Captain Byron, in the Dolphin, encounters a race of giants; offered ships biscuit by one of the crew, they accept warily
Augusta Ada Byron (ChildAUGUSTA ADA BYRON daughter of the poet later countess of Lovelace as a child : later she was an eminent mathematician Date: 1815 - 1851
Mr Robert Byron as a Victorian angelMr Robert Byron dressed as a Victorian angel at Mr and Mrs Bryan Guinesss 1860 party. Date: 1929
The Cocoa Tree ClubThe exterior of the Cocoa Tree Club building, of which Lord Byron was a member. It was originally a Tory chocolate house and also famous for once being the Jacobite Party H.Q. Date: early 1930s
Lord George Byron and Marianna Segati. Dear Tom, I really cannot go on; There are a pair of great black eyes looking over my shoulder so that I must turn and answer them instead of you. Date: ca. 1847
Lady Frances WebsterLADY FRANCES WEBSTER Married to Sir James Webster Wedderburn. Lover of George Byron. Date: 1793 - 1837
Assyrian came down like a wolf on the foldThe Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold - humorous illustrative interpretation of a quote from Lord Byron by Victorian illustrator and postcard publisher Martin Anderson ( Cynicus )
JOHN BYRON (1723 - 1786)JOHN BYRON Known as foul-weather Jack. English navigator and grandfather of poet Byron
Villeneuve - Hotel Byron - Switzerland, Vaud Date: circa 1909
Brewsters Millions by Winchell Smith and Byron Ongley
Cartoon, mopping up at the Criterion Theatre, LondonCartoon -- They are getting the water out of the Criterion with all speed. Henry James Byron (1835-1884) is shown mopping up at the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly, London, after some flooding
Cartoon, Henry James Byron, dramatistCartoon of Henry James Byron (1835-1884), the English dramatist, editor, journalist, director, theatre manager, novelist and actor. Seen here surrounded by posters advertising plays by other writers
Cartoon portrait of Henry James ByronCartoon portrait, Henry James Byron (1835-1884), English dramatist, editor, journalist, director, theatre manager, novelist and actor. 1884
The Parting of Medora and the Corsair, a scene from Byrons narrative poem, The Corsair, 1814. circa 1850s
Lord Byron (1788-1824). Engraving. ColoredLord Byron (1788-1824). English poet. Romantic movement. Engraving. Colored
Grand Canal - Palazzo Mocenigo - Venice, Italy - with inset portrait of Lord Byron wh lived here between 1816 and 1819, with 14 servants, 2 monkeys, a fox and two mastiff dogs!! Date: circa 1906
Cartoon, H J Byron and J L Toole at dinnerCartoon, Henry James Byron (standing, 1835-1884), English dramatist, editor, journalist, director, theatre manager, novelist and actor, and John Lawrence Toole (seated, 1830-1906)
Caricature of David James and Thomas ThorneCaricature of David James (left, 1839-1893), English comic actor, and Thomas Thorne (right, 1841-1918), English actor and theatre manager, co-founders of the Vaudeville Theatre, London
Cartoon, Burnand, Byron and Sims in hospital -- All InCartoon, three prominent writers ill in hospital -- F C Burnand (1836-1917), H J Byron (1835-1884) and G R Sims (1847-1922)
Caricature of Henry James Byron, dramatistCaricature of the English dramatist, editor, journalist, director, theatre manager, novelist and actor, Henry James Byron (1835-1884) -- A " Special" Engagement. 1881
Caricature of the dramatist Henry James ByronCaricature of the English dramatist, editor, journalist, director, theatre manager, novelist and actor, Henry James Byron -- Our Boys Father
John Galt, Writer 3JOHN GALT Scottish writer, mostly novels on Scots themes but also travels in the Levant and a biography of Byron. Date: 1779 - 1839
John Galt, Writer 2JOHN GALT Scottish writer, mostly novels on Scots themes but also travels in the Levant and a biography of Byron. Date: 1779 - 1839
John Galt, WriterJOHN GALT Scottish writer, mostly novels on Scots themes but also travels in the Levant and a biography of Byron whose bust you can see behind him. Date: 1779 - 1839
Robert Charles DallasROBERT CHARLES DALLAS Jamaica-born writer, best known for his association with Byron, about whom he wrote a volume of reminiscences. He lived mostly abroad. Date: 1754 - 1824
Emilio Castelar - 2EMILIO CASTELAR Y RIPOLL Spanish statesman, President 1873-4, exiled after military coup; historian and biographer of Fra Lippo Lippi and Byron (!) Date: 1832 - 1899
Newstead Abbey / AckermannNewstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire: seat of Lieutenant Colonel Wildman, formerly the home of Lord Byron Date: circa 1815
Byron Slated by StoweByron as perceived by Harriet Beecher Stowe, who considers that his life-style falls short of being exemplary picture 1 of 2
Byron Beloved by BritsByron as he is treasured in the hearts of the British nation picture 2 of 2
Newstead (Morris)Byrons home at Newstead Abbey Date: 1879
Byron Favourite PlaceA favourite haunt while he was a schoolboy at Harrow Date: circa 1800
Teresa Macri / ByronTERESA MACRI known as The Maid of Athens until she met Byron Date: circa 1809
Teresa Macri (Stone)TERESA MACRI known as The Maid of Athens until she met Byron Date: circa 1809
Mary Anne Chaworth (Bw)MARY ANNE CHAWORTH Byron proposed to her in 1803, but she very sensibly rejected him and married John Musters of Colwick Hall Date: 1786 - 1832
Augusta Leigh (Hayter)AUGUSTA LEIGH half-sister of Byron Date: circa 1800
Countess Guiccioli / BrockCOUNTESS GUICCIOLI - Italian Noblewoman and lady friend of Lord Byron Date: 1801 - 1873
Countess Guiccioli / ChalnCOUNTESS GUICCIOLI - Italian Noblewoman and lady friend of Lord Byron Date: 1801 - 1873
Byron / Palazzo MocenigoByron strikes a romantic attitude in his Italian home, the Villa Mocenigo
Byron / Athens / ConventATHENS, GREECE Greek residence of Byron, aristocrat and Romantic poet: a Franciscan convent Date: 1811
Byron / Diodati / GreeceDIODATI, GREECE Greek residence of Byron, aristocrat and Romantic poet Date: early 19th century
Byron / Hucknall ChurchHUCKNALL CHURCH Monument to Byron, aristocrat and Romantic poet, in his local church at Hucknall, Nottinghamshire Date: 1837
Byron / Annesley HallANNESLEY HALL Home of Mary Anne Chaworth, the woman who rejected Byrons proposal of marriage in 1803 Date: 1847
Byron / Newstead / Linby XLINBY CROSS, NEAR NEWSTEAD ABBEY Monument to Byron, aristocrat and Romantic poet, near his Nottinghamshire home Date: 25 February 1837
Mary Anne ChaworthMARY ANNE CHAWORTH Byron proposed to her in 1803, but she very sensibly rejected him and married John Musters of Colwick Hall Date: 1786 - 1832
Anne, Lady Byron (FreemnANNA ISABELLA MILBANKE Lady Byron (1815 to 1816) Date: 1792 - 1860
Teresa CogniMARGARITA COGNI a friend Date: circa 1800
Byron and DogWith his dog Lyon in Greece Date: 1788 - 1824
Byron (Whitaker)GEORGE GORDON, lord BYRON in 1819, at age 30/31 Date: 1788 - 1824
Byron (Gauci)GEORGE GORDON, lord BYRON Date: 1788 - 1824