HERBERTE, Edward Benjamin (1857-1893). Hunt scenes. The Kill. Oil on canvas
Disraeli / Vanity FairBENJAMIN DISRAELI Earl of Beaconsfield Statesman, writer
Madagascar jasmine, Marsdenia floribunda (Many-flowered stephanotis, Stephanotis floribunda)
Forth Bridge ConstructThe Forth Bridge during construction. Designed by Sir John Fowler (1817- 1898) and Sir Benjamin Baker (1840-1907) and constructed by Sir William Arrol (1839-1913)
Benjamin Britten, Yehudi MenuhinRehearsal for Piano Trios Concert in the Aldeburgh Parish Church (24 June), Aldeburgh Festival 1963
Crystal Palace Dinosaur ModelsModels sculpted by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, working closely with Joseph Paxton and Richard Owen, were installed in the worlds first dinosaur park which opened at Crystal Palace Park in 1854
Benjamin Disraeli / SketchBENJAMIN DISRAELI 1st Earl of Beaconsfield English politician and author
Peter Pears and Emanuel Hurwitz Aldeburgh Festival 1963Peter Pears talking with Emanuel Hurwitz, violinist in the English Chamber Orchestra and Melos Ensemble during rehearsals of St Nicholas at Orford Church 23 June 1963 Aldeburgh Festival. Date: 1963
Yehudi Menuhin and Benjamin Britten RehearsingYehudi Menuhin and Benjamin Britten rehearsing violin and piano in the Jubilee Hall for the Piano Trios recital in Aldeburgh Parish Church on 24 June 1963. Date: 1963
Victoria / Disraeli / TogQueen Victoria with Benjamin Disraeli at Hughenden
Common heath, Epacris impressaCommon heath or Pitted epacris, Epacris impressa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
DISRAELI (1804-1881)Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield statesman, writer
Benjamin Disraeli / RoffeBenjamin Disraeli Statesman
Cartoon, The Confidence Trick! (Northcote and Disraeli)Cartoon, The Confidence Trick
Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, adult with rabbit prey
Peacock flower, Caesalpinia pulcherrimaPeacock flower or Barbadoes cesalpinia, Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
National Fire Prevention Campaign, Brixton, LondonNational Fire Prevention Campaign, London -- Station Officer Albert Benjamin of Clapham Fire Station talking to children in Sommerleyton Road, Brixton, South London. Date: circa 1960s
The Beggars Opera, Aldeburgh Festival 1963English Opera Group production of The Beggars Opera (John Gay, in Brittens realization) at the Jubilee Hall, Aldeburgh, 20 June 1963. Act III, near end; at Newgate Gaol
Benjamin Britten with Darien Angadi (treble) at the Jubilee Hall during the interval in the concert of Music in England 1863, in the Jubilee Hall, Aldeburgh on 29 June 1963 Date: 1963
Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears talking with unidentified man. Aldeburgh Festival, 1963 Date: 1963
Benjamin Britten and Fidelity Countess of CranbrookBenjamin Britten leaving the Choral and Orchestral Concert at Orford Church during the Aldeburgh Festival on 23 June 1963. Fidelity Countess of Cranbrook on the right. Date: 1963
The Toast Is BritainThis painting is a portrayal of an incident at a banquet at which Nelson figures in company with the artist, Benjamin West. Date: circa 1915
Disraeli / Parl SpeechBENJAMIN DISRAELI 1st Earl of Beaconsfield; statesman, Prime Minister and novelist speaking in parliament. Date: 1804 - 1881
Peter Pears, Emanuel Hurwitz violin and chorusPeter Pears rehearsing the title role in Brittens Saint Nicolas at Orford Church, 23 June 1963
Adrian Beers playing Double BassAdrian Beers, double bass with ECO, during Noyes Fludde rehearsal at Orford Church, Aldeburgh Festival 1961 Date: 1961
Benjamin Britten, Maurice GendronRehearsal for Piano Trios Concert in the Aldeburgh Parish Church (24 June), Aldeburgh Festival 1963
Benjamin Disraeli at a Carlton Club BanquetEngraving showing members of the Carlton Club toasting Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-1881) (seated centre), during a banquet held at the Riding-School, Knightsbridge
Benjamin Rush / SullyBENJAMIN RUSH American medical practitioner, signatory to the Declaration of Independence
Disraeli / Victoria VisitBENJAMIN DISRAELI Earl of Beaconsfield Meeting Queen Victoria at High Wycombe station on her visit to Hughenden, December 1877
Disraeli Speaks / 1875Tory Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli speaks during a debate on Irish Home Rule
Cartoon, Disraeli Measuring the British LionCartoon, The State of the Nation, Disraeli Measuring the British Lion
Paphiopedilum insigne orchid (Remarkable cypripedium, Cypripedium insigne). Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by Miss Jane Taylor from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Long-leaved euthales, Euthales macrophylla or Velleia macrophylla. Australia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Peter Pears Benjamin Britten and George Malcolm during rehearsals of St Nicholas at Orford Church, Aldeburgh Festival 1961 Date: 1961
Sussex Smugglers / C18ThSUSSEX SMUGGLERS Daniel Cater chained in the Turff House at Old Mill s. John Cobby is kicking him and Benjamin Tapner is cutting him across the eyes and nose while he is saying the Lords Prayer
Benjamin Lincoln (1733-1810). Engraving. ColoredBenjamin Lincoln (1733-1810). American officer. Engraving. 19th century. Colored
Benjamin FerreyBENJAMIN FERREY British architect working in London. Date: 1810 - 1880
Philadelphia, USA - Benjamin Franklin Parkway Date: circa 1920s
Key figures behind tariff reform from Birmingham areaThe key figures behind tariff reform from the Birmingham area. Tariff Reform introduced by Joseph and Austen Chamberlain in 1903
Benjamin Bovill, c. 1824Illustrated portrait of Benjamin Bovill, the English merchant, c.1824. Date: 11 October 1890
BOX SELLERBand Boxes. A box seller passes Benjamin Tabarts Juvenile Library on Bond Street, London. Tabart was an early seller of fairy tales & nursery stories for children
Sir Benjamin StoneSIR BENJAMIN STONE Statesman, MP for Birmingham, best known for his photography - portraits of politicians and British folklore customs and festivals
Disraeli / HughendenBENJAMIN DISRAELI English MPs home at Hughenden, Buckinghamshire, showing Disraeli himself sitting reading under the verandah, his favourite seat
Racial / Iroquois / WestIroquois (Canadian) warrior, based on a detail from Benjamin Wests painting, The Death of General Wolfe
B. Franklin / LightningBenjamin Franklins first lightning conductor on Benjamin Wests house
Disraeli / First BudgetWilliam Gladstone attacks Benjamin Disraelis first budget speech, which had lasted five hours
General Benjamin Foulois, chief of air service for the American Expeditionary Forces
Disraeli / Downey PhotoBENJAMIN DISRAELI 1st Earl of Beaconsfield English politician and author
All 46 US Presidents from 1789-2021All 46 Presidents of the United States of America from George Washington (top left), who was inaugurated in 1789 to the current encumbent, Joe Biden (bottom right) in 2021
Benjamin Webster, actor-manager and dramatist - The Governor Date: 1873
Nicholson & Myall Garage, Nottingham - FloodlightsNicholson & Myall Garage, Nottingham with Benjamin Duoflux Floodlights - 2 x 1000W lamps set 20ft above the ground, 12ft from the garage with 15oft spacing
Entrance to Main Quarters - House of David, Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA
New York World's Fair, Benjamin FranklinA photograph showing a sculpture of Benjamin Franklin inside the Garden Court at the New York World's Fair, held at Flushing Meadows during 1939-40, by William Zorach. Date: circa 1939
A pair of Bucks, Benjamin Disraeli and Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Date: 1883
Brockley Hall, Somersetshire, England. Late 18th-century house remodelled in 1825 in a plain Greek-revival style with deer park and heronry for John Hugh Smyth-Pigott
Inverary Castle, Argyll, Scotland
Benjamin Franklin - American scientist, inventor, politicianBenjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American scientist, inventor and politician. In 1776 he wrote, with Jefferson and John Adams, the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America
Philadelphia. The Franklin Institute - TraversierUnited States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The Franklin Institute. Founded in 1824, originally housed in Independence Hall
United States of America. Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia. Founded in 1751 by Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond. It became one of the leading public hospitals in the country. Engraving
Yellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius, male 1, female 2, and young 3
Hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker and red-belliedHairy woodpecker, Dryobates villosus, male 1, downy woodpecker, Dryobates pubescens, male 2 and female 3, and red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus, male 4
Cartoon, Doctors Differ! (Gladstone and Disraeli)Cartoon, Doctors Differ! Political rivals Gladstone and Disraeli have different ideas about the health of the patient (representing the country)
Cartoon, The Sphinx is Silent (Disraeli foreign policy)Cartoon, The Sphinx is Silent -- Benjamin Disraeli, Conservative Prime Minister, depicted as the Sphinx, with people below begging him to speak
Cartoon, The Great Trick Act (Disraeli)Cartoon, The Great Trick Act -- a satirical comment on the Conservative Partys recent success in the General Election
Cartoon, The Winning Stroke (Disraeli)Cartoon, The Winning Stroke -- a satirical comment on the Conservative Partys success in the recent General Election
Cartoon, The Dispatch of Business (Disraeli and Gladstone)Cartoon, The Dispatch of Business -- a satirical comment on the conflicting approaches of Benjamin Disraeli (Conservative) and William Gladstone (Liberal) to electoral reform. Date: 1866
Cartoon, The Anglers Return (Derby and Disraeli)Cartoon, The Anglers Return -- Lord Derby and Benjamin Disraeli portrayed as fishermen
Cartoon, A Dip in the Free Trade Sea -- satirical comment on the Conservative governments announcement that they did not intend to return to the policy of Protectionism
Cartoon, The Political Chameleon -- satirical comment on Benjamin Disraelis ability to change his partys allegiance from Protectionism to Free Trade in anticipation of an approaching General
Cartoon, The Political Cheap-Jack -- Benjamin Disraeli, portrayed as a conman at a country fair, wooing his Buckinghamshire constituents during the General Election campaign, summer 1847. 1847
Vine lilac or waraburra, Hardenbergia violacea (One-leaved hardenbergia, Hardenbergia monophylla). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Crown of thorns, Euphorbia milii var. splendensCrown of thorns, Christ plant or Christ thorn, Euphorbia milii var. splendens (Spendid euphorbia, Euphorbia splendens)
Shooting stars, Hoya multiflora (Abundant flowering cyrtoceras, Cyrtoceras floribundum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Salmon correa or neat correa, Correa pulchella. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Modernist House, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks, HallwayA photograph of a hallway to a modernist house located at Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, designed in 1936 by architect Rose Elisabeth Benjamin. Date: circa 1937
Modernist House, Gerrard's Cross, BucksA photograph of a modernist house located at Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, designed in 1936 by architect Rose Elisabeth Benjamin, built in reinforced concrete. Date: circa 1937
Modernist House At WimbledonA photograph of a modernist house located at Wimbledon, designed in 1935 by architects Rose Elisabeth Benjamin and Eugen Carl Kaufmann
Modernist House At Wimbledon & Living RoomA pair of photographs showing the exterior and interior living room of a modernist house located in Wimbledon, designed in 1935 by architects Rose Elisabeth Benjamin and Eugen Carl Kaufmann
Winking CowAn illustration portraying the head of a cow, happily winking, wearing a pair of ribbons around the neck in red and blue. Date: circa 1901
Work SimplifiedThis series of illustrations comically shows a sketch in which some workers are struggling to get a large, heavy pipe into a trench by the end of the day
Madame Blondeau's TenantsA series of comic illustrations showing Madame Blondeau speaking with a lady, with a different selection of tenants in each picture, each with a dog. Date: circa 1901