Quiet music practice / W H RobinsonWhen practicing ones musical instrument, there is only one person who wants to hear it - the aspiring performer
J. C. Vickery AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement for J. C. Vickery, with picture examples of some wicker gardening baskets, complete with secateurs, trowels, forks, budding knives and other useful equipment
Advert, Samuelson's lawn mowing machinesAdvert, Samuelson's Registered Budding's lawn mowing machines, Britannia Works, Banbury Date: 1856
Victorian Calendar, March, Flowers are Budding. circa 1888
Chocolate box design, three red rosesChocolate box design, featuring three red roses. Date: 20th century
Chocolate box design, four pink rosesChocolate box design, featuring four pink roses. Date: 20th century
PLAYING SOLDIERSA budding Bonaparte invites his troops to salute the tricouleur, waving his sword while a bugler blows Date: circa 1880
PLAYING AT SOLDIERS / 1880A budding Bonaparte invites his troops to salute the tricolore, waving his sword while a bugler blows Date: circa 1880
Large Flowering Sensitive Plant, engraved by Stadler after Philip Reinagle, in a book entitled The Temple of Flora by Dr Robert John Thornton (1768-1837)
Rosa Betty Uprichard, a variety of large-flowered rose of the Rosaceae family with salmon pink flowers. Seen here in close-up are three partially opened flowers
Rosa Emma Wright, a tea rose of the Rosaceae family. Seen here in close-up with bright orange flowers, some open and some in bud
Knitted sleeveless waistcoat, circa 1941A lady models a knitted sleeveless waistcoat, circa 1941. She holds what looks like a budding chesnut branch in her hands-perhaps shes doing a spot of gardening. Date: c. 1941
Actors discuss rates of payFirst Budding Actor (to second budding actor) - " Oh yes, you hear about those salaries of Twenty-five and thirty shillings, but you never get em." Date: 1901