South Island kokako (extinct) and bell minerSouth Island kokako, Callaeas cinereus (extinct) and bell miner, Manorina melanophrys. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rene Primevere Lessons Complements de Buffon, Pourrat Freres, Paris, 1838
Bearded bellbird, Procnias averano (Variegated chatterer, Ampelis variegata). Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by John Latham from his own A General History of Birds, Winchester, 1822
White bellbird, Procnias albus, male and female (Carunculated chatterer, Ampelis carunculata)
Bearded bellbird, Procnias averano, and American avocet, Recurvirostra americana
Silvereye Tauhou, Bellbird KorimakoSilvereye Tauhou, Zosterops lateralis lateralis. Bellbird Korimako, Anthornis melanura melanura (male and female)
Mountain trogon, Trogon mexicanus, and bare-throated bellbird, Procnias nudicollis.. Chromolithograph by unknown artist/engraver from Mary and Elizabeth Kirbys Beautiful Birds in Far-Off Lands, T
Bearded bellbird, Procnias averano, and noisy friarbird, Philemon corniculatus
de Havilland DH50A, G-AUEK, Bellbird, of QANTAS
Anthornis melanura, New Zealand bellbirdFf. 62. Watercolour painting by George Forster (1773) annotated Certhia olivacea and made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)