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Borrowed Collection

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Lending Library Ticket

Lending Library Ticket
Ticket for G Hitchcock, Williams & Co Young Mens Library. Book: S58 has been borrowed for 7 days from a private lending library possibly at a booksellers

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Vought RF-8G Crusader 144618

Vought RF-8G Crusader 144618
United States Navy - Vought RF-8G Crusader 144618, borrowed from storage for an air display. Date: circa 2000

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Vought RF-8G Crusader 144618

Vought RF-8G Crusader 144618
United States Navy - Vought RF-8G Crusader 144618, borrowed from storage for an air display. Date: circa 2000

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Pickpocket Caught

Pickpocket Caught
An observant policeman apprehends a pickpocket who has stolen a gentlemans pocket hankerchief. He claims he only borrowed it because he has a cold. Date: circa 1830

Background imageBorrowed Collection: GAME / TIGER HUNTING 1901

Three children hunt a tiger - one of their friends wearing a tigers skin (no doubt borrowed from the fireplace!) Date: 1901

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Mrs Patrick Campbell & Lady Randolph Churchill

Mrs Patrick Campbell & Lady Randolph Churchill
An interesting photograph showing the acclaimed stage beauty, Mrs Patrick Campbell (1865-1940), born Beatrice Stellar Tanner (pictured centre)

Background imageBorrowed Collection: His Borrowed Plumes

His Borrowed Plumes
HIS BORROWED PLUMES The cast, with author Mrs George Cornwallis-West (Lady Randolph Churchill), seated in the centre

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Witch on Broomstick

Witch on Broomstick
A witch rides through the starlit sky on her broomstick, carrying a baby she has borrowed from its mum

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Captain Macheath

Captain Macheath
Gays character of Captain Macheath is borrowed for a political cartoon

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Fable / Daw & Feathers

Fable / Daw & Feathers
THE DAW WITH BORROWED FEATHERS The jackdaw imagined he could pass as an elegant peacock merely by dressing himself in their coloured plumes

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Shakespeares Prophecy, the Last Act but one in the Tempest

Shakespeares Prophecy, the Last Act but one in the Tempest, or the Jack Daws in borrowed Feathers

Background imageBorrowed Collection: Xerxes Palace / Persepolis

Xerxes Palace / Persepolis
Monumental winged bulls flank an entranceway into the Palace of Xerxes I at Persepolis. The Palaces borrowed elements from many traditions - Median, Mesopotamian, Greek & Egyptian

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