Matthaus Schwarz competing in a sleigh race, 16th centuryMatthaus Schwarz, 1497-1574, competing in a sleigh race in Augsburg. He wears a plumed cap, brown doublet over a jacket with slashed crimson sleeves, trunk hose with dagger at his knee
Maurice, Duke and later Elector of Saxony, 1521-1553Maurice the Brave, Duke and later Elector of Saxony, 1521-1553. In red satin robe and toque, both lined with ermine, sword with double-headed eagle of Austria. Maurice le Brave, Electeur de Saxe
Woman in the court of King Francis I, 16th centuryWoman in the court of King Francis I. In black chaperon hood, grey gown with square-cut bodice, fur-lined sleeves. Dame de la Cour de Francois I
Benedictine abbot, Germany, 16th century. In black habit, carrying a bible and crozier, wearing an embroidered mitre. From a history of the Benedictines. Allemagne, Benedictin
Court officer of King Francis I, 16th centuryCourt officer of King Francis I, 1494-1547. In short embroidered silk jacket over a slashed doublet, hose, plumed hat
Portrait of King James IV of Scotland, 16th centuryPortrait of King James IV of Scotland, 1473-1513. Mounted on a horse, wearing a black cap, pink velvet tunic, cuirass and plate armour, blue stockings, leather boots with spurs
Costume of a brother of Charles Magio, 16th centuryCostume of a noble Venetian, 16th century. He wears a long violet robe with large sleeves surmounted by stola. A brother of Charles Magio, the famous Italian traveller
French hunter with spear, 16th century. In slashed buff doublet or pourpoint, slashed green jacket and breeches, black felt slippers. A horn hangs from a cord. After a handcoloured woodcut
Pope Julius II, 16th centuryPope Julius II kneeling in prayer, 16th century. Le Pape Jules II. After the painting by Raphael, Mass at Bolsene, La Messe de Bolsene, 1512
Bourgeoise woman of Paris, 16th century. She wears a square variant of the attifet or widow's hood headdress, black robe with white collar
Woman of Bayonne, France, 16th centuryWoman and child of Bayonne, France, 16th century. She wears a horned turban with white linen veil, blue wool robe lined with red, dark petticoat. Femme de Bayonne
German mercenary soldier, 16th centuryGerman mercenary soldier or Landsknecht, 16th century. In felt hat, black doublet, long slashed culottes in pink and white, ruff collar, armed with halberd and sword. Soldat Allemand
Soldier of Walloon, Low Countries, 16th century. In black wool doublet or pourpoint, slashed breeches of red ribbons and puffed white muslin, ruff collar, morion helmet, with halberd and sword
Young woman of Flanders, 16th century. In long green silk robe with gold embroidery, muslin sleeves, blonde hair under a headdress of gold, velvet and pearls
Black and white tournament trumpeters, France, 16th centuryBlack and white trumpeters playing a fanfare, 16th century. They wear plumed caps and pink tunics, with fleurs-de-lys fanon or pennant hanging from the bugle
Woman of the Kingdom of Castille, Spain, 16th century. In black robe lined in green silk, slashed sleeves, red wool skirt, muslin wimple with black stars. In alpargatas or platform shoes
Flemish squire, 16th century. In cap over a net, puff sleeved jacket, slashed breeches, with dagger and purse hanging from his belt, holding a lance
Young woman of Danzig, Poland, 16th centuryNoble young woman of Danzig, Poland, 16th century. In gold crown, green silk robe, brown apron, long blonde hair. Jeune Fille de Dantzick
French nobles wrestling in a show bout, 16th century
Costume of a young English woman, 16th centuryYoung English woman, 16th century. In brown hat and wool gown lined with red silk, ruff collar and cuffs, wimple embroidered in gold. With a garland in her bodice. Angleterre, Jeune Fille
German fifer, 16th centuryGerman Landsknechte fifer, 16th century. In plumed cap, red and green doublet with slashed puff sleeves, codpiece, striped culottes and hose. Fifre, Costume Allemand
Dancers at the court of King Henry III of France, 16th century. The man wears a slashed doublet, codpiece and hose, and shoes called patins
Costume of a fool, France, 16th centuryCostume of a fool with fife, France, 16th century. In hood with bells, doublet with scalloped sleeves, codpiece, parti-coloured slashed breechess and hose. France, Costume de Fou
Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia, 1566-1633Isabella Clara Eugenia, sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands, 1566-1633. In long robe in violet and yellow stripes, pointed bodice, ruff collar. Wife of Albert VII, Archduke of Austria
Portrait of the Italian painter Titian, 1488-1576Portrait of the Italian painter Titian at age 86, 1488-1576. In Venetian costume of crimson silk hat and robe playing a double bass. Costume Venitien, Tiziano Vecelli
Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, 1559-1621. In gold cuirass, ruff collar, blue breeches, with plumed helm. Albert, Archiduc d'Autriche. From a miniature in the Bibliotheque imperiale, Paris
Portrait of Lucrezia del Fede, 16th centuryPortrait of Lucrezia del Fede, wife of the painter Andrea del Sarto, 16th century. In red silk robe with square-cut bodice, grey petticoats, blue veil over blonde hair. Dame de Florence
Spanish gentleman at court, 16th century. In short cape, ruff collar, pink silk justaucorps, embroidered breeches and yellow hose, with sword and gloves. Espagne, Gentilhomme
Noble woman of Ravenna, northern Italy, 16th century. She holds her blue silk gown up to reveal a currant-coloured gown. Noble Dame de Ravenne
Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Auvergne, 1476-1531. Louise de Savoie, Duchesse d'Angoulme, Mere de Francois I. After a miniature in a manuscript offered to Louise de Savoie
Noble lady of Venice, 16th century. With dyed blonde hair, brown satin robe over a rich brocade gown, starched white muslin veil. Noble Dame de Venise
English soldier, 16th century. Angleterre, Homme d'Armes. In buff justaucorps, plate armour, chain mail hauberk, bourguignote helmet, long sword or espadon, English standard with three lions
Portrait of the Italian painter Benedetto Caliari, 1538-1598. In Venetian costume of white silk brocade tunic tied with a ribbon, holding a glass. Costume Venetien, Benedetto Caliari
Governess and girl of Silesia, 16th centuryGoverness and girl of Silesia, northern Germany, 16th century. Woman in fur hat and cape, striped skirt. Girl in pink dress holding a Nuremberg doll. Allemagne du Nord, Silesienne
Henry I or Scarface, Duke of Guise, 1550-1588. He wears a ruff collar, cuirass over doublet, codpiece and breeches, and holds his badge of command. Henri de Lorraiine, Duc de Guise (Le Balafre)
Noble woman of Italy with toy dog, 16th century. In rich white gown decorated with gold, lace collar and cuffs, pearl necklace, blonde hair with pearl headdress. Italie, Dame de Qualite
Swiss gentleman, 16th century. In velvet cap with plume, violet cape, green justaucorps, parti-coloured slashed breeches and hose. Gentilhomme Suisse. After a handcoloured woodcut by Cesare Vecellio
Young Venetian woman separating silk eggs, 16th centuryYoung Venetian woman separating silk eggs. She wears a blue gown with gold sleeves, lace fan collar, blonde hair with pearl band
Bourgeois lady of Venice and her maids, 16th centuryBourgeois lady of Venice, 16th century. The woman hands bags of silk-worm eggs for her maids to warm in their bosoms. Bourgeoises de Venise. From a woodcut by L.P
Portrait of Magino Gabrielli, Jewish inventor, Venice, 16th centPortrait of Magino Gabrielli or Magino Meir, Jewish inventor, Venice, 16th century. Magino reads from his book about extracting silk thread from the cocoon twice a year
Portrait of King Charles IX of France, 1550-1574. In short mantle, ruff collar, doublet, breeches and hose, with sword. After a portrait in the collection of Comte Georges de Monbrison
German maid returning from market, 16th century.. She brings fresh pork and beer. Barefoot, in brown bodice with ruff collar, yellow skirt, and white apron. Allemagne, Servante
Peter II of Rohan-Gié (†1523). In suit of plate armour, plumed helmet with sword, on a horse caparisoned with his coat of arms. Pierre Vicomte de Rohan, Seigneur de Gie, Marechal de France
German Landsknechte drummer, 16th century. In blue felt hat with plumes, slashed buff justaucorps, puff sleeves adorned with ribbons, parti-coloured breeches and hose. Allemagne, Tambourin
Portrait of Francis, Duke of Guise, 1519-1563Portrait of Francis, Duke of Guise, in court attire, 1519-1563
Gaspard I, Count of Coligny, Marshal of Chatillon, 1465-1522. Husband to Louise de Montmorency. Kneeling, wearing a suit of plate armor, armorial tabard with coat of arms, white eagle on red ground
Louise de Montmorency, 1496-1547. Wife of Gaspard I de Coligny. Kneeling in prayer In pink chaperon hood, armorial surcoat with her coat of arms, the Chatillon eagle, brown bodice lined with ermine
Portrait of King Francis I of France on horsebackPortrait of King Francis I of France, 1494-1547. In a suit of black armour decorated in gold and silver, red skirt, holding a mace and the reins. Horse in plumes and caparison. Le Roi Francois Ier
Costume of a French joiner, 16th centuryCostume of a French joiner in his workshop, 16th century. In rred toque cap and justaucorps, blue vest fastened with black knots. He works with a plane on a large plank of oak
German noble standard-bearer, 16th century. He wears a green doublet in silk and velvet, justaucorps, silk breeches, slashed scarlet sleeves, muslin ruff collar. Allemagne, Porte-Enseigne
Royal Guard to King Francis I, France. 16th centuryRoyal Guard to King Francis I, France, 16th century. Ceremonial halberdier to the 1st Scottish Company, Garde Ecossaise
Noble woman of Lorraine, 16th century. In white silk escoffion headdress, ruff collar, damask robe with puff shoulders, over a damask gown, Dame de Lorraine
English nobleman, 16th century. He wears a large fur-lined damask coat, justaucorps, hose and black felt hat. Noble Anglais. After a woodcut by Cesare Vecellio
Isabella d'Este (1474-1539), Marchioness of Mantua, cultural and political figure of the Italian Renaissance. In long red robe with wide slashed fur-lined sleeves
Claude, Duke of Guise, at age 30, 1496-1550. He wears a short black cloak, white slashed doublet adorned with his initial G, white and blue slashed breeches and striped hose
Jehan Obry in fur-lined grey coat and red doublet, 16th centuryJehan Obry, sergeant-at-arms in Amiens, kneeling with his hands joined in prayer, in fur-lined grey coat and red doublet. Bourgeois d'Amiens
Falconer to the royal household of King Francis I, 16th century. In grey-blue vest, breeches and hose, red tunic, plumed felt hat. A gibeciere pouch, knife and lure hang from his belt
Woman of Granada, Spain, 16th century. She wears a large violet silk mantle folded and tied to the arms, red gown with square-cut bodice, gold toque
Roman gentlemen with sedia gestatoria, 16th century. One in black silk tunic with orange plastron and sleeves. One in red and green bodice and skirt, with black silk collar and sleeves
Kress de Kressenstein, a Patrician of Nuremberg, 16th century
Valtein, German Landsknechte halberdier, 16th centuryValtein, GermanLandsknechte halberdier, 16th century. Swordsman who fought in Denmark. In plumed hat, gold full-sleeved doublet, striped stockings, garters, carrying a sword and halberd
French merchant, 16th century. He wears a red cap or toque, and a saie or chamarre, a gold wool tunic with white collar, red hose and slippers. Marchand Francais
Swiss lady, 16th century. Dame Suisse. She wears a pleated collar, black bodice bordered with gold, red silk skirt open at the side to reveal green petticoats, black silk cap toquet with muslin net
German pikeman and servant girl, 16th centuryGerman Landsknechte pikeman and servant girl, 16th century
Portrait of Ernest Paumgartner, age 31, Nuremberg, 1570Portrait of Ernest Paumgartner, age 31, nobleman of Nuremberg, 1570. He wears a black cap and doublet, silk collar, amaranth silk breeches, sleeved waistcoat and hose, long sword
Patrician of Nuremberg in armour, 16th centuryPatrician of Nuremberg from the Stroemer family, 16th century. In suit of plate armour, with gauntlets, sword, spurs, gold swordbelt, and grand helm on the floor
Houndsman to King Francis I, France, 16th century
Rear view of the dress of a Milanese woman, 16th century. In red dress adorned with yellow silk ribbons, bodice with black bands, slashed full sleeves. Her hair is tied in a blue and yellow silk net
Portrait of Sebald Beham, 1534. German painter and woodcut printmaker of Nuremberg, 1500-1550. He stands holding a compass, wearing a felt hat, fur-lined mantle, red doublet, hose and garters
Scene from a tournament at Nuremberg, 16th centuryScene from a tournament at Nuremberg between the Hirshvogel and Riet noble families, 16th century. Two teams of lancers in an exercise match
Woman of Burgos, Spain, 16th century. In muslin chaperon hood, dress with square-cut bodice, apron, and platform espadrilles or alpargatas. Espagne, Dame de Burgos
German arquebusier, 16th centuryGerman Landsknechte arquebusier, 16th century. In slashed, wide-sleeved justaucorps, chainmail collar, bandoliere with cartridges, codpiece, parti-coloured breeches and hose, puffed garters
Woman in the court of King Francis I, 16th centuryCourtier of King Francis I. She wears a multi-coloured chaperon hood, fur-lined gown with square-cut bodice over a red silk robe. Dame de la Cour de Francois I
Mace bearer to King Louis XII of France, 16th centuryMace bearer to King Louis XII of France. In black toque, grey mantle with blue collar, red hose and shoes. After manuscript 145 in the Bibliotheque imperiale, Paris. Massier sous Louis XII