Bridgewater Canal MapMap showing the route of the proposed canal from Worsley to Manchester and thence to the Mersey, to be built by engineer James Brindley for the duke of Bridgewater
Flight Lieut. Nicholson winning the Victoria Cross; Second WIllustration showing Flight Lieutenant James Brindley Nicholson shooting down a Messerschmitt 110 fighter-bomber over Southampton on 16th August 1940
James Brindley / HollJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineer
James Brindley / ParsonsJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineer
James Brindley / CroftJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineers home, known as Brindleys Croft Date: 1716 - 1772
James Brindley / GraveJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineers burial place, New Chapel Date: 1716 - 1772
James Brindley / ThomsonJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineer Date: 1716 - 1772
James Brindley / HintonJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineer Date: 1716 - 1772
James Brindley / TurnhurstJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineers home at Turnhurst Date: 1716 - 1772
James Brindley
Bridgewater CanalWork in progress at Worsley Basin, the terminus of the canal which James Brindley is building for the duke of Bridgewater, from Worsley to the Mersey via Manchester
James Brindley / CondeJAMES BRINDLEY English canal engineer