Gregor MendelGREGOR JOHANN MENDEL Austrian botanist
Madagascar jasmine, Marsdenia floribunda (Many-flowered stephanotis, Stephanotis floribunda)
Cornflower or bluet, Centaurea cyanus.. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by French botanist Jean Baptiste Francois Pierre Bulliard from Herbier de la France, Paris, 1780
Sir Joseph Paxton (1801-1865)Portrait of Sir Joseph Paxton began life as a gardener and soon became famous for his work at Chatsworth for the Duke of Devonshire, most notably, his glasshouses to house exotic plants
Rosa Banksiae Lutea (Lady Banks Rose), of the Rosaceae family, native to China. It has white or pale yellow flowers
Common heath, Epacris impressaCommon heath or Pitted epacris, Epacris impressa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Harmal or Syrian rue, Peganum harmala.. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by French botanist Jean Baptiste Francois Pierre Bulliard from Herbier de la France, Paris, 1780
Lyall Watson, South African scientist and authorLyall Watson (1939-2008), South African botanist, zoologist, biologist, anthropologist, ethnologist and author
Garden varieties of the Persian buttercup, Ranunculus asiaticus. Handfinished chromolithograph by Henry Noel Humphreys after an illustration by Jane Loudon from Mrs
Jasmine, Jasminum officinale.. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by French botanist Jean Baptiste Francois Pierre Bulliard from Herbier de la France, Paris, 1780
Paphiopedilum insigne orchid (Remarkable cypripedium, Cypripedium insigne). Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by Miss Jane Taylor from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Long-leaved euthales, Euthales macrophylla or Velleia macrophylla. Australia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Nathaniel Wallich (1786-1854)Portrait of Nathaniel Wallich, a Danish botanist
Sextus Otto Lindbert (1835-1889)Original photograph held within the Botany Library of The Natural History Museum, London
Thomas Richard Archer Briggs (1836-1891)Portrait of Thomas Richard Archer Briggs, an English botanist specialising in Spermatophytes
Conrad Gessner (1516-1565)Conradus Gesnerus, Medeus & Philosophus. Plate 4, Isis 22
Botanist at workA botanist at work, studying a plant with a magnifying glass
Botanist at Work / 1850Botanist at work
John Tradescant the Younger, botanist and gardener, 1608-1662. Collector of specimens for his father John Tradescant the Elder's cabinet of curiosities. From a drawing
Portrait of Daniel Rutherford, botanistDaniel Rutherford, MD, FLS, physician and botanist, Professor of Botany at the University of Edinburgh, 1749-1819
Thomas Martyn, Professor of Botany, Cambridge UniversityReverend Thomas Martyn, BD FRS, botanist, Regius Professor of Botany at the University of Cambridge, 1735-1825
William Withering at Caldas da Rainha, 1794William Withering analysing the mineral content of the medicinal spa at Queen's Bath or Caldas da Rainha in Portugal, 1794. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Dr
Portrait of William Withering, physician and botanist, 1741-1799William Withering, MD, FRS, physician, geologist, chemist and botanist, Fellow of the Linnaean Society, 1741-1799
Scientific inventions of Stephen Hales in a gardenGarden landscape with inventions of Stephen Hales using a bell jar and pneumatic trough for scientific experiments on plant physiology and transpiration in plants
Portrait of Stephen Hales, chemist and inventorOval portrait of Reverend Dr. Stephen Hales, FRS, natural philosopher, botanist, chemist and inventor, author of Vegetable Staticks, 1677-1761
Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisherOval portrait of William Curtis, FLS, apothecary, botanist and publisher, author of the Flora Londinensis and The Botanical Magazine, 1746-1799
Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisherOval portrait of William Curtis, FLS, botanist and publisher, author of the Flora Londinensis and The Botanical Magazine. 1746-1799
Oval portrait of William Woodville, physician and botanistOval portrait of William Woodville, MD, FRS, physician and botanist, promoter of vaccination, author of Medical Botany, 1752-1805. Engraving by William Bond after a portrait by Lemuel Francis Abbott
Portrait of Colin Milne, botanistThe Reverend Dr. Colin Milne, FRS, Scottish priest, divine and botanist, author of the Botanical Dictionary, 1743-1815
Portrait of Aylmer Bourke Lambert, botanistAylmer Bourke Lambert, FRS, botanist and vice-president of the Linnean Society, 1761-1842. Landscape scene ornamented by Ramsay Richard Reinagle, engraved by John George Landseer
Portrait of Colin Milne, botanistPortrait of the Reverend Dr. Colin Milne, FRS, Scottish priest, divine and botanist, author of the Botanical Dictionary, 1743-1815. A View of Greenwich Hospital
Portrait of Nehemiah Grew, physician and botanistNehemiah Grew, MD, physician and botanist, secretary to the Royal Society, 1641-1712. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Newton after a portrait by Robert White from Dr
Portrait of Nehemiah Grew, physician and botanistNehemiah Grew, MD, physician and botanist, secretary to the Royal Society, 1641-1712. Gresham College, Holborn, London, where the Meetings of the Royal Society were held from 1660 to 1710
Portrait of Sir John Hill, naturalist and botanistSir John Hill, MD, writer, botanist and naturalist, Knight of the Polar Star, First Superintendant of the Royal Gardens at Kew, 1714-1775
Oval portrait of William Woodville, physician and botanist, promoter of vaccination, author of Medical Botany, 1752-1805. Engraving by William Bond after a portrait by Lemuel Francis Abbott
Portrait of Daniel Rutherford, botanistDaniel Rutherford, MD, FLS, physician and botanist, Professor of Botany at the University of Edinburgh, 1749-1819. A distant view of Edinburgh
Pedanius Dioscorides, Greek physician, pharmacologist, botanistPedanius Dioscorides, c.40-90 AD, Greek physician, pharmacologist, botanist and author of De materia medica, a Greek encyclopedia about herbal medicine or pharmacopeia. Dioscorides
Scarlet trumpet or scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata. Native to northwest America, introduced to the Horticultural Society garden by Scottish botanist David Douglas in 1827
Lewis monkeyflower, Erythranthe lewisiiLewis monkeyflower or great purple monkeyflower, Erythranthe lewisii. Native to America, Scottish botanist David Douglas sent seeds from North California to the Horticultural Society in 1831
Willowleaf angelonia, Angelonia salicariifolia. Native to South America, introduced from Caracas, flowered at Spofforth, the garden of botanist William Herbert, Dean of Manchester, in 1819
Purslane, Cistanthe grandiflora. Seeds brought to the Horticultural Society from Chile by Scottish botanist James Macrae in 1826. Great flowered calandrinia, Calandrinia grandiflora
Yellow mariposa lily, Calochortus luteus. Introduced from California by Scottish botanist David Douglas. Yellow flowered calochortus
Fountainbush, Russelia equisetiformisFountainbush, firecracker plant, coral plant, Russelia equisetiformis
Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora. Native of China, introduced by English botanist John Reeves of the East India Company. Mr. Reeve's paeony, Paeonia edulis reevesiana
Butterfly mariposa lily, Calochortus venustusButterfly mariposa lily or beautiful calochortus, Calochortus venustus. Sent by Scottish botanist David Douglas from California
Butterfly flower, Schizanthus grahamii. Found in the Chilean Andes by Scottish botanist Dr. John Gillies and sent to Barclay at Bury Hill. Blunt-petalled schizanthus, Schizanthus retusus
Tree rhododendron, Rhododendron arboreumTree rhododendron, tree-like rhododendron, Rhododendron arboreum. Introduced from Nepal by botanist Nathaniel Wallich
Mr. Lindley's hibiscus, Hibiscus lindlei. Native to Burma, introduced by botanist Dr Nathaniel Wallich to the Horticultural Society in 1828
Spotted-stalked peperomia, Peperomia maculosa. Discovered by botanist Charles Plumier in St. Domingo (Haiti), introduced by nurseryman George Loddiges. Piper maculosum
Large-fruited catasetum orchid, Catasetum macrocarpumLarge-fruited catasetum orchid, monkey goblet or monk's head orchid, Catasetum macrocarpum. Tridendate catasetum, Catasetum tridentatum
Large-fruited catasetum orchid, Catasetum macrocarpumFlower of the large-fruited catasetum orchid, monkey goblet or monk's head orchid, Catasetum macrocarpum. Side view 1, front view 2, lip 3, column 4, 5, pollen mass 6, 8, anther case 7, 9
Drooping single-flowered bird's nest, Monotropa uniflora. Native to America and Canada, sent from Montreal by Scottish botanist John Maclean
Club-spur orchid, Platanthera clavellataClub-spur orchid or small green wood orchid, Platanthera clavellata. Tridendate habenaria, Habenaria tridentata
Mexican primrose, Oenothera speciosaPinkladies, Mexican primrose or large white-flowered evening primrose, Oenothera speciosa
Stelis micrantha orchid. Native to Jamaica, described and figured by botanist Sir James Edward Smith. Small-flowered stetis, Stetis micrantha (sic)
Bulbophyllum careyanum orchid. Native of the Himalayas, Bhutan, Myanmar and Indo-China, and sent from Serampore by missionary botanist Dr. William Carey
Sweet box, Sarcococca coriaceaSweet box or Christmas box, Sarcococca coriacea. Native to India, China and Indo-China, sent from Nepal by botanist Dr. Nathaniel Wallich. Nepaul pachysandra, Pachysandra? coriacea
Yellow sundrops, Calylophus serrulatus. Native to North America and Canada, found by English botanist Thomas Nuttall in Missouri. Serrulated-leaved evening primrose, Oenothera serrulata
Small persimmon, Diospyros vaccinioides. Critically endangeredSmall persimmon or vaccinium-like diospyros, Diospyros vaccinioides. Critically endangered
Common rattlesnake orchid, Pholidota imbricataCommon rattlesnake orchid, necklace orchid, or imbricated pholidota, Pholidota imbricata. Native to India, Asia and Australia, sent from Nepal by botanist Dr Nathaniel Wallich
Liparis nervosa orchid. Native to the tropics of Asia, Africa and America. Specimen sent from Nepal by botanist and missionary Dr William Carey to John Shepherd at the Liverpool Botanic Garden
A Romanised Briton and a Feryllt, a blacksmith, metallurgist, chemist and botanist. The Briton in a plaid cloak and sagum, carrying a two-handed sword, cleddyv deuddwrn
Siberian lily, Ixiolirion tataricumSiberian lily or lavender mountain lily, Ixiolirion tataricum. Native to central to southwest Asia. Found in the hills near Tehran, Iran, sent by J
Waxy cryptandra, Cryptandra arbutiflora. Sent from Swan River, Western Australia, by Scottish botanist Thomas Drummond. Raised by Mrs Wray of Oakfield. Sweet-scented cryptandra, Cryptandra suavis
Starry osbeckia, Osbeckia stellata. Native to Nepal, and said to be common by botanist Dr John Forbes Royle
Nepal firethorn, Pyracantha crenulataNepalese firethorn, Nepal firethorn or Himalayan firethorn, Pyracantha crenulata. Sent from Nepal to Scottish botanist Dr William Roxburgh who grew it in the Calcutta Botanical Gardens
Chilean bell flower, Nolana coelestis. Raised from botanist Thomas Bridges seeds by Mr. Best, gardener to A. Park of Merton Grove, Surrey. Sky-blue alona, Alona coelestis
Climbing fetterbush, Pieris phillyreifolia. Phyllirea-leaved andromeda, Andromeda phyllireaefolia
Blueblossom, Ceanothus thyrsiflorusBlueblossom, blue blossom ceanothus or thyrse-bearing ceanothus, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus. Evergreen shrub native to Oregon and California, collected by Scottish botanist David Douglas
Various-leaved fly honeysuckle, Lonicera diversifolia. Sent to Dr Nathaniel Wallich from Gurwhal and Kamaon, botanist Dr John Forbes Royle found it in northern India
Mayflower orchid, Laelia speciosaMayflower orchid, flor de Mayo, Laelia speciosa. Found in Mexico and Guatelama. Sent from Mexico by botanist Dr. Schiede. The May-flower laelia, Laelia majalis
Pinalia bractescens orchid. Native of India and southeast Asia. Found by plant hunter Hugh Cuming in Singapore and by botanist William Griffith near Moulmain in Burma
Kashmir sage or Cashmere phlomis, Phlomis cashmeriana. Raised at the Horticultural Society garden from seeds sent from Kashmir by botanist Dr John Forbes Royle
Rhododendron aprilis, hybrid of R. ponticum and the evergreen Davurian rhododendron, raised by the botanist William Herbert, Dean of Manchester
Portuguese squill, Scilla peruviana. Sent from Algiers to botanist William Herbert, Dean of Manchester. Dingy-flowered Peruvian squill, Scilla peruviana var. discolor
Spear-leaved milkwort, Polygala bracteolata. Native to the Cape, South Africa, introduced by Scottish botanist Francis Masson in 1787
Zigzag capegorse, Aspalathus bracteata. Small-leaved aspalathus, Aspalathus pedunculata. Native to the Cape, South Africa, introduced by Scottish botanist Francis Masson in 1775
Erica subdivaricata. Blush-flowered heath, Erica persoluta. Native to the Cape, South Africa, introduced by Scottish botanist Francis Masson in 1774
Muraltia heisteria. Heath-leaved milkwort, Polygala heisteria. Native to the Cape, South Africa, introduced by Scottish botanist Francis Masson in 1787
Crimson clover, Trifolium incarnatumCrimson clover, Italian clover or crimson trefoil, Trifolium incarnatum. Native to Italy, Europe, raised by Scottish botanist William Aiton at the Royal Garden of Kew