Mercury 7 AstronautsThe Mercury Project astronauts standing beside a 106-B plane. (l to r) Ms Carpenter, L G Cooper, John H Glenn, V I Grissom, Walter M Schirra, Alan B Shepard and D K Slayton
Project Mercury 7The original 7 Project Mercury astronauts. Top row (l to r): Alan Shepard, V I Gus Grissom, L G Cooper. Front row (l to r) Walter M Schirra, D K Slayton John Glenn and Scott Carpenter
Gemini V spacecraft launched by a Titan II on 21 August?Gemini V spacecraft launched by a Titan II on 21 August 1965 which carried astronauts L. Gordon Cooper and Charles ?Pete? Conrad for 120 revolutions of the Earth. Date: 1965
Apollo 7 Prime CrewThe prime crew of the first manned Apollo space mission (from l to r) Module Pilot Don F Eisele, Commander Walter M Schirra Jr. and Lunar Module pilot Walter Cunningham
Soviet CosmonautRussian cosmonaut VALENTINA TERESCHKOWA (born 1937) is the first woman in space, aboard Vostok 6
Nasmyth's model moon photograph, Aristotle and EudoxusJames Nasmyth's model moon photograph, Aristotle and Eudoxus, taken circa 1870. Date: circa 1870
First Day Cover Commemorating the Moon Landing on July 20, 1969. Armstrong walked on the surface on July 21. Date: 1969
Space Memorabilia - Joan Aldrin collectionSpace Memorabilia - rare Apollo 11 signed first day cover, comes directly from the collection of Joan Aldrin
Space Memorabilia - Apollo 11 first day coverSpace Memorabilia - rare Apollo 11 signed first day cover, comes directly from the collection of Joan Aldrin
Astronauts are introduced to the American and foreign p?Astronauts are introduced to the American and foreign press at a press conference in Washington in summer 1959
Eagle lunar module, Apollo moon landing, 1969Illustration showing a cross section of the Apollo 11 lunar module, named Eagle, used by American astronauts Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin for the first ever manned moon landing on 20 July 1969
Space Memorabilia - the three Apollo 11 astronautsSpace Memorabilia - Apollo 11 photograph from the collection of Joan Aldrin. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. Date: 1969
The Queen and Colonel Frank BormanQueen Elizabeth II meets Frank Frederick Borman, II (born March 14, 1928), United States Air Force pilot, aeronautical engineer, test pilot, and NASA astronaut
Startling Stories - The Bottom of the World by John C. Burroughs and Hulbert Burroughs. Three reptile-like aliens surrender to two space explorers each wielding a gun
Astronaut equipment, 1969Illustration indicating the different pieces of clothing and equipment worn by American astronauts Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin for their lunar landing in July 1969. Date: 1969
Apollo 11 lunar landings, July 1969Page from The Illustrated London News showing four photographs of American astronaut Edwin Buzz Aldrin walking about and conducting scientific experiements on the moon, taken by Neil Armstrong
Flights into the Future - the first men on the moonAstronauts land on the moon for the first time and set about exploring and taking samples from the lunar landscape
Flights into the Future - space age explorationA futuristic prediction of what it will be like when man finally lands on the moon - astronauts will find themselves in a strange world. Date: 1943
Portrait of Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin, the first man in space. Citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Hero of the Soviet Union, Flyer-Spaceman of the USSR
Astronauts during an EVA outside a Space Shuttle
Astronaut Walter SchirraWALTER SCHIRRA One of the original Mercury 7 astronauts chosen for the Project Mercury, Americas first effort to put men in space
Sts-7 Shuttle CrewThe STS-7 / Challenger crew who preformed the first satellite deployment: Robert Crippen (Commander), Frederick Hauck - John Fabian Sally Ride & Norman Thagard
Cooking on the Moon may prove a problem to astronauts, but perhaps solar heating could provide the power ?