The Modern WitchA reckless looking witch in a 1920s flapper dress cackles to herself as she rides her broomstick. Date: 1920s
Halloween / Witch DancesA witch dances with her black cat and a pumpkin
Demon and WitchesA countrywoman is amazed to see two witches - one male, one female - flying past escorted by the Devil who, it seems, also needs a broomstick
North Berwick Witches and Dr Fian in a churchyardThe North Berwick Witches and Dr Fian fly round a church, some on broomsticks, as confessed to King James
Brocks Fireworks Flying Witch Date: 1900s
Witches & FamiliarsWitches with their familiars, one of which has learnt to fly a broomstick on its own ! Date: circa 1600
Witch & Cat & BroomstickA witch flies to the sabbat with her cat on her broomstick
Witches over TownWitches on their broomsticks fly over the roofs of their town
Witch on BroomstickA witch rides through the starlit sky on her broomstick, carrying a baby she has borrowed from its mum
A Wood Witch flying over the land on her stick
Fight between a landlady and soldierMeg Dods and Captain McTurk ; the Captain protects himself from the onslaught of the furious landlady, Meg. Date: 1843
Joanna Southcote and the Public DisputationsColour illustration/cartoon, " The Imposter
Cinderella dreams of a better lifePoor downtrodden Cinderella sits in the kitchen, dreaming of a better life (so distracted she misses the little birds tucking in to the supper for her evil sisters)
Making Brooms from HazelMaking besoms - a particular type of broom - by splitting hazel, Penmach, Caernarvonshire, Wales
Child on Broomstick 1926A small child flies through the air on a broomstick, watched by his companions on the ground
There was an Old WomanThere was an old woman who rode on a broom, with a high gee ho, gee humble; and she took her old cat behind for a groom, with a bimble, bamble, bumble
Witch Abducts a ChildA witch abducts a small child and then carries it off on her broomstick. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/Mary Evans Picture Library
Spanish WitchA Spanish witch, airborne over the rooftops of Barcelona, carries a new recruit to the sabbat on her broomstick
Witch AirborneA traditional witch flies through the air with - but not on - her broomstick
Cinderella / Warwick GobleCinderella by the fireside