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Astrology Collection

Background imageAstrology Collection: CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596-1665). Atlas Coelestis

CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596-1665). Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica. 1661. Fol 24. Hemisphaerium stellatum boreale antiquum. Representation of the Northern Hemisphere

Background imageAstrology Collection: 12 Signs of Zodiac

12 Signs of Zodiac
Symbols of the Twelve Houses

Background imageAstrology Collection: Constellation map. On the left side, the northern

Constellation map. On the left side, the northern
" Constellation map. On the left side, the northern constellations and on the right side, the southern constellations

Background imageAstrology Collection: Celestial map by Johannes Van Keulen (1654-1715)

Celestial map by Johannes Van Keulen (1654-1715). SPAIN. Barcelona. Barcelona Maritime Museum

Background imageAstrology Collection: SKY CHART

Sky chart showing the signs of the Zodiac and other celestial features

Background imageAstrology Collection: Taurus

The Constellation Taurus

Background imageAstrology Collection: Gemini

The Constellation Gemini

Background imageAstrology Collection: Sagittarius

The Constellation Sagittarius

Background imageAstrology Collection: Pisces (Rossum)

Pisces (Rossum)
PISCES the Fish 19 February - 20 March

Background imageAstrology Collection: NOSTRADAMUS, Michel de Notre Dame (1503-1566). French

NOSTRADAMUS, Michel de Notre Dame (1503-1566). French physician and astrologer, author of book of predictions Astrological Centuries (1555). Illustration in card of 18th century. Drawing

Background imageAstrology Collection: Armillary Sphere

Armillary Sphere. Astronomicon by Gaius Julius Hyginus. 1st century. Incunabula 283. Edition of 1485. Venice. Library of the University of Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain

Background imageAstrology Collection: Astrology / Zodiac

Astrology / Zodiac
Zodiac signs painted on the inside of an Egyptian sarcophagus found at Thebes in 1823, containing the mummy of a Greek

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac / Taurus (Maxims)

Zodiac / Taurus (Maxims)
portrayed as a bull in a china shop (although the china shop is seemingly a combination of the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum)

Background imageAstrology Collection: Capricorn

The Constellation Capricorn

Background imageAstrology Collection: Pisces

The Constellation Pisces

Background imageAstrology Collection: Virgo (Rossum)

Virgo (Rossum)
VIRGO the Virgin 22 August - 21 September

Background imageAstrology Collection: BLUNT / CAPRICORN / 47 / 1849

BLUNT / CAPRICORN / 47 / 1849
The constellation of Capricorn, this version has the head, shoulders and fore- legs of a goat and the hind body and tail of a fish

Background imageAstrology Collection: Blunt / Scorpio / Plate 45

Blunt / Scorpio / Plate 45
The constellation of Scorpio, the scorpion

Background imageAstrology Collection: Blunt / Virgo / Plate 43

Blunt / Virgo / Plate 43
The constellation of Virgo

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Charms Libra

Zodiac Charms Libra

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Charms Aries

Zodiac Charms Aries

Background imageAstrology Collection: Meunier Zodiac Aquarius

Meunier Zodiac Aquarius

Background imageAstrology Collection: Libra

The Constellation Libra

Background imageAstrology Collection: Sun God in a Chariot

Sun God in a Chariot

Background imageAstrology Collection: Palmistry. Planetary and zodiacal diagram of the

Palmistry. Planetary and zodiacal diagram of the left hand. Engraving

Background imageAstrology Collection: Illustration for Capricorn, Erte

Illustration for Capricorn, Erte
Illustration for those born under Capricorn, showing a woman with Medusa shadow, goat, lucky days, mimosa and stone walls

Background imageAstrology Collection: Illustration for Sagittarius, Erte

Illustration for Sagittarius, Erte
Illustration for those born under Sagittarius, showing an archer aiming at a laurel wreath, whilst embracing a woman, with pansies, and numbers of the sign

Background imageAstrology Collection: Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578). Andromeda

Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578). Andromeda
Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578). Italian astronomer and humanist. Constellation of Andromeda. De le stelle fisse (The sphere of the world and The fixed stars). Edited in Venice in 1540

Background imageAstrology Collection: Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578)

Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578). Italian astronomer and humanist. Draco constellation. De le Stelle Fisse (The sphere of the world and The fixed stars). Edited in Venice in 1540. Engraving, 1559

Background imageAstrology Collection: English gentleman consulting a somniloquist, 18th century

English gentleman consulting a somniloquist, 18th century
English gentleman consulting a somniloquist in his chambers, 18th century. The sleeping fortune teller lies in a bed in a room decorated with crocodile skin, Egyptian figures and incense burners

Background imageAstrology Collection: Customs inspectors opening luggage at the border

Customs inspectors opening luggage at the border, 18th century. Searched by the Douaniers at the French frontiers. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Thomas Rowlandson

Background imageAstrology Collection: Hudibras, mock-heroic poem by Samuel Butler

Hudibras, mock-heroic poem by Samuel Butler -- Hudibras and the astrologer Sidrophel. Date: 1845

Background imageAstrology Collection: Valentine Zodiac Card for August Virgo Date: 1910

Valentine Zodiac Card for August Virgo Date: 1910

Background imageAstrology Collection: Pair of Balances Date: 1880

Pair of Balances Date: 1880

Background imageAstrology Collection: Irish Monks in Homage to Sun

Irish Monks in Homage to Sun

Background imageAstrology Collection: Saturn with two Zodiac Signs Date: 1450

Saturn with two Zodiac Signs Date: 1450

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Constellations

Zodiac Constellations

Background imageAstrology Collection: ALL SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC

All twelve signs of the zodiac shown together in a circle. Date: early 19th century

Background imageAstrology Collection: ZODIAC SPRING SOLSTICE

The sky as it appeared at the Spring Solstice 2500 BC, at the time of the Golden Fleece voyage; some of the Argonauts are depicted along with their ship and the Zodiac signs Date: circa 1700

Background imageAstrology Collection: ZODIAC ON XMAS DAY

The night sky as it appears at midnight on 25 December, a moment sacred to Mithras (and subsequently to Christians) - the star of the Magi shines over the sign of the Virgin Date: circa 1700

Background imageAstrology Collection: BLUNT / PISCES / PLATE 49

The constellation of Pisces, the fish. Date: 1849

Background imageAstrology Collection: MEUNIER ZODIAC CAPRICORN

Date: circa 1900

Background imageAstrology Collection: ASTROLOGY / ZODIAC

The twelve signs - a medieval series Date: 1489

Background imageAstrology Collection: Mars with the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio. Illustratio

Mars with the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio. Illustratio
De Sphaera (The Sphere). Astrological book of Lombard origin. Illustrated by Cristoforo de Predis (1440-1486), 1470. Representation of Mars with the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio

Background imageAstrology Collection: Floor mosaic. About 200 AD. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounde

Floor mosaic. About 200 AD. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounde
Floor mosaic. About 200 AD From a Roman villa near Sentium (Sassferrato) in the Marches. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounded by a zodiac wheel, the seated earth mother Tellus

Background imageAstrology Collection: Paracelsus (1493-1541)

Paracelsus (1493-1541)
Paracelsus (Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim) (1493-1541). Swiss physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist. Engraving

Background imageAstrology Collection: Arabian flat astrolabe from 10th century. ITALY

Arabian flat astrolabe from 10th century. ITALY. TUSCANY. Florence. Galileo Museum. Proc: SPAIN

Background imageAstrology Collection: The universe with planets, zodiac signs and all the

The universe with planets, zodiac signs and all the heavenly hierarchy. Engraving. 16th century

Background imageAstrology Collection: The Prague Orloj, or Astronomical Clock Old Town Hall. Pragu

The Prague Orloj, or Astronomical Clock Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic

Background imageAstrology Collection: Gionitus. Inventor of Astronomy, (1334-1336). The exagonal p

Gionitus. Inventor of Astronomy, (1334-1336). The exagonal p
Gionitus. Inventor of Astronomy, (1334-1336). From the workshop of Andrea Pisano. The exagonal panels of the campanille of Florence Cathedral. Italy

Background imageAstrology Collection: Marsilio Ficino, Italian philosopher

Marsilio Ficino, Italian philosopher
Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), Italian philosopher. Date: 1648

Background imageAstrology Collection: Gaius Julius Hyginus (64 BC - 17). Latin author

Gaius Julius Hyginus (64 BC - 17). Latin author. Poeticon Astronomicum. The constellation of Gemini. Work attributed to Hyginus. Incunable, 15th c. Renaissance art. Engraving

Background imageAstrology Collection: Angel on the Astronomical Clock in Prague

Angel on the Astronomical Clock in Prague
Angel on the Orloj or Astronomical Clock on the Old Town City Hall in Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic Date: 2012

Background imageAstrology Collection: Astronomical Clock in Prague

Astronomical Clock in Prague
The Orloj or Astronomical Clock on the Old Town City Hall in Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic Date: 2012

Background imageAstrology Collection: The Transit of Venus - Comic Postcard

The Transit of Venus - Comic Postcard
A comic postcard depiting a rotund woman (a very classical frame!) being transported home from the pub by two stretcher-bearing Bobbies

Background imageAstrology Collection: Aquarius

The Constellation Aquarius

Background imageAstrology Collection: The Jungman Sisters as Gemini

The Jungman Sisters as Gemini
Teresa (Baby) Jungman and her sister Zita, posing as the Gemini sign of the Zodiac. The costumes were part of a The Signs of the Zodiac pageant organised by Mrs Robin D Erlanger at the Park Lane

Background imageAstrology Collection: Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). Engraving. Colored

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). Engraving. Colored
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). German mathematician and astronomer. Engraving in Germania, 1882. Colored

Background imageAstrology Collection: Astronomical Clock. Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic

Astronomical Clock. Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic
The Prague Orloj, or Astronomical Clock Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic

Background imageAstrology Collection: God Surya. 9th-10th centuries

God Surya. 9th-10th centuries
Surya, the Sun God, depicts riding a chariot drawn by seven horses, holding two lotus flowers. At his feet, a female figures, goddesses of dawn and dusk

Background imageAstrology Collection: Astrolabe of 1566

Astrolabe of 1566. Netherlands

Background imageAstrology Collection: William of Conches (1090-1154)

William of Conches (1090-1154). French philosopher. Dragmaticon Philosophiae. Earth and the Zodiacal Signs. Manuscript 144. Folio 62. Chapter Archive of Tortosa. Spain

Background imageAstrology Collection: Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) German mathematician and astron

Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) German mathematician and astronomer. Considered the founder of modern astronomy. Colored engraving

Background imageAstrology Collection: Astronomical clock in the Clock Tower of St. Marks Square

Astronomical clock in the Clock Tower of St. Marks Square. 15th century. Venice. Italy

Background imageAstrology Collection: George Hartgill

George Hartgill
GEORGE HARTGILL astronomer and astrologer, of high repute during the Elizabethan period : he did serious astronomy as well as popular astrology Date: flourished 1594

Background imageAstrology Collection: Good Day for Battle

Good Day for Battle
ASTROLOGY IN INDIA The court astrologer at Lahore calculates a favourable day on which his master should do battle and lead the Sikhs to victory Date: 1846

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac / Sagittarius / Maxim

Zodiac / Sagittarius / Maxim
illustrated as an archer firing an arrow at a target held by a frog (!) Date: 1887

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac / Libra (Maxims)

Zodiac / Libra (Maxims)
a literal view showing a book keeper balancing the books! Date: 1887

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac / Scorpio (Maxim)

Zodiac / Scorpio (Maxim)
a peculiar illustration showing a knight putting a scorpion to the sword Date: 1887

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac / Virgo (Maxims)

Zodiac / Virgo (Maxims)
illustrated as an encounter between Elizabeth I and the Earl of Essex (seemingly caught in the act of graffiti) Date: 1887

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac / Gemini (Maxims)

Zodiac / Gemini (Maxims)
portrayed as two sandwichmen involved in a violent exchange of views! Date: 1887

Background imageAstrology Collection: Astrology & Superstition

Astrology & Superstition
ASTROLOGIA E SUPERSTIZIONE astrology admired, superstition scorned Date: 18th century

Background imageAstrology Collection: Apianus, Peter von Bienewitz or Bennewitz (1501-1552)

Apianus, Peter von Bienewitz or Bennewitz (1501-1552). German humanist, known for his works in mathematics, astronomy and cartography. Astronomicum Caesareum

Background imageAstrology Collection: Poeticon Astronomicum. The constellation of Bo�

Poeticon Astronomicum. The constellation of Bo�;. Work attributed to Hyginus. Incunable, 15th c. Renaissance art. Engraving

Background imageAstrology Collection: TIBALDI, Pellegrino (1527-1596). The Seven Liberal

TIBALDI, Pellegrino (1527-1596). The Seven Liberal Arts. 1587 - 1591. SPAIN. San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Detail depicting the Astrology

Background imageAstrology Collection: The Astrology (allegory). Cornelis Cort engraving

The Astrology (allegory). Cornelis Cort engraving published in Antwerp, 1565. Mannerism art. Engraving

Background imageAstrology Collection: Rudolf II & Astrologer

Rudolf II & Astrologer
The emperor Rudolf II and his astrologer, at his court at Prague Date: circa 1600

Background imageAstrology Collection: The sun and the moon

The sun and the moon
Dyalogus creaturarum moralizatus, 1484, the first printed book in Sweden. The author was the Italian Maynus de Mayneriis (dead 1370). This woodcut illustrates the morality about the Sun and the Moon

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac / Leo (Maxims)

Zodiac / Leo (Maxims)
illustrated as a signwriter painting a pub sign Date: 1887

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Tile / Pisces

Zodiac Tile / Pisces
Hand painted Illustration on an original glazed clay tile, possibly used as a floor tile, approx 25cm x 25cm

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Tile / Scorpio

Zodiac Tile / Scorpio
Hand painted Illustration on an original glazed clay tile, possibly used as a floor tile, approx 25cm x 25cm

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Tile / Aquarius

Zodiac Tile / Aquarius
Hand painted Illustration on an original glazed clay tile, possibly used as a floor tile, approx 25cm x 25cm

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Tile / Sagittarius

Zodiac Tile / Sagittarius
Hand painted Illustration on an original glazed clay tile, possibly used as a floor tile, approx 25cm x 25cm

Background imageAstrology Collection: Zodiac Tile / Virgo

Zodiac Tile / Virgo
Hand painted Illustration on an original glazed clay tile, possibly used as a floor tile, approx 25cm x 25cm

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