The French Memorial - Lyle Hill, GreenockThe Free French Memorial - Lyle Hill, Greenock with Cardwell Bay and Gourock in background - Scotland
Saint VeronicaSAINT VERONICA she used her handkerchief to mop Jesuss brow as he carried his cross, and miraculously the image of his features was imprinted on it !
The Brewer 1827Brewers sweat and toil as they stir and brew beer and haul heavy barrels up and down a ladder next to the sweltering heat of a kiln
Walkers on the brow of a hill making a silhouette. Taken near Abridge, Essex. Date: 1950s
Woodcock View, Cobbs Brow Lane, Newburgh, Wigan, EnglandWoodcock View, Cobbs Brow Lane, Newburgh, Wigan, near Skelmersdale, Lancashire, England. Date: 1940
Lanius collurio, red-backed shrikePlate 15 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 2 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Strong Cheese repels diner and waiterOne of the Market Reports illustrated postcard series
Wigan Junction Colliery Pit Brow Lasses
Motacilla flava, yellow wagtailWatercolour by Henrik Gr ld (1924-5)
Aneurysmal tumor on the forehead of a young man, 1815. The tumor had been growing for seven years before it was cut out from Mr R---n, a 25-year-old man. Aneurism of the Forehead, Mr. R
A landscape oil painting of a lone tree, ideally perched on a rock edge overlooking the ocean, beside a public footpath. Date: circa 1921
The Antichrist - brow marked with the Number of the BeastAccording to Le Livre Apadno, the Antichrist - his brow marked with the Number of the Beast (666) - alarms the Church while a Freemason (?) watches, illumined by a comet Date: circa 1890
Pit Brow Lasses, Moss Hall, Lancashire, Victorian period Date: 19th century
Sowerby Bridge - Bolton Brow Prospect Inn
Sowerby Bridge Bolton Brow early 1900s
Berry Brow early 1900's
Wigan Junction Colliery Pit Brow Lasses early 1900s
The Old Mill, Mt. St. Gilead, N. S. WA landscape etching of a large, old windmill, standing on the brow of a hill at Mt. St. Gilead in new South Wales, Australia. Date: circa 1919
Lady riding side-saddle on a donkeyA pretty young lady is transported in style on a donkey, sheletered from the midday sun by a parasol
Women and children, miningWomen and children of the mining districts. Children would gather coal. A Typical Pit-brow Woman; She was one of the 6, 221 females employed above ground
The MillThis etching shows a lone standing wind mill, on the brow of a hill, on a cloudy day. Date: circa 1919
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Gun shooting over Navarre
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Battle of Brunete (July 1937). Soldiers facing an attack of artillery and red aviation in the point 333. Drawing
A touch of gout - an elderly gentleman mops his brow whilst his wife and young daughter attend to him Date: Nineteenth century
Native Americans of Nootka. Nootka man with tattooed brow and nose ring, men and women in woven hats, animal-skin cloaks, earrings and facial piercings, and baby in papoose
RACQUETS AT BELVEDEREA pairs match is watched by a high-brow crowd at Belvedere. Date: 1858
Saint Veronica she used her handkerchief to mop Jesuss brow as he carried his cross, and miraculously the image of his features was imprinted on it ! Date: 1st century
Kashmir - ragged man carries bricks in basketA ragged man carries bricks in basket on his shoulders as he labours in the streets of Srinagar, Kashmir Date: 1989
The Brow Chakra. Date: 1927
Ragtime, Arab horse decorated with WW1 medalsRagtime, also known as Raggie, was a grey Arab horse, pictured here with his five medals displayed on his brow band
Cricketers Hirst, Haigh and Rhodes, Blake Lee Guest HouseCricketers George Herbert Hirst, Schofield Haigh and Wilfred Rhodes, Blake Lee Guest House, Marsden, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England
Brabyns Brow, Marple, CheshireAlthough no longer cobbled, this view remains much as it was over 100 years ago when this photogrpah was taken
Pulling a ridiculous expressionA German man pulls a ridiculous, daft, absurd and frankly rather manic facial expression! Date: circa 1910s
Rolls Royce RB39 Clyde axial turboprop on the testbedRolls-Royce RB39 Clyde axial turboprop on the testbed at Gyll Brow. circa 1947. Date: 1947
Chaetodon lunula, raccoon butterflyfishFf. 27a Vol 2. Watercolour painting by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage to explore the southern continent 1768-1771
Victorian scrap - The Old EarlVictorian Scrap - The Old Earl. late 19th century
Una Merkel, MGM star, applying Max Factor make upUna Merkel (December 10, 1903 January 2, 1986) was an American stage, film and television actress. Pictured in applying Max Factors eyebrow pencil in a promotional booklet for the cosmetics company
Portrait head of a roman manPortrait head from a statue of a roman nobleman. 40 BC. Marble. Probably made in Alexandria. From Cyprus. British Museum. London. England. United Kingdom
Pit Brow GirlsPit brow women Date: circa 1905
Aldous Leonard HuxleyALDOUS LEONARD HUXLEY English Man of Letters. Seen here in 1931. Date: 1894 - 1963
Cosmic Facial LinesMETOPOSCOPY : Even the furrows in your brow are due, not to intense mental effort or worry, but to the activities of the stars in their courses... Date: 16/17th century
Flannel Brow, Newhey, Rochdale, EnglandFlannel Brow, Newhey, Rochdale, near Littleborough, England. Date: 1904
Pit Brow Lasses at Work, England. Date: 1900s
Spermophila supercilarisPlate 7 from Gyula Madaraszs Zeitschrift Fur Die Gesammte Ornithologie, Vol. 2, (1885) Annotated Spermophila superciliaris. This science name is no longer valid
Turdus pilaris, fieldfarePlate 35 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 2 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Cinclodes patagonicus, dark-bellied cinclodesFf. 160. Watercolour painting by George Forster annotated Motacilla gracula and made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)
Anas querquedula, garganeyPlate 17 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 5 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Eudyptes chrysocome, rockhopper penguinFf. 45, watercolour by William Ellis from a collection of sketches of Mammals, Birds and Fish made on Captian James Cooks third voyage (1776-1780)
Lyrurus tetrix, Eurasian black grousePlate 6 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 4 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Cossyphra caffra, cape robin-chatFf. 147a. Watercolour painting by George Forster annotated Turdus phoenicurus and made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)
Falco biarmicus, lanner falconPlate from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 1, (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Lichenostomus keartlandi, grey-fronted honeyeaterPlate 40, hand coloured lithograph by John and Elizabeth Gould from John Goulds The Birds of Australia, Vol.4, (1840-1848)
Hemiprocne mystacea, moustached treeswiftPlate 24 from John Goulds The Birds of Asia, Vol. 1, (1850-83). Hand coloured lithograph
Ramphodon naevius, saw-billed hermitPlate 1, hand coloured lithograph from John Goulds A Monograph of the Trochilidae or Family of Hummingbirds, Vol.1, (1849-1861)
Erythacus rubecula, European robinPlate 57 from Illustrations of British Birds Vol. 2, (1835-50) by Henry Leonard Meyer
Garrulax cachinnans, nilgiri laughing thrushPlate 1, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Lanius cristatus, brown shrikePlate 11, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Tarsiger indicus, white-browed scrub-robinPlate 22, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Parus spilonotus, yellow cheeked titPlate 40, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Dendrocitta leucogastra, white-billed treepiePlate 41, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Megalaima viridis, white-cheeked barbetPlate 1, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Pomatorhinus horsfieldi, Indian scimitar babblerPlate 3, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Motacilla maderaspatensis, white-browed wagtailPlate 8, watercolour by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn from her Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous, (1858)
Coereba flaveola bahamensis, bananaquitPlate 59, hand coloured etching from The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands (1731-43) Vol. 1 by Mark Catesby
Sayornis phoebe, eastern phoebe, Vireo olivaceus, red-eyed vPlate 54, hand coloured etching from The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands (1731-43) Vol. 1 by Mark Catesby
Tetrao tetrix, black grousePlate 16 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Sylvia borin, garden warbler, Luscinia svecica, bluethroatPlate 10 from Archibald Thorburns second edtition of British Birds, Vol. 1 (1925)
Accipiter nisus, Eurasian sparrowhawkPlate 81 from Archibald Thorburns second edtition of British Birds, Vol. 2 (1925)
Regulus satrapa, golden-crowned kingletWatercolour drawing by John Abbot from his Birds of Georgia, (1827)
Turdus philomelos, song thrush, Turdus iliacus, redwingPlate 78, hand coloured lithograph by John and Elizabeth Gould from John Goulds The Birds of Europe, Vol. 2 (1832-37)
Tetrao urogallus, western capercailliePlate 248, hand coloured lithograph by John and Elizabeth Gould from John Goulds The Birds of Europe, Vol. 4 (1832-1837)
Spiza americana, dickcisselPlate 384 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1835-38), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Tympanuchus phasianellus, sharp-tailed grousePlate 382 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1835-38), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Sterna forsteri, Forsters tern, Sterna trudeaui, Trudeau sPlate 408 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1835-38), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Stercorarius longicaudus, long-tailed jaegerPlate 328 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1835-38), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Fratercula corniculata, horned puffinPlate 293 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1834-35), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Eudyptes pachyrhynchus, Fiordland penguinWatercolour and pencil by Richard Laishley (c. 1863-83)
Eudyptes robustus, snares penguin, E. pachyrhynchus, FiordlaWatercolour by John Gerrard Keulemans (c. 1887-1905)
Silhouette of a 19th century danceSilhouette of couples at a 19th century dance (Jane Austen period), with a trio of musicians in the background. 1818
Intellectual child cynic by David WilsonHumorous cartoon showing a small, rather grown-up and intellectual boy lying on his bed reading while the radio is on and saying to his mother, There goes that Childrens Hour
Portrait of a middle-aged manHead and shoulders portrait of a middle-aged man
Pieter BurmanPIETER BURMAN Dutch scholar and poet - Fame trumpets his praises, a cupid carves his name on a monument while others prepare garlands to ornament his brow... Date: 1668 - 1741
Gambia - An Oil palm fruiting head