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Breeding Collection

Background imageBreeding Collection: Miss Richmond and her deerhounds

Miss Richmond and her deerhounds
Miss M. Richmond of the Warren, nearly Henley-on-Thames, pictured with her Bridge Sollers deerhounds, the largest kennel of the ancient breed at the time

Background imageBreeding Collection: Royal Corgi family tree

Royal Corgi family tree
Graphic from the Illustrated London News laying out the family tree and lineage of the corgis owned by Queen Elizabeth II. 1987

Background imageBreeding Collection: Bonzos Latest: This Weeks Studdy

Bonzos Latest: This Weeks Studdy
Famous dog, just after he had finally been christened with the name Bonzo. He appears with a swollen eye after fighting with a wasp

Background imageBreeding Collection: Toulouse geese with dewlap, cock and hen

Toulouse geese with dewlap, cock and hen. Oie de Toulouse a bavette, Anser anser domesticus. Bred by James Watts, winners of five first prizes

Background imageBreeding Collection: Silver spangled Hamburgh cock and hen

Silver spangled Hamburgh cock and hen, Henry Beldons pair, Cup at Allerton 1871, Hen first at Birmingham 1871, and cup at Bristol 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Lama pacos, alpaca

Lama pacos, alpaca
Alpaca. Llama Alpaca, 1884. Hand coloured lithograph of a drawing by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins from Gleanings from the Menagerie and Aviary at Knowsley Hall; Hoofed Quadrupeds, 1850

Background imageBreeding Collection: Silver-grey Dorking hen

Silver-grey Dorking hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by O.F. Cresswell and first prize winner at Ashford, second prize winner at Birmingham 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: White-faced black Spanish

White-faced black Spanish, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Cups for chickens at Bristol 1872. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Ovis aries, sheep

Ovis aries, sheep
Plate 2 from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands Vol. 2, 1842, by David Low (1786-1859). Entitled Breed of the Higher Welsh Mountains

Background imageBreeding Collection: Racing Greyhound pups in a barrow

Racing Greyhound pups in a barrow
A wheelbarrow filled with racing greyhound pups at the G.R.A. Staffordshire breeding ground, prior to transfer to the kennels at Northaw, Middlesex

Background imageBreeding Collection: Japanese bantams, black bantams and Pekin bantams

Japanese bantams, black bantams and Pekin bantams. Mrs. Woodcocks Japanese white bantams, first prize at Crystal Palace 1872. E. Cambridges black bantams, cup winner at Bristol 1873. H. B

Background imageBreeding Collection: Golden spangled Hamburgh cock and hen

Golden spangled Hamburgh cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Henry Beldons pair, cock cup at Birmingham 1870, hen cup at Kendal, Whitehouse and Spalding 1871

Background imageBreeding Collection: Black Hamburgh cock and hen

Black Hamburgh cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Rev. W. Sergeantsons pair, first prize at Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester 1871, and Bristol 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Siberian Stonechat / Asian Stonechat - adult female

Siberian Stonechat / Asian Stonechat - adult female
Sketch 18, Newfoundland Volume. From a collection of original drawings and sketches by Georg Dionysius Ehret (1708-1770). Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageBreeding Collection: Four famous Kentucky Thoroughbreds

Four famous Kentucky Thoroughbreds: Diomed, Boston, Lexington and Glencoe

Background imageBreeding Collection: The Cavalcade of Crufts

The Cavalcade of Crufts
A humorous sequential picture showing the changing tastes of dog breeds in Britain through the years from the Victorian period to 1932

Background imageBreeding Collection: Horsemen 3 - Thessalonia

Horsemen 3 - Thessalonia
THESSALONIANS : renowned for their horse-breeding and their equestrian skills, these people of eastern Greece are depicted here defending their country against the Romans

Background imageBreeding Collection: Rouen ducks

Rouen ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, cock and hen. Bred by J. K. Fowler and winner of cup at Aylesbury. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: White Dorking fowl

White Dorking fowl, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Miss Fairhurst and first prize winner at Colchester 1873

Background imageBreeding Collection: White-crested black Polish chickens

White-crested black Polish chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by P. Unsworth and winners of numerous cups and prizes

Background imageBreeding Collection: Black East India ducks and black Cayuga ducks

Black East India ducks and black Cayuga ducks
Black East India ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, and black Cayuga ducks, Anas rubripes. G. S. Sainsburys black East India duck won the cup at Bristol 1872. The black Cayuga duck were sent by Mr

Background imageBreeding Collection: Henny or hennie game birds

Henny or hennie game birds, Gallus gallus domesticus. Cock and hen. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Malay cock and hen

Malay cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Rev. A.C. Brookes pair, prizes at Crystal Palace and Birmingham 1871, Dublin 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Dark Brahma cockerel

Dark Brahma cockerel, Gallus gallus domesticus, Lady Gwydyrs Sultan, cup at Middleton 1871, winner at Crystal Palace, Birmingham, Bristol

Background imageBreeding Collection: Ancient horse breeders, Kazakhstan

Ancient horse breeders, Kazakhstan
Kazakh men of an ancient tribe on horseback, leading a herd of horses through the steppe

Background imageBreeding Collection: Africa. Congo. Fauna of the Congo river

Africa. Congo. Fauna of the Congo river
History of Africa. 19th century. The Congo. Fauna of the Congo river. Engraving. El Congo y la Creacion del Estado Independiente de este nombre

Background imageBreeding Collection: Calliphora, bluebottle

Calliphora, bluebottle
A bluebottle laying eggs on carrion

Background imageBreeding Collection: Comic postcard, Girl and boy with overflowing rabbit hutch Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Girl and boy with overflowing rabbit hutch Date: 20th century

Background imageBreeding Collection: African Bloodhounds in the Gardens of the Zoological Society

African Bloodhounds in the Gardens of the Zoological Society
The African Bloodhounds in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Canis lupus familiaris. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by J

Background imageBreeding Collection: Golden jackal, Canis aureus

Golden jackal, Canis aureus. The Jackals in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Henry Bunbury as Geoffrey Gambado riding a horse

Henry Bunbury as Geoffrey Gambado riding a horse. A stage coach laden with passengers and a man beating a nag in the background. Mr. Gambado Seeing the World

Background imageBreeding Collection: Ayam jallak, Malay game cock

Ayam jallak, Malay game cock, Gallus gallus domesticus. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by a native Chinese artist rom Lewis Wrights The Illustrated Book of

Background imageBreeding Collection: Minorca chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus

Minorca chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by A.G. Pitts and cup winners in 1886 and 1887. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Andalusian chickens

Andalusian chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by H. Leworthy. Cock won first prize at Barnstaple 1871 and hen first prize at Barnstaple 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Golden-pencilled Hamburghs

Golden-pencilled Hamburghs, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Henry Beldon and cup winner at Crystal Palace 1871

Background imageBreeding Collection: Brown leghorns or Livorno chickens

Brown leghorns or Livorno chickens, Gallus gallus domesticus. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: La Fleche breed of chickens

La Fleche breed of chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Rare French breed, Poule de la Fleche, Sarthe. Bred by W.C.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Plymouth Rock chickens

Plymouth Rock chickens, Sir Thomas and Irene, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Mrs. Ainsworth and first and second at Birmingham 1886

Background imageBreeding Collection: Black frizzled fowl, cock and hen

Black frizzled fowl, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by J. W. Ludlow and third prize in any variety class at Oxford 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Sultan fowls, Gallus gallus domesticus

Sultan fowls, Gallus gallus domesticus. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W. Ludlow from Lewis Wrights The Illustrated Book of Poultry, Cassell, London, 1890

Background imageBreeding Collection: Gold-laced bantam and silver-laced bantam cock and hen

Gold-laced bantam and silver-laced bantam cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Matthew Leno and winner of first prizes at Crystal Palace and Birmingham 1871

Background imageBreeding Collection: Guinea fowls

Guinea fowls, helmeted guineafowl, Numida meleagris. Property of J. W. Ludlow. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Aylesbury ducks

Aylesbury ducks, Anas platyrhynchos. Bred by Mrs. Mary Seamons and winner of the cup at Aylesbury 1870. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Carolina ducks, Aix sponsa, and Mandarin ducks, Aix

Carolina ducks, Aix sponsa, and Mandarin ducks, Aix galericulata. Portraits of Matthew Lenos celebrated prize pens. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Houdan or Poule de Houdan cock and hen

Houdan or Poule de Houdan cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Robert B. Wood Young Champion and Lady. Cock won first prize at Birmingham, Crystal Palace and Manchester 1870

Background imageBreeding Collection: Varieties of game bantams bred by W. F. Entwistle

Varieties of game bantams bred by W. F. Entwistle. Brown reds, first prize at Leeds 1886, black reds, cup at Windsor 1886, duckwings, cup at Windsor 1885, and piles, cup at Birmingham 1885

Background imageBreeding Collection: Rose-combed Dorking cock

Rose-combed Dorking cock, Gallus gallus domesticus, John Martins Champion, cups at Stroud and Newport 1870, Cheltenham Southampton and Crystal Palace 1871, Dublin 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Wild American turkey cock, Meleagris gallopavo

Wild American turkey cock, Meleagris gallopavo. Sent over specially for portraiture by Mr. Simpson, Treasurer of the New York State Poultry Society

Background imageBreeding Collection: Single-combed Dorking hen

Single-combed Dorking hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, bred by John Martin, first prize at Warrington 1871. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Partridge cochin cock

Partridge cochin cock, Gallus gallus domesticus, E. Tudmans Talbot, first prize at Birmingham 1870, Kendal 1871. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Pile game, cock and hen

Pile game, cock and hen. Bred by Joseph Colgrove. Cockerel first prize at Crystal Palace and Birmingham 1886. Hen first prize at the Dairy Show 1885

Background imageBreeding Collection: Brown-breasted red game birds

Brown-breasted red game birds, Gallus gallus domesticus, bred by C. W. Brierley. The Statue, winner of the challenge cup at Birmingham 1886 and Little Queen, winner of the cup at Liverpool 1887

Background imageBreeding Collection: Black-breasted red game birds

Black-breasted red game birds, Gallus gallus domesticus, bred by Captain Heaton, winners of the two challenge cups at Birmingham 1886

Background imageBreeding Collection: Duck-winged game birds: Simon and Miss Etty

Duck-winged game birds: Simon and Miss Etty
Duck-winged game birds, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by John Goodwin. Simon, cup winner at Birmingham 1885 and Miss Etty, first prize at the Dairy Show 1885

Background imageBreeding Collection: Silver Pencilled Hamburgh cock and hen

Silver Pencilled Hamburgh cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, H. Pickles pair, cock first and cup at Birmingham 1871 and hen first at Kendal

Background imageBreeding Collection: Silkie or Silky cock and hen

Silkie or Silky cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Lady Gwydyrs pair, first prize in any variety class at Bristol 1871. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: White leghorns or Livorno cock and hen

White leghorns or Livorno cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. From birds sent over specially for portraiture by Mr. Simpson, Treasurer of the New York State Poultry Society

Background imageBreeding Collection: White cochin cock and hen

White cochin cock and hen, Julius Sichels Champion and Queen, Gallus gallus domesticus, winners at Birmingham and Manchester 1871, cup at Dublin 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Golden spangled Polish cock and hen

Golden spangled Polish cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Henry Beldons pair, cup at Crystal Palace, first prize at Birmingham 1871

Background imageBreeding Collection: Silver spangled Polish cock and hen

Silver spangled Polish cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Henry Beldons pair, first prize at Crystal Palace 1871 and Dublin 1872

Background imageBreeding Collection: Dark Brahma pullet

Dark Brahma pullet, Gallus gallus domesticus, Lewis Wrights Psyche, first prize at Birmingham 1871. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W

Background imageBreeding Collection: Buff cochin hen

Buff cochin hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W. Ludlow from Lewis Wrights The Illustrated Book of Poultry, Cassell, London, 1890

Background imageBreeding Collection: Buff cochin cock

Buff cochin cock, Gallus gallus domesticus. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W. Ludlow from Lewis Wrights The Illustrated Book of Poultry, Cassell, London, 1890

Background imageBreeding Collection: Portrait of Lucy Meredith, niece of Sir Thomas Lawrence

Portrait of Lucy Meredith, niece of Sir Thomas Lawrence. Young pre-teen girl in white dress with pink ribbon belt. Hand-tinted engraving by Frederick Christian Lewis after an illustration by Sir

Background imageBreeding Collection: Record Newmarket Sales - Flair sold for 15, 000 guineas

Record Newmarket Sales - Flair sold for 15, 000 guineas
Thoroughbred racehorses for Newmarket recently bought and sold by various enthusiasts. Most came from the stable of the late Sir Daniel Cooper, with Flair, bought by Sir Frederick Stern. 1909

Background imageBreeding Collection: Sticklebacks and their nests

Sticklebacks and their nests
Male and female sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, building a nest 1, 2, and ninespine stickleback, Pungitius pungitius, enlarging the nest openings 3

Background imageBreeding Collection: Long-tailed paradise whydah

Long-tailed paradise whydah, Vidua paradisaea, in breeding plumage and after moulting (non-breeding male). Handcoloured lithograph by Burggraaff from Th

Background imageBreeding Collection: Beauty, brains and breeding 1919

Beauty, brains and breeding 1919
Photographs of society women in 1919, (left to right): Margaret Sheila Mackellar Chisholm (1895 -1969), Lady Loughborough, Australian born wife of Francis Edward Scudamore St Clair-Erskine

Background imageBreeding Collection: Experimenting Ponds at the Huningue Fish Nurseries

Experimenting Ponds at the Huningue Fish Nurseries
Experimenting ponds at the Hungingue fish nurseries in France. Date: 1864

Background imageBreeding Collection: The Fish Nurseries at Huningue, France

The Fish Nurseries at Huningue, France
Suite of buildings at Huningue devoted to the extension of the piscicultural system, having been erected with a view to the reception and distribution of fish eggs. 1864

Background imageBreeding Collection: Spanish bullfighting - driving bulls

Spanish bullfighting - driving bulls
Spanish bullfighting - 2 - driving bulls

Background imageBreeding Collection: The Natural History of Cage Birds - Title Page

The Natural History of Cage Birds - Title Page - Their Management, habits, food, diseases, treatment, breeding and the methods of catching them by J M Bechstein M.D. Date: 1845

Background imageBreeding Collection: Breeding stud for horses, Hortobagy, Hungary

Breeding stud for horses, Hortobagy, Hungary, with T-shaped wells. Date: 1900s

Background imageBreeding Collection: The Water-wave! by G. E. Studdy

The Water-wave! by G. E. Studdy
Illustration by G. E. Studdy showing a small dog being forced to have a bath, watched smugly by Ooloo the cat. Ooloo later gets a shock when the bath water spills all over him

Background imageBreeding Collection: This Weeks Studdy - As Master Sees Me! by G. E. Studdy

This Weeks Studdy - As Master Sees Me! by G. E. Studdy
Studdy dog shortly after his complete evolution into Bonzo. The dog is turning away in disgust from his owners portrait of him, painted in the style of Picasso

Background imageBreeding Collection: Siberian Stonechat / Asian Stonechat - adult pair

Siberian Stonechat / Asian Stonechat - adult pair - male below - alarmed perched on a dry grass - territorial behaviour during the breeding time - June (Saxicola maurus )

Background imageBreeding Collection: Studdys Dog Studies: Brevity is the soul of wit by G. E. St

Studdys Dog Studies: Brevity is the soul of wit by G. E. St
Early illustration by G. E. Studdy showing a tearful Spaniel with a recently docked tail being grinned at by a smug cat. George Ernest Studdy (1878-1948), was the creator of Bonzo

Background imageBreeding Collection: Brazil - Sao Paulo - Serpentarium of the Instituto Butantan

Brazil - Sao Paulo - Serpentarium of the Instituto Butantan, a Brazilian biomedical research centre affiliated to the Sao Paulo State Secretary of Health

Background imageBreeding Collection: Frog-spawn, tadpoles and adult

Frog-spawn, tadpoles and adult
Plate 14 from Ranarum (1758) by Roesel von Rosenhof depicting frog-spawn, tadpoles and adult

Background imageBreeding Collection: Sealyham House, Pembrokeshire, South Wales

Sealyham House, Pembrokeshire, South Wales
View of Sealyham House or Mansion, a Georgian style country house near Little Newcastle, Pembrokeshire, Dyfed, South Wales

Background imageBreeding Collection: This Weeks Studdy - (Pillow)

This Weeks Studdy - (Pillow)
Bandaged paw looking pleased with himself following the destruction of an eiderdown pillow.George Ernest Studdy (1878-1948), was the creator of Bonzo

Background imageBreeding Collection: Hvanneyri model farm, Iceland

Hvanneyri model farm, Iceland
Hvanneyri, one of the model farms, represents the most modern methods of construction in its buildings and the latest methods of cultivation and animal breeding in 1939. Date: 1939

Background imageBreeding Collection: Mastaba of Nefer and Kahay. Relief. Two ranchers attending t

Mastaba of Nefer and Kahay. Relief. Two ranchers attending t
Mastaba of Nefer and Kahay. Two ranchers attending the birth of an ox. 5th Dynasty. Old Kingdom. Saqqara. Egypt

Background imageBreeding Collection: Coypu Trapping

Coypu Trapping
Coypu (or Swamp Beaver ) trapping on the Suffolk marshes, England. South American rodents, introduced to Britain in 1929, before escaping and breeding wild. Date: 1960s

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