Comedy - The Hoffnung Interplanetary Music FestivalMusicians Temperament - Hilarity during The Hoffnung Interplanetary Music Festival at the Royal Festival Hall, London
Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms
Tarot Card - Roy de Baton (King of Clubs)
Tarot Card - Baton IIII (IV)
Tarot Card - Baton X
Tarot Card - Baton VIIII (IX)
Tarot Card - Baton VIII
Tarot Card - Baton VI
Tarot Card - Baton V
Tarot Card - Baton VII
Tarot Card - Baton II
Tarot Card - Baton III
Boys playing tug-of-war with batons and dancingBoys playing tug-of-war with batons (covet baston) and dancing to music (danse), after an engraving by Claudine Bouzonnet Stella, 17th century
British troops in gas masks - Uprising in NicosiaBritish troops armed with batons and wearing gas masks, standing by to quell disturbances by Greek Cypriots in Nicosia, Cyprus during rioting in Nicosia - late October 1955. 1955
Tarot Card - Cavalier de Baton (Knight of Clubs)
Tarot Card - Reyne de Baton (Queen of Clubs)
Tarot Card - Valet de Baton (Page of Clubs)
Tarot Card - As de Baton (Ace of Clubs)
Police officers on parade, Albany, USAPolice officers on parade with batons drawn, North Pearl Street, Albany, New York State, USA. circa 1908
Greetings card with conductors baton in a caseGreetings card in the shape of a conductors baton in a case. Date: circa 1890s
Palestinian Disturbances 1936An Illustrated London News cover showing two images of disturbances in Jaffa. The top picture shows British Police, armed with batons and shields, dispersing Arab protestors
The General Strike - Sphere emergency numberFront cover of The Sphere emergency number issued during the General Strike. Photograph shows mounted police controlling crowds at Elephant and Castle in South London
Two images (top): shash and attachments for uniforms; (bottom): batons or ceremonial staffs. Date 1878 Oct
A political discussionTurn-coats and cut-throats. Men fight each other on the stairway with batons, causing quite a scene. A sign above the stairs reads Freedom of Election. Date: 1796
Departure of troops by the London and Birmingham RailwayTroops departing from Euston Station, London, to Manchester and other industrial districts of Lancashire to supress the riots and strikes there
Batons Pastilles AdvertisementBatons Pastilles
Festival MajorettesMajorettes in short skirts twirl their batons, followed by a marching brass band, at the Festival Pleasure Gardens, Battersea, Festival of Britain celebrations
Riot / Birmingham / 1901The Political Riot at Birmingham Town Hall during Lloyd Georges meeting. This illustration shows the Police baton charge. Lloyd George escaped in policemans clothes