Coopers at work making wooden barrelsFour coopers hard at work in their workshop making traditional wooden barrels. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
Hogarth, Four Times of the Day, NightHogarth, Four Times of the Day, 4. Night
Workshop of a cooper (barrel maker)The workshop of a cooper or barrel maker, with examples of the finished product out in the street
Boeing Dash 80 N70700 is barrel rolledBoeing Dash 80, N70700, is barrel rolled
Glenlivet Scotch Whisky distillery 1890Six thousand barrels of whisky in a bonded warehouse on the ground floor, Edinburgh, Scotland, proprietors Andrew Usher and Co. 1890
Various coopers toolsVarious tools used by a cooper or barrel maker, including mallets, a hammer, a hatchet and a knife
Barrel GirlBottoms up! A little girl accidentally reveals the fact that her knickers match her dress as she leans over a water butt!
Making Butter, ArmeniaMaking butter in Arnebia using a suspended barrel to churn the milk
Cheery Families - Mrs Butt the Brewers Wife. 1890s
Cheery Families - Mr Butt the Brewer. 1890s
Tug of War winning team, Demosthenes, AberdeenTug of War winning team on board the Demosthenes, belonging to the Aberdeen White Star Line
Variety of pistols, incl Colts Deringer pistol / PeacemakerA variety of pistols, including Colts Deringer pistol, the Snapchance Revolver, a full-size cartridge
Advert / Mackesons StoutMACKESONs STOUT Milk stout
Illicit Whisky StillAn illicit still in Donegal (Ireland)
Spain and Portugal - Leiria Fountain - Fountain foreground - Bullock cart with barrel, people around fountain - houses in background. Part of Box 149 Boswell collection - Portugal and Spain
Monk Wine Cellar 14 CentA conscientious monk tastes the monastery wine to make sure it is ageing well and keeping in good condition, a duty which must be performed from time to time
Quaker Meeting / LauronA Quaker meeting - a woman stands on an upturned barrel to preach
Industry / Cooper 1827Coopers made flasks, tubs, pails etc; this particular cooper is putting together a hogshead. Various iron and wooden hoops wall his shop
Social / Knights Hill 18CA gentleman farmer on his horse at Knights Hill, Surrey, seat of Lord Thurlow. The farm labourer carries a harvest barrel
Cider maker, Somerset, EnglandA cider maker wearing a trilby hat and an apron, leans on an old wooden wagon and drinks a pint of cider among the casks and barrels in the outbuilding of a cider works in Somerset
Shirley Temple starring in Captain JanuaryShirley Temple (1926-2014) starring in Captain January (American musical comedy-drama film directed by David Butler), 1936 - 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation Production. Date: 1936
Arrested by an undercover police officerAn undercover female police officer springs her Honey Trap on an unsuspecting criminal, who goes from a jolly evening with a fetching lady to staring down the barrel of a revolver!
Gout Man Fishes at HomeUnable to go fishing due to his painful gout, a sufferer casts his rod into a barrel of fish, in the comfort of his living room
Herring fishing station, Lerwick, Shetland Islands, with women packing fish into barrels for export
View outside a leather factory, Bermondsey, south LondonView outside Neckinger Mills leather factory, Bermondsey, south London. Date: 1842
Comic postcard, Scotsman with whisky barrel bagpipes. Date: circa 1900s
Royal Fusiliers marching in Peckham, SE London, WW1Men of the 4/1st City of London Regiment, Royal Fusiliers, seen here marching along a road in Peckham Rye, SE London, in the autumn of 1915. At the front on the left is Albert Auerbach (1894-1918)
Theo Gier, Pure California Wines & BrandiesCompliments of Theo Gier, Pure California Wines & Brandies, as seen at the International Exposition in San Francisco, USA, 1894. 1894
Wassail, c. 1650Wassail. A man gleefully fills a large wine jug with wine from a barrel. c.1650 Date: C.1650
Watneys Happy Families - card back design. circa 1930
Music cover, In the Quartermasters Stores (My Eyes are Dim I Cannot See), words and music adapted by Box, Cox and Bert Read. 1940
Blitz in London -- Winkleys Wharf, Millwall, WW2Blitz in London -- Winkleys Wharf, Millwall, 22 March 1944. Showing firefighters in action on barrels of paraffin wax. Date: 1944
Beirut, Lebanon - Young Fruit SellerBeirut, Lebanon - A delightful photograph of a young Fruit Seller Date: circa 1904
Street music: organ grinder rejected, 1858Repelling foreign invasion: paterfamilias tries the cold water cure in a case of organ grinding. Date: 1858
Morris / Merton AbbeyWILLIAM MORRIS English writer/artists workshop at Merton Abbey, Surrey Date: 1834 - 1896
Poster advertising Matthew Gloag & Son of Perth, Scotland -- famed for ports -- with a scene of port being loaded on the River Douro in Portugal
Two Soviet Heavy Tanks Josef Stalin (IS) IIThis model of tank was introduced in spring 1944. The conflict depictedis likely to have been taken in Belarus or Poland in late autumn 1944
Greenwich Park 1802Fun and games in Greenwich Park on a Whitmonday - a bank holiday : picnicking, dancing to a barrel organ, playing games and generally making the most of the day Date: 1802
Guy Fawkes / Tar BarrelRolling a tar barrel on November 5th at Brighton
Advertisement for Moores Maltine Vinegar from the Midland Vinegar Company, available in five gallon sealed barrels direct from the brewery and ideal for pickling, salads and as a table condiment
Barrel jellyfish, Rhizostoma cuvieri. Handcoloured lithograph from Georg Friedrich Treitschkes Gallery of Natural History, Naturhistorischer Bildersaal des Thierreiches, Liepzig, 1842
British Countryside - Cutting ChestnutsBritish Countryside - A Woodman cutting Chestnuts at Midhurst, Sussex - from which barrel hoops, fencing and bean sticks are made. Date: 1938
Cartoon, Two emancipated womenModified wartime silhouette: skirts begin to evoke the barrel-line shape being narrower & court shoes are vying with high boots. Hats: tam-o shanter or high crown. Date: 1918
Group of working men with a dog, FranceGroup of working men sitting on barrels, with a dog, France. Date: circa 1920s
Wine bottles and casks, D Oliveiras Lda, Madeira, PortugalA display of wine bottles and casks at the firm of D Oliveiras Lda in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Steamship harbour at Algiers - the wine export sectionThe steamship harbour at Algiers - the wine export section. Thousands of barrels of wine awaiting transportation to Europe
Woman / Mode Illustre / 1923Barrel-line dress with fold over scarf collar & apron front in an orange & white rose print fabric with a tie belt worn low on the hips. She holds a hat with a broad brim
French Artillery - 8An artilleryman of the foot artillery of the French Garde Royale turns the handle of his ecouvillon to swab the barrel of his Gribeauval cannon
C17 Cooper / Woodcut / 41A cooper puts the finishing touches to a wine barrel
Chaplin / ChampionCHARLIE CHAPLIN (Sir Charles Spencer) English comedian and actor with a bulldog in the film Champion Charlie
Nelson Blinded at CalviHORATIO, LORD NELSON English naval officer loses the sight of his eye at Calvi
Eskimo Hunts a NarwhalAn Eskimo fisherman pursuing a narwhal
Cannon / Valletta / MaltaA cannon displayed outside the St John Cathedral (viewed from St John Square) at Valletta
Comic postcard, wartime alcohol and fuel restrictions - ensuring a good supply! Date: circa 1916-1918
Christmas postcard, bottles, barrel and tankard, with a reminder to drink up by half past nine, due to wartime restrictions. Date: circa 1916-1918
Chow puppy standing on a barrel Date: 1950s
Chow puppy sitting on a barrel Date: 1950s
The Waggoner. A skeleton overturning and wrecking the wooden cart
Wale fishing. Facsimile after a woodcut from LaWhale fishing. Facsimile after a woodcut from La cosmographie universelle by Andre Thevet (1516-1590), published in Paris in 1575
The sommelier in his function. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia universalis, published in Basel in 1552
The brewer, 16th century. EngravingThe brewer. Facsimile after a drawing and engraving by Jost Amman in the 16th century. Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878
Dues on wines, privilege granted to the Chapter of Tournai by King Chilperic. Two clergymen, one carrying the measuring cups and the other a rod to measure the barrels
The bishop of Tournai receiving the tithe of beerRight of the bishopric of Tournai on beer. Originally this tax was paid in kind. The Chapter collector went to the brewers house to collect it
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Siege of Selestat (Schlettstadt) by Prussian troops. Bombardment of the Alsatian town in October 1870. Engraving
The Improved Queen Washer, including cross-section of barrel - publicity leaflet for 19th century washing machine and mangle. Date: 19th century
Gilbert Burnet, Scottish philosopher and historian, 1643-1715Caricature of Gilbert Burnet, Scottish philosopher and historian, author and poet, Bishop of Salisbury, 1643-1715. One leg in a tub, one in a pulpit, with six satirical English verses
Venetian galley slave, 16th century. Both legs chained to his belt, red hat, robe of coarse fabric. He holds a barrel of water. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Tallow chandler making candles in a workshopTallow chandler in apron and sleeve protectors making candles in a workshop. He dips a rack of wicks into molten wax. In the foreground, a barrel and rack of finished candles
Merchant and clerk checking freight at the docks. A docker laborer pushes a barrel on a crowded dock in front of sail ships in a port
Dyer dunking bolts of fabric in a vat in a workshopDyer in apron and cap dunking bolts of cotton fabric in a vat in a workshop. A man works a pump to pour water into a vat to rinse cloth behind him, and bolts of fabric are piled onto stools
Cooper working on a barrel in a workshopCooper in apron hammering a metal hoop on a hogshead barrel with a mallet in a workshop. Hoops, saws, spoke-shave, stock and bit, adze and auger on the walls, wooden planks on the floor
Interior of a bar or cabaret, Belgium, 15th century. Barmaid behind the counter, drinkers on benches, a waiter pouring beer from a barrel
Norman soldiers loading stores and arms onto shipsNorman soldiers loading suits of chainmail armor, carts laden with helmets, spears and barrels onto ships. Willian, Duke of Normandy, orders soldiers and cavalry to board
Two Georgian rectors in a churchyard in Oxford. Doctor Broadbase checks his watch against the sundial. Symptoms of a Dinner
Death as victor riding on horseback over corpses. A skeleton in laurel wreath holding a flag rides his horse over the dead on a barricade of doors and barrels
Costume of a French artisan, 15th centuryCostume of a French artisan, reign of King Charles VII, 15th century. In hat, pleated doublet, apron, pantalons, bootlets. Cooper with mallet working on a barrel
Rustic banquet scene with large group at a table, 17th century. A man grabs a roast chicken, others drink ale, a couple embrace, a child eats a large biscuit
17th century Dutch peasants outside a large farmhouse
Scottish woman pouring a bottle of ale into a bucket for a manScottish woman pouring a bottle of ale into a bucket on a table for a man in a tam o'shanter cap, 18th century. She wears a hood and cimple, apron and tartan skirt, and holds a large key
17th century peasants drinking at a tressle table in a tavern. A man in feathered cap with pipe stands at right, with two men seated on barrels drinking ale
Group of men drinking and smoking, seated on bench and barrel, 1Group of rustic peasant men drinking and smoking, seated on bench and barrel, 17th century. They hold tankards and tobacco pipes, and wear daggers and purses from their belts
Dutch peasant with two daggers attacks another card player in a dark tavern, knocking over a barrel table with cards. The other grabs his hat and wields a knife
17th century peasants drinking ale and smoking pipes in a tavern. They sit on wooden benches and barrels, with jugs and tankards, pipes and ashtrays on the table
17th century Dutch peasants drinking near a fireplace in a tavern. A man pours grog from a jug for two people seated on chairs and barrels. Group near a chimney