Tesla Coil - TwainTESLAs COIL Author Mark Twain holds a loop over a resonating coil : high- tension current passes through his body before it brings the lamps to incandescence
Spaten Brau Publicity 2A waitress brings four seidels of frothy Spaten-Brau
Diver and OctopusDivers are periodically at odds with octopi, and diver Palmer, at Cape Town, is one of many - but a tug on his line brings help from his colleagues
Wounded Saved by DogA wounded French soldier at the battle of the Marne is saved when the regimental dogs bark brings ambulance men to where he is lying
Housemaid Carries CoalsThe housemaid brings up a scuttle full of coal
Circus Acrobats / GarnierA female acrobat balances on her hands and brings her ankles level with her ears
Jamaica EarthquakeWhen Jamaica is devastated by an earthquake, the Royal Navy brings food and supplies for the victims
Scything the HayFour men scythe hay into rows : a woman brings their lunch
Penelope Brings the BowAt Ithaca, Odysseus despondent wife Penelope and her maids bring Odysseus bow to the Suitors. If any of them are strong enough to string it, they win her hand
He Raises LazarusHe brings Lazarus, the brother of his friends Martha and Mary, back to life
Postman (Petherick)London characters: the POSTMAN brings letters of thanks, letters from banks, letters of joy from girl and boy, receipted bills and invitations... (Auden)
Ice Cream Seller & DogA sudden spell of hot weather brings ice cream vendors many customers, including this dog who insists on being served along with his small owner
Butler and TrayThe butler brings a packet of cigarettes on a tray
Electric Rail DinnerStill another use for electricity: a miniature railway that brings food from the pantry to the table, removing the need for contact with troublesome servants
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. An ardent suitor brings blue flowers to a pretty young girl. Date: 1920s
Birthday Greetings Postcard - Cockchafers call on FroggieBirthday Greetings Postcard - Mr and Mrs Cockchafer (May Bugs or Doodlebugs) call on Froggie (who appears to be running an inn or pub) and present him with a bouquet of daisies on his Birthday
The Zulu war. The entrenched position at Rorke's DriftThe scene as reinforcements arrive at Rorke's Drift, successfully defended by the British from 3, 000 Zulus
JESUS REVIVES LAZARUSHe brings Lazarus back from the dead as a favour to his sisters Mary and Martha. Date: circa 1
ST MARTIN'S MIRACLESaint Martin of Tours, by the force of prayer, brings a dead man back to life Date: circa 350
BLIND HOPE AT LOURDESThe crowd throng to Lourdes, led by Hope - blindfolded - and a feeble priest, while Death brings up the rear... Date: 1894
Paul Revere tells Sullivan news which leads him to attack Fort William & Mary Date: 13 December 1774
Missionary Francis Xavier in JapanFrancis Xavier brings a dead man to life Date: circa 1550
Christmas greetings card - Little girl brings in the puddingChristmas greetings card - Little girl brings in the Christmas pudding, topped with a sprig of holly. Date: circa 1937
Comic Christmas postcard, Father brings home the goose Date: 20th century
Entrance to site of German POW Camp FoucarvilleEventually the camp held 40, 000 prisoners including 218 Generals and 6 Admirals. It was effectively a full blown town with a 1, 000 bed hospital, a cinema, electric lights, a ballroom and shops
CHRISTMAS DINNERTo the delight of her large family, mama brings in the Christmas pudding
The PEACE OF WESTPHALIA signed at Osnaburg (or MUNSTER where further signatures were added on 24 October) brings the war to an end though France and Spain continue fighting Date: 6 August 1648
Laying Pipe Date: 1948
GIFTS FOR OLD COTTAGERThe lady of the manor brings a hamper of goodies to an old cottager on the estate. Date: 1877
SWEETS / 1ST DAY OF TERMA little girl brings in a large cone of sweets on the first day of term. Date: 1930
Cartoon, The New Years Gift (old age pensions)Cartoon, The New Years Gift - 1909 brings in the Old Age Pension. Date: 1909
JAIRUSS DAUGHTER REBORNJesus brings the daughter of Jairus back to life
Mother Girl Flowers 1896A little girl brings a pot of flowers to her mother. Date: 1896
ZEUS AND OTHER GODSHermes brings a message to Zeus as, accompanied by Hera, he presides over a family gathering of the gods including Aphrodite, Minerva, Apollo and others
MAID BRINGS IN DINNERFamily sits round the table while the maid brings round the lunch Date: 1917
BAD NEWS FROM KITCHENThe maid brings bad news from the kitchen... Date: 1883
Postman of MontenegroA postman of Montenegro brings a letter to a housewife as she sits at her spinning wheel. Date: circa 1900
SERVING MORNING TEAA maid brings an early pot of tea to her mistress as she lies in bed Date: 1904
MAID BRINGS BREAKFASTLe petit dejeuner du matin The housemaid brings the young mistress her breakfast in bed Date: 1910
MAID BRINGS FLOWERSA Frenchwoman indicates to her housemaid the precise position in which she would like her to place a bowl of flowers, and please, try not to spill it... Date: 1929
Social History - Dog brings home newspaper with young childSocial History - Britain, winter - Dog brings home newspaper (in its mouth) with a young child who has been out shopping for fruit. Date: circa 1910s
Therese Martin, St Therese of LisieuxTherese Martin(1873-1897), known postumously as Sainte Therese de l Enfant Jesus(St Therese of Lisieux)
All Aboard for MargateIllustration by F. Matania showing the New Palace Steamer, the Koh-i-noor leaving Old Swan Pier for Margate, 1906
WW2 Poster -- Malaria Strikes the UnprotectedMalaria Strikes the Unprotected, Darkness brings Danger, Be Prepared. Colour photolithograph poster published by the Times of India Press, Bombay, warning against malaria
Medieval Castle InteriorThe bedchamber of a mediaeval castle - a traveller brings news from the Holy Land
Frost in London, 19th centuryA touch of frost in London brings chaos to the streets, with horses slipping on the icy surfaces. Date: 1865
Futen, God of the WindsThe Japanese god of the winds brings winter storms and spring zephyrs in his sack, and the Meteorological Office have to guess which he will produce next
Easter Rabbit ClothedAn Easter rabbit wearing a red coat and stripy trousers brings someone a bouquet of flowers
Christmas, Winter - Young girl on Skis brings home MistletoeChristmas, Winter - Young girl on Skis brings home a large bunch of Mistletoe. Date: circa 1908
Francis ResuscitatesSAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI brings the son of the Spini family back to life - by the look of things, this is a posthumous miracle performed at the saints tomb. Date: 1182 - 1226
Babies and BouquetsLadies, be on your guard ! The young man who brings you a bunch of flowers may bring you more than you expect ! Date: circa 1905
Seasick passengersThe cabin of a Channel packet (between England and France); several passengers feeling very sorry for themselves, while a steward brings pots. Date: circa 1830
Bucharest ConferenceThe 27th Inter-Parliamentary Conference (now the Inter- Parliamentary Union), at Bucharest, Romania. It brings together parliamentarians to discuss international problems Date: 1931
Ww1 Cartoon / Eagle 1918The German Eagle brings the Allies as food for her nestlings Date: 7 April 1918
German Newspaper 1804Front page of the HALLESCHE KURIER, with a nice woodcut of a courier blowing his horn as he brings the news to the patrons of a country tavern. Date: 3 May 1804
Hero-Maiden JohannaDuring the siege of Luneburg, hero-maiden Johanna Stegen brings ammunition to the Germans Date: 2 April 1813
German Family SceneEvening coffee and cakes in a German household : mama knits, the daughter of the house brings the cakes while her brother sets a stool : none seems particularly cheerful Date: circa 1860
Cicero Boy and LetterMARCUS TULLIUS CICERO a boy brings in a letter, which he doesn t seem particularly pleased to receive Date: 106-43 BC
Versailles Treaty 1783The Treaty of Versailles brings the fighting between Britain and France to an end - for a few years... Date: 3 September 1783
Folklore / RingPOLYCRATES, TYRANT OF SAMOS throws a precious ring into the sea, to ward off ill luck, but a fisherman finds it and brings it to him - and soon Polycrates is murdered... Date: circa 515 BC
Lydon / Village DancingDancing on the village green brings old and young people together Date: circa 1860
Aristocratic LeveeAn aristocrat at his morning levee : while a valet puts the finishing touches to his toilette, a manservant brings a book for his lady friend Date: mid-18th century
Stork Brings BabyA stork brings William Elmer Didelius to his expectant family, on 19 December 1908, carrying 11 lb (about 5 kg) of baby, plus wrapping, in its beak Date: 1908
House of Lords, 1842HOUSE OF LORDS Queen Victoria brings the Parliamentary session to a close in the ceremony of prorogation. Date: August 1842
Victorian Scrap - Aladdin brings back the Princess to her father. late 19th century
Bringing in the Boars Head (and the Colmans Mustard!) - Christmas Feasting tradition. Date: circa 17th century
WWI Poster, Each recruit brings peace nearerWWI Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Poster, Each recruit brings peace nearer. With Allied flags on either side. Date: 1915
WW2 Poster -- Be PreparedA Story and a Warning, .Darkness brings Danger, Be Prepared. Colour photolithograph poster, published by The Times of India Press, Bombay
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee posterEach recruit brings Peace nearer. Poster No. 86, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. Printed by Andrew Reid & Co. 50 Grey Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. English School
Phoning SantaYoung girl calling Santa to make sure he brings her new toys ob Christmas Day. Date: circa 1908
Linnaeus and SceneCARL VON LINNE, known as LINNAEUS Swedish naturalist, with a scene showing him botanising in a park while a gardener brings him specimens. Date: 1707-1778
Three children welcome in the New YearThree children crowd around the window as a little sprite brings a note wishing them a happy new year. Date: c. 1920
Spain (1868). Glorious Revolution. SS. Viajeros" Spain (1868). Glorious Revolution. " SS. Viajeros al Tren...", caricature of the magazine " La Flaca". Joan Prim drives the train that brings the monarchy
Dead Stags at BalmoralAt Balmoral, Albert brings back some dead stags so that his wife may admire his prowess with the gun Date: 1853
St Nicolas Brings GiftsSaint Nicolas brings presents to good children Date: 1905
A strange visitor brings a war telegram to the Czar. Print shows a cossack wearing a conch shell as a disguise bringing a telegram to Tsar Nicholas II. Date 1904 or 1905
Hey fellows! Your money brings the book we need when we want it American Library Association, United War Work Campaign, Week of November 11, 1918
This is the market where the storekeeper buys the food and brings it to his store near your house. Poster about wholesale food markets. Date 1936 or 1937
Bedroom FurnitureA modern desk brings this Victorian garret bedroom up to date! Date: 1930s
Bringing home the turfA Colleen (a young unmarried Irish girl) bringing home a wicket backpack full of cut turf. Date: 1909
English FarmyardThe Farmyard, Budbrook, Warwickshire, England. The farmer brings in a newly born Friesian calf. Date: 1950s
Little TernsTwo Lesser Tern birds, the (female) hen sits on the nest, while the (male) cock brings in the rations. Date: 1930s
Green FodderA Wiltshire farmer brings in a forkful of green fodder for his livestock Date: 1907
Malvern Water Cure (7)(7 of 12) Water Cure at Malvern. First morning at the Water Cure (Bathman brings the wet sheet) " But I m sure I will get my death of cold"