Blighty magazine cover, Christmas 1945 - Happy New Year! 1945
Our Soldiers: how they are Made and MendedA series of intricate images by silhouette artist, H. L. Oakley showing scenes on the Western Front in a mounted regiment followed by the transportation of an injured officer to hospital
YMCA poster during WW1
BlightyA large still life oil painting showing a table laden with objects to appeal to one's appetite. Objects include a decorative cake and a selection of different fruits. Date: circa 1918
BUY BONDS FOR BLIGHTYBuy National War Bonds and protect your home Date: 1918
Blighty Guest HouseA group posing outside a guest house going by the name of Blighty around what looks to be a dinner gong emblazoned with the name. Date: 1930s
Blighty Tea Rooms, Bangalore, Karnataka, IndiaThe Blighty Tea Rooms, Bangalore (Bengaluru), Karnataka, India. Date: circa 1910
The Trench-to-Town Express by A. C. MichaelA busy scene at Victoria Station, London during 1915 showing a soldiers train bringing officers and men on furlough (leave) from the war zone to home
Back to Blighty, boarding the leave boat, WW1. 1914-1918
A soldier asks for directions, London, WW1A British Tommy, returned on leave from the trenches, asks a police officer for directions in London. Another soldier, on crutches, stands nearby. Date: 1914
The soldiers dream - a Real Blighty. 386202 Acting Sergeant Herbert Gibson, Mm, 1St Northumbrian Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. Born September 1889
THOUGHTS BlightyTHOUGHTS. Blighty. 386202 Acting Sergeant Herbert Gibson, Mm, 1St Northumbrian Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. Born September 1889
And to think we used to pay a tanner a half hour for a boatAnd to think weused to pay a tanner a half hour for a boat in Blighty. 386202 Acting Sergeant Herbert Gibson, Mm, 1St Northumbrian Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. Born September 1889
Waiting for You in Blighty - WW1 postcardJolly First World War postcard showing a British soldier about to go home on leave the delights waiting for him in Blighty from pretty girls and a comfortable armchair to a cosy pub
The Trench train, Victoria station, WW1Moving scenes at Victoria railway station as British soldiers and officers, bound for the Front, bid farewell to their loved ones. 1915
British Tommy on leave returns home to his familyFrom a Somme dugout to the Home Fireside A British Tommy on leave returns home to his family - just in time for Christmas Dinner. Date: 1916
Home for Christmas by MataniaHome for Christmas - a real Santa Claus at the door. Many surprise visits home characterised the Christmas of 1915. Owing to late arrivals
Arms and the Man by Edwin MorrowSub-titled - A suggestion for patriotic girls who wish to show their sympathy with the wounded in a practical way. A courting couple during World War I find an ingenious way of walking arm in arm by
Repatriated PowA cheering crowd of repatriated British prisoners of war returning to England at the end of WWI on the steamships Archangel and Stockport at Hull
A War DictionaryA number of new war-influenced expressions in one cartoon including the strafe (punish) and blighty (Britain), during First World War
Blighted BlightyThe sad sufferings of a subaltern on leave who finds that everyone on the Home Front is obsessed with the war and with " doing their bit" including girlfriends who have become nurses
Blighty, Sweet BlightyTwo optimistic and rather over-excited Tommies, home on leave during World War I, lean out of their train carriage to breathe in the sweet smell of - the local gas works
Holidaying in BlightyWhen one holidayed in Blighty rather than Benidorm, the British seaside was the place to be, offering swimming, funfairs and occasional sunshine