Benedictine MonkMONACHUS BENEDICTINUS a satirical drawing done at a time when England feared a papal invasion
English BenedictineBenedictine monk in England
BENEDICTINE OF CLUNYA Benedictine of the abbaie de Cluny, France, in its early days (it was founded in 910)
BENEDICTINE, CITEAUXA Benedictine monk of Citeaux Date: 1848
BENEDICTINE, OLIVETOA Benedictine monk of Monte Oliveto Date: 1848
CAMALDOLIA monk of the CAMALDOLI, a Benedictine spin-off Date: 1848
BENEDICTINE OF ST WaSTA Benedictine of Saint-Wst in his choir habit Date: 1848
Paris, France - Eglise des Filles du Calvaire. Date: 17th century
Stamford PrioryThe remains of St. Leonards Priory, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England. It was founded in the early 12th century by the Benedictines of Durham Abbey. Date: founded 12th century
ABBOTA BENEDICTINE abbot, master of a French abbey
Monk of St MaurBenedictine monk of SAINT-MAUR
Benedictine NunMONACA BENEDICTINA Benedictine nun
BenedictineA Benedictine monk of former times