Crater of the Cup Aizac mountain with prismatic basalt pavementCrater of the Cup Aizac mountain with lava flow creating a prismatic basalt pavement. In the Vivarais or Ardeche range
Causeway on the banks of the Auliere river near Colombier, FrancCauseway on the banks of the Auliere river near Colombier, Vivarais range, France. Irregular basalt colonnade on a layer of sand over pebbles
Basalt causeway at Beaume bridge, Vivarais, France, 18th centuryBasalt causeway at Beaume bridge on the Ardeche river, Vivarais range, France. Colonnade of high prisms over a volcanic grotto
Basalt prism columns at Bridon bridge, near Vals, France, 18th cBasalt prism columns at Bridon bridge, near Vals, in the Vivarais/Ardeche range. After a design by Veyrenc in Barthelemy Faujas de Saint-Fond's Recherches sur les volcans eteints, 1778
The cone of Maillas, near St. Jean le Noir, Vivarais, FranceView of part of the rock of Maillas, Mont Jastrie, near St. Jean le Noir, Lower Vivarais, France. Columns and prisms of black basalt
Colonnade of basalt prisms near the extinct volcano Chenavari PeColonnade of basalt prisms or giant's causeway near the extinct volcano Chenavari Peak, Vivarais/Ardeche range
Ruins of Rochemaure castle on an outcrop of basalt prisms, 18thRuins of the 11th-century Rochemaure castle on an outcrop of black basalt prisms near Montelimar in the Vivarais/Ardeche range
Geologists exploring the volcanic cirque of Ashna-cregs, Isle of Mull, Scotland. A natural amphitheatre of black basalt lava. After a drawing by French geologist Barthelemy Faujas de Saint-Fond
Highlanders of Scotland in a hovel, 1797. The Scots wear tartan kilt or philabeg, a jacket, sporran, bonnet and plaid over their shoulders