Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterflyA mounted specimen of Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly from Papua New Guinea. Male specimen measuring 188 mm across wingtips. See 14964 for the female which is larger
Red Admiral ButterflyRED ADMIRAL & PEACOCK BUTTERFLIES. Their brightly coloured wing markings are shown clearly
Red Admiral ButterflyThe RED ADMIRAL and other English butterflies
London Pride & Gold. RodSAXIFRAGA URBIUM (LONDON PRIDE) and SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA (GOLDEN ROD) depicted with various butterflies
Insects of SurinamPlate 7 from Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium (1726) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717) & Johanna Helena Herolt (1668-1773)
A Golden Girl by BarribalA colour illustration of a young girl holding a piece of golden fabric, mimicking the surrounding butterflies
Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by J Mulder, from a visit to Suriname, South America
Insects of SurinamPlate 9 from Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium (1726) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717) & Johanna Helena Herolt (1668-1773)
Countryside Flowers and ButterfliesRed Admiral and Peacock Butterflies amid a mass of vegetation including berries, rosehips, ivy and holly
Folklore / FairiesFairy flying with butterflies
Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by P Sluyter, from a visit to Suriname, South America
British Butterflies - Various - including: Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly (male), Wood White Butterfly, Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (female), Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (at rest)
Phoebis sennae, cloudless sulphur butterflyPhotograph of a mounted specimen of cloudless sulphur. Male. Species occurs on the Galapagos Islands
I kiss your little hand, madame, by J. NicolsonIllustration of a glamorous lady catching butterflies
Papillons - butterfliesVariety of butterflies and moths. Date: 1930
Entomological specimens of LepidopteraUnidentified photograph of mounted specimens of butterflies and moths
Inachis io, peacock butterflyPlate 23 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Morpho cypris, blue morpho butterflyButterfly from Central America. South America. Specimen on display at the Natural History Museum at Tring, part of the Natural History Museum, London
Butterflies in LarousseVarious decorative butterflies Date: 1913
The Butterfly by BarribalGorgeous and sumptuous illustration by William Barribal featuring a woman dressed as a butterfly. Date: 1914
Butterflies and flowers on a palette-shaped Christmas cardButterflies and flowers with a snow scene on a palette-shaped Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s
H. W. Bates illustrated notebooksPlate 7 from a notebook of Henry W. Bates (1825-92) relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854
The Sketch Summer Number front cover, 1933Stunning, graphic, art deco style front cover designed by Erte with stylised flowers, butterflies and a face in profile
Curtis British Entomology Plate 304Lepidoptera: Paucalia woodiella = Euclemensia woodiella (Manchester Tinea) [Plant: Cephalanthera damosonium (Epipactis grandiflora L. or E. pallens Swartz, White Epipactis)] Date: 1824-39
Pharmacophagus antenor, giant swallowtailGiant swallowtail butterfly and the common rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae). Plate 15 from Insects of India by Edward Donovan (1768-1837)
Butterflies from the Amazon by H. W. BatesA page (p 144) from a notebook of Henry W. Bates relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854
Caprimulgus vociferus, whip-poor-willPlate 82 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
The Butterfly by Muriel DawsonA little girl, knee deep in a field of wild flowers, picks some to make a charming bunch on which a Red Admiral butterfly lingers
Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterflDigital image of the upperside of a mounted specimen of a Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly from the family Papilionidae
Cabbage White Butterflies Date: 1868
Large Blue Butterflies Date: 1868
Morpho rhetenor, blue morpho butterflyIllustrative plate of a blue morpho butterfly from Insects of China by Edward Donovan (1768-1837)
Inachis io, peacock butterflyPlate 23 from Illustrations of British Butterflies and their Larvae (1892) by Theo Johnson. Cropped image of illustration
Beetles and ButterfliesInsects of the English countryside - including Stag Beetle (lucanus), Tiger Beetle (cicindelida) and a variety of butterflies and moths (lepidoptera)
Peacock Butterflies Date: 1868
Ornithoptera croesus, Wallaces golden birdwing butterfly
La Saison des Papillons by NickCharming illustration by Nick showing a young woman in a perfectly coordinated 1920s outfit with cloche hat, clasping her hands in delight as she looks a butterflies flitting in the air
Ballet dancersArt Nouveau style illustration depicting two ballet dancers decorated with petals and butterflies. Artist: Ethel Larcombe Date: circa 1910
Clouded Yellow Butterflies Date: 1868
Motacilla alba, white wagtailPlate 2 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 3 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Apatura iris, purple emperorPlate 20 from Illustrations of British Butterflies and their Larvae (1892) by Theo Johnson. Cropped image of illustration
Swallowtail Butterflies Date: 1868
Large Copper Butterflies Date: 1868
Ananas comosus (pineapple) & Philaethria didoPineapple tree (Ananas comosus) with butterfly, caterpillar & crysalis (Philaethria dido). Plate 2 from Metamorphosis Insectorum (1705) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717)
Examples of mimicry among butterfliesPlate from On the lepidoptera of the Amazon Valley. Transactions of the Linnean Society, by H.W. Bates, 1862
Papilio polytes & Papilio polymnesterThe common mormon (Papilio polytes) and the blue mormon (Papilio polymnestor). Plate 20 from Insects of India by Edward Donovan (1768-1837)
H. W. Bates illustrated notebookPlate 7 from a notebook of Henry W. Bates (1825-92) relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854
Butterflies painted by H. W. BatesA page from a notebook of Henry W. Bates relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854
Rosa indica (chinensis), China rosePainting by Pierre Joseph Redoute (1759-1840), from his publication Choix des plus belles fleurs (The Most Beautiful Flowers), c. 1827-33. Illustration entitled Rosier Bengale the hymenee
Snake TattooThe latest craze for feminine beauty is the tattooing of the back with serpents, butterflies, etc. This picture was taken in a London salon. Date: 1929
Bougainvillea spectabilis visited by butterflies Date: circa 1840
Chinese Cats / SilkwormsThese magical spirit-cats perform the vital function of keeping away the rats which would otherwise devour the silkworms : the flowers also keep the worms healthy
Monarch ButterflyMONARCH BUTTERFLY (danais archippus)
Girl / Country Meadow 1890A little girl lies among the daisies in a spring meadow
Fairies and Elves FeastFeasting and fun among the fuchsias - fairies and elves are visited by butterflies, which gives you some idea how tiny they are !
Inachis io Linneaus, peacock butterflyClose up of wing of peacock butterfly from the family Nymphalida. Magnified wing detail from specimen held at the Natural History Museum, London
Butterfly studiesA plate from a field note book of Rose Monteiro depicting butterfly studies
Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly
Morpho menelaus, blue morphoScanning electron microscope image of the wing scales from the wing of a South American blue morpho butterfly (x 670 on a standard 9 cm wide print)
Coccyzus americanus, yellow-billed cuckooPlate 2 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved by W.H. Lizars, Edinburgh, retouched by R. Havell & Son, London
White ButterflyA black veined White Butterfly (Aporia Crataegi). Date: 1930s
Country Flowers and ButterfliesMany varieties of wild flowers with a Cabbage White and Tortoiseshell butterflies. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
On Christmas Day in the country - some of the animals which might be found hibernating or over-wintering in the vicinity of farm buildings - a hidden population of winter sleepers
Africa - Precis octavia, the gaudy commodore butterflyAfrica - Precis octavia, the gaudy commodore, is a species of butterfly in the family Nymphalidae. It is native to Africa. Date: circa 1970s
Edwardian ChildrenEdwardian children out in the country chasing butterflies. Date: 1900
Renaissance painting on vellum by Giulio Clovio, 1573Renaissance art: painting. Painting on vellum by Giulio Clovio on the elevation of Gregory XIII to the Papal throne, 1573
Varieties of butterflies, moths, etcVarieties of butterflies, swallowtails, moths, hawkmoths, and their caterpillars, larvae, pupae, etc. Handcoloured lithograph by C
Varieties of butterflies, moths, etcVarieties of butterflies, moths, and their caterpillars, larvae, pupae, etc. Handcoloured lithograph by C
Models for embroidered muslin purses. With designs of a landscape with cow, birds, butterflies, crosses and lattice patterns. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D
Herald moth and large yellow underwingHerald moth, Scoliopteryx libatrix 1 and large yellow underwing, Noctua pronuba 2. Dainty butterfly, Phalaena noctua libatrix 1, nuptial butterfly, Phalaena noctua pronuba 2
Decorative scenes with red squirrels, birds and insectsTwo red squirrels eating fruit, blue birds, butterflies and insects. Taken from A New Drawing Book of Beasts, Birds, etc
A woman holds a perfume flask as butterflies flutter around it, ancient Persia. She stands with a deer under a willow tree as a musician plays music on a lute
Children playing games with butterflies. A toddler chases an insect in a bedroom, 17th century print. Two boys chase butterflies with nets and hats, 19th century print. Les amusements des enfants
Curtis British Entomology Plate 436Hymenoptera: *Emphytus fasciatus (Banded Tenthredo) [Plant: Sparganium simplex (Less Burr-reed)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 262Coleoptera: Aphanisticus pusillus (Smallest Buprestid) [Plant: Melampyrum cristatum (Crested Cow-wheat)] Date: 1824-39
Morpho menelaus, Cramers blue butterfly
Blue underwing, red underwing and dark crimson underwingBlue underwing, Catocala fraxini, red underwing, Catocala nupta, and dark crimson underwing, Catocala sponsa
Old World swallowtail and southern swallowtailOld World swallowtail, Papilio machaon, and alexanor or southern swallowtail, Papilio alexanor
Curtis British Entomology Plate 80Coleoptera: Parnus impressus = Dryops luridus (Impressed Parnus) [Plant: Aster tripolium (Sea Starwort)] Date: 1824-39
Art deco sketch by C. E. Shand for Butterflies, 1920sArt deco sketch by C.E. Shand for Butterflies, 1920s Date: 1920s
Jeunes TrottinsThis illustration portrays three young women standing close together by a lamp post, surrounded by flitting butterflies, one of the girls is looking over her shoulder, cheekily cocking a snook
Dubarry The Heart Of A Rose AdvertisementAn advertisement illustration for Dubarry et Cie, London based perfumers. The image promotes an exquisite new perfume, The Heart of a Rose, accompanied by a pink rose surrounded by butterflies
The Blue ButterfliesA still life painting of a couple of vases of flowers, one containing a wide mixture of coloured specimens, while the other comprises mainly of red poppies