Ginger for Pluck by Cecil AldinA drawing of a small dog who is attempting to share the comfy chair with the large alsation. Date: 22nd January 1938
Arsenal vs. Stoke, Highbury, 1928Photograph showing Dixon, the Stoke goalkeeper, attempting to save a shot from one of the Arsenal forwards, during the F.A. Cup Sixth Round match held at Highbury Stadium, 1928
Bedlam Patient NicholsonASSASSINATION ATTEMPT on KING GEORGE III Mrs Margaret Nicholson who, after stabbing attempt, was sent to Bedlam for life
Cartoon, Royal Bird Catchers -- two men attempting to capture Queen Victoria. 1881
JEFFREYS (1648 - 1689)GEORGE JEFFREYS, 1st Baron Jeffreys, Lord Chief Justice (JUDGE JEFFREYS); Siezed at Wapping, attempting to flee the country disguised as a sailor in 1688
Ushiwakamaru defeats Benkei on the Gojo BridgeThe famous first meeting of Benkei and Ushiwakamaru
Victorian Children's GamesHome Tag'. Players (two or more) decide who is going to be it, often using a counting-out game such as Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Moe or Rock-Paper- Scissors'
Hanriot HD-1 flown by Charles NungesserThe Hanriot HD-1 flown by famed World War I French Ace Charles Nungesser in the 1925 movie The Sky Raider, with Nungessers distinctive badge on the fuselage side
Elizabeth, Duchess of York attempts to knock down a coconutElizabeth, Duchess of York (1900-2002) (later Elizabeth)
Slightly Tipsy Rakish Cad attempting to play billiards, but likely to only succeeding in spoiling the baize. Date: circa 1908
WW2 Comic IllustrationsA pair of comical WW2 illustrations showing an airman attempting to tighten up a loose wheel mid flight
WW2 - British Fighter Plane Destroys Enemy RaiderAn illustration showing some British WW2 fighter planes intercepting and destroying enemy raiders attempting to cross our coast. Date: circa 1940s
London shoppers with conversion tables - DecimilisationLondon shoppers equipped with conversion tables attempting to fathom the new Decimal currency, during a pre D-Day demonstration. Date: 1970
Cartoon, Liberal Prime Minister AsquithPolitical cartoon, Liberal Prime Minister Asquith, I can't get all this washed in time - cat washerwoman attempting to cope with Parliamentary Bills in the form of laundry
Auster J-5F Aiglet Trainer G-ANSV (msn 3124). This air craft was written-off on 11 August 1965, after attempting a take-off from a field after a forced-landing. Date: circa 1960
Rorqual Whale captured in the River Dart, Devon 1856Pike-headed rorqual whale being attacked by a local cottager on the north shore of Millbay Creek, River Dart
Parry Thomas, motor racing driver, at the wheel of Babs, half an hour before his fatal accident attempting another world speed record at Pendine, Carmarthenshire on 3 March 1928. 1928
Boy with Horse Date: 1914
BEDLAM PATIENT NICHOLSONMrs Margaret Nicholson who, after attempting to stab King George III, was sent to Bedlam for life. (profile, in hat) Date: 1786
Souvenir Medal to the pioneers of Transatlantic FlightSouvenir Medal/Medallion to the pioneers of Transatlantic Flight - both those who lost their lives and then (finally) the one (Lindbergh) who succeeded. Date: circa 1927
Ufos / Mantell / GodmanCaptain Thomas Mantell of the U.S. National Guard encounters a huge UFO in his P-51, but crashes while attempting to pursue it (picture 1 of 2) Date: 7 January 1948
Aucklands advance from its battalion headquartersThis drawing relates to an incident on the 14th/15th September 1916 and is described in a book entitled A Saga of the Sword by Austin F. Britten, published by Arrowsmith, London 1928
What Next by Cathinca AmyotA humorous colour illustration of a maid attempting to ride a bike
Anti-Suffrage Cartoon 1912 DemonstrationDepicts Mrs. Pankhurst on horseback attempting to storm the Bastille, a reference to the Votes for Women Rally, held 14th July 1912, organised by the W.S.P.U
1879 / Afghan AccidentMembers of the Royal Horse Artillery have an accident while attempting to manoeuvre along the narrow road over the Lundi Kotul Pass in the Kyber. Date: 1879
Gertrude Ederle channel swim attempt with jazz bandPage from The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News reporting on the channel swim attempt of American swimmer Gertrude Ederle (1905-2003)
Capitaine Saint-RomanCapitaine SAINT-ROMAN French aviator who disappeared into the Atlantic while attempting a flight from Saint- Louis de Senegal to Port Natal. Date: ? - 1927
Francois L hosteFRANCOIS L HOSTE French balloonist, who vanished while attempting to cross the English Channel : it is supposed he was swept out into the Atlantic. Date: ? - 1887
Well, Au Reservoir, Monsieur. - Engishman abroadA Jocular Briton (leaving French Hotel) - " Well, Au Reservoir, Monsieur." Hotel Proprietor - " Tanks!!" Date: 1896
Friedrich 1 DrownsThe emperor FRIEDRICH I, participating in the Third Crusade, is drowned while attempting to cross the Saleph River in Cilicia (in present- day Turkey) Date: 1190
The joys of attempting the impossible
Russian businessman talking to two workmen attempting to repair a damaged Russian battleship. Date 1904
Boys Helping GliderA group of boys with ropes, attempting to guide a glider plane down to a safe landing. Date: 1930s
Guy Fawkes HouseThe home of Guy (Guido) Fawkes, a Catholic conspirator who was detected while attempting to blow up the Houses of Parliament
Lion Cub Aldin 1907A lion cub, attempting to pounce on a bird that has flown into its cage at the zoo
The sinking of HMHS RohilaThe loss of the British hospital ship, Rohilla: Whitby life-boat men gallantly attempting to launch their boat
German Bomber Shot Down over Victoria; Second World War, 194Illustration showing the destruction of a German bomber mid-air, after it had been shot up by an RAF fighter, over Victoria in London, 1940
Ginger the dog attempting to board the ship, British ArcticEngraving showing the dog Ginger attempting to board one of the ships of the British Arctic Expedition of 1875-1876
American Aircraft attacking German Vehicles, Falaise; SecondIllustration showing Thunderbolts and Lightning of the US Air Force attacking a column of German vehicles attempting to escape from the Falaise Pocket, France, August 1944
General Stuarts Headquarters; American Civil War, 1864Illustration showing General Stuarts headquarters on the Rapidan River; a thickly wooded scene, with soldiers cutting down trees and chopping logs
French Suffragettes in Paris, 1936Photograph showing a policeman attempting to end a suffragette demonstration in the Rue Royale, Paris, 1936
Attempting ClairvoyanceFrederick Marion - real name Josef Kraus - Czech stage magician, attempts clairvoyance on the contents of a tin under the direction of Harry Price
New Zealand troops marching to a memorial service in WestminA column of New Zealand troops marching to commemorate those who fell attempting to seize the Gallipoli peninsular during the First World War
The Great Fire in ClerkenwellA large building in Clerkenwell collapsing as it is engulfed by flames. Firemen in 1880s uniform can be seen attempting to subdue the fire with hosepipes
Alighting & BoardingDo not attempt to board or alight from a vehicle in motion... many a man has lost his life in attempting to save a second in this manner
Snowy LondonEerie scene at 2.15 p.m. in London Westminster, showing one man attempting to catch a taxi during snowy, foggy weather
Mr Popple and the WidowAn attractive widow asks Mr Popple to retrieve her hat, but he dare not risk making a fool of himself in attempting to jump the fence
Battle of Magenta / 1859Austrian forces attempting to stop Italian unifications are defeated at Magenta, Lombardy, Italy, by French troops
Rus / Jap War: Spy CaughtSPIES : at Port Arthur, Russians find a Japanese spy attempting to sneak into the town in a coffin, which saves them the expense of finding one for him
Events / Ireland 1844Supporters of the Irish MP Daniel O Connell celebrate his acquittal and release from prison. He spent 3 months in prison accused of attempting to repeal the Act of Union
O CONNELLs TRIAL 1844Irish MP Daniel O Connell is sentenced to a year (he was acquitted after 3 months), accused of sedition for attempting to repeal the Act of Union
O connell ReleasedHaving spent a 3 months in prison accused of sedition for attempting to repeal the Act of Union, Irish MP Daniel O Connell is paraded through London after his acquittal
O CONNELL ACQUITTED 1844Having spent a 3 months in prison accused of sedition for attempting to repeal the Act of Union, Irish MP Daniel O Connell is cheered by crowds following his acquittal
Amundsen / Airship NorgeNorwegian polar explorer and aviator, who died attempting to rescue Umberto Nobile
Russians Cross LakeFinland : Russians attempting to cross a frozen lake are bombarded by the Finns
Capture of Robert / 1106Duke Robert Curthose is captured by Baudri after attempting to break the siege at Tinchebrai, started by the rival claimant to Normandy, his brother Henry
Getting Used to Flight2Before attempting to fly, the would-be aviator should accustom himself to the sensation of having little or nothing to support him in the air
Ufos / Mantell / GodmanCaptain Thomas Mantell of the U.S. National Guard encounters a huge UFO in his P-51, but crashes while attempting to pursue it (picture 2 of 2)
Bladud, King of EnglandBLADUD, King of England, credited with founding the city of Bath and with magical feats, supposed to have died in London while attempting to fly Date: - 463 BC