Types of bags, purses, satchels, 12th to 16th centuries
Types of bags, satchels, purses, almoner bags, game bags, tassets, with dagger, belt, bells, etc. 12th to 16th centuries
Types of bags, purses, almoner bag, 12th to 16th centuries
Types of bags, purses, almoner bags, game bags, tassets, with dagger, belt, bells, etc. 12th to 16th centuries. Alloayeres, aumonieres, bourses, tasses, escarcelles, gibecieres, tassettes, etc
Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes singe, hermines, haie, larmes, corniere, caillons, bourse, bouterolles, escarre, merlettes, tortue, glands, etc