Court room scene, Mr M Naughten trialA sketch taken of the courtroom at Old Bailey where the trial of Mr M Naughten took place, for the assassination Mr Edward Drummond, secretary to Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel
Assassination of Sir Curzon WyllieThe assassination of Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie (1848-1909), an official of the British Indian government, at the Imperial Institute, South Kensington, London
Lincoln Assass. / PlaybillThe playbill found in President Abraham Lincolns box after his assassination by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theatre
Rasputin in HospitalGRIGORI RASPUTIN Russian priest and intriguer in hospital after Khina Gussevas attempt on his life
Four daughters of Tsar Nicolas IIMARIE, TATIANA, ANASTASIA & OLGA Daughters of Nicolas II and Alexandra of Russia
Assassination of LincolnJohn Wilkes Booth prepares to shoot the US President Abraham Lincoln at Fords Theatre, Washington. Lincoln died of the gunshot wound on the morning of 15 April
Lincoln Funeral ProcessThe body of the dead president Lincoln is carried through the streets of Washington, to general if not universal mourning
Henry Abbott (1834-1876). British merchant. German consul in the Ottoman city of Thessaloniki in 1876. Portrait. Engraving. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War). Volume I. 1877
Portrait of Mr McKinleyWilliam McKinley (January 29, 1843 ?? September 14, 1901) was the 25th president of the United States from 1897, until his assassination in 1901
Martyrdom of Saint Thomas BecketBecket had been a trusted friend of Henry II, King of England, but they became entangled in a quarrel over the rights of the Church
Naser al-Din Shah Qajar (1831 - 1896), King of Persia from 5 September 1848 to 1 May 1896 when he was assassinated. Photograph on his last visit to Britain. Date: 1889
Scene at the trial of Gavrilo Princip and others for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914
Daily Chronicle, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wifePart of the front page of the Daily Chronicle newspaper, reporting the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo the day before. Date: 29 June 1914
Nedeljko Cabrinovic, Serbian nationalistNedeljko Cabrinovic (1895-1916), Serbian nationalist, a member of the nationalist Young Bosnia movement, who attempted to assassinate Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria
John Francis, would- be assassin of Queen VictoriaWhile riding along the mall, Queen Victoria was shot at by John Francis, a carpenter from Covent Garden. He was reprimanded and charged with high treason, receiving a life-sentece for his crime
Anti-Serbian riot in SarajevoFollowing the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, anti-Serbian rioting breaks out in Sarajevo
SPAIN. Madrid. Spain (1906). Assassination attempt on king Alfonso XIII in his wedding day. Calle Mayor (Main street) after the bomb thrown by Mateo Morral exploded. Madrid
Archduke and wife in car before assassination, SarajevoArchduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife riding along in their car along a street in Sarajevo before their assassination. Date: 28 June 1914
Scene in Sarajevo after assassinationThe chaotic scene in the street in Sarajevo after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Date: 28 June 1914
Assassination of the Princess of LamballeHaving made the mistake of being initiated into the Lodge, she belatedly attempted to retire from Free-Masonry after having learnt about its revolutionary projects only to be assassinated by the mob
Assassination of Saint - BlamontSaint-Blamont, a police officer who ran a Masonic initiation order whereby he could discover the sects members, is shown gagged and tied, being entombed into a wall built by his assassinators. 1890s
Lewis Thornton Powell aka Lewis PayneLewis Payne was implicated in the plot to kidnap President Abraham Lincoln in 1865
Max Hodel, the German would-be assassin of Kaiser Wilhelm I Date: 1878
Assassination attempt on Kaiser Wilhelm IOskar Beckers attempt on Wilhelm I in Baden Baden. 1861
Assassination of R. P. FrancoisA superior of The Eudists, author of literary works againsts the Free-Masons, R.P. Francois is brutally murdered by the revolutionary mob. Date: 1890s
Serbian houses attackedFollowing the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, anti-Serbian rioting breaks out in Sarajevo. Serbian owned houses and hotels are destroyed by angry crowds
Motor car in which Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killedMotor car in which Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
Lisbon, Portugal - Antiquarian Bookseller Postcard - overprinte with a black band following the double Royal assassination of February 1908
Spain (1870). Assassination of general Prim (Madrid, 27th December, 1870). Etching
Spain (1884). Barcelona. Explosion of a grenade at0 Rambla Santa M a, at the doorway of Mr. Mas shop (5th June 1884). Etching
Design of the Cura Merino dagger, with which
Fords Theatre, scene of the assassination. Date 1865
Assassination of President Lincoln, George A. Atzerolt (sic), one of the conspirators. George A. Atzerodt, half-length portrait, seated, facing right. Date 1865
The Place were Stonewall Jackson fell, mortally wounded. Jacksons grave and 5 men on horse-drawn carriage in foreground. Date c1890
Abraham Lincolns last reception. Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln greeting Union generals, Cabinet members, & others at a reception. Date 1865. Abraham Lincolns last reception
Scene of the assassination of Gen. James A. Garfield, President of the United States. Date c1881 Dec. 21
Assassination of President Lincoln, at Fords Theatre, Apl. 14th 1865. Date between 1865 and 1870?
Assassination attempt on Napoleon BonaparteRoyalist plotters attempt to assassinate Bonaparte by placing a bomb in a horse and wagon and lighting the fuse just as he draws near. Whilst Bonaparte survived, 52 people died in the blast
Assassination of Henri IIIThe fanatical Domincan friar, Jacques Cl?nt, presents King Henri III with false papers before stabbing him in the abdomen and killing him
Jacques Cl魥nt, assassin of King Henri IIIThe fanatical Dominican friar, Jacques ClÚ¡Ñnt, who with the encouragement of the Catholic League, stabbed and killed King Henri III, thus bringing to an end the ruling Valois dynasty of France
Assassination of Henri IVKing Henri IV was assassinated by a Catholic fanatic, Fran
John Bellingham, assassin of the British Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, in the lobby of the House of Commons on 11th May 1812. Date: 1812
Assassination attempt on Queen VictoriaAttempted assassination of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert by the eighteen year old Edward Oxford, on Constitution Hill, London
Pates assault on Queen VictoriaRobert Pate, a former British army officer, approached the royal carriage and hit Queen Victoria on the head with great force; some reports say this drew blood, others that it resulted in bruising
MacLeans assassination attempt on Queen VictoriaRoderick MacLean aims his pistol at Queen Victoria as she passes through Windsor in her carriage but is arrested and spends the rest of the days in Broadmoor Asylum. Date: 2nd March 1882
Edmund I stabbed by LeofaEdmund I, King of England from 939, is stabbed to death by Leofa, an exiled thief, while celebrating St Augustines Mass day in Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire Date: 946
Edmund I murdered by LeofaEdmund I, King of England from 939, is stabbed to death by Leofa, an exiled thief, while celebrating St Augustines Mass day in Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire Date: 946
Luis Filipe, Prince Royal of Portugal, Regent of Portugal (1887-1908) - the eldest son of King Carlos I of Portugal
Archduke and wife before assassination, SarajevoArchduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife leaving the Town Hall in Sarajevo before their assassination. Date: 28 June 1914
Assassination of William MorgarNew York journalist, William Morgar, is held captive by an angry mob of Free-Masons. Having previously belonged to the order, he was denounced after publishing the secret rituals of the sect
Assassination of General QuesnelAssassinated by Lodge conspirators, here he is shown being carried by three of his murderers. Date: 1890s
Street scene in Austria after assassination in SarajevoStreet scene in Austria (probably Vienna) after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Serbia
Martinique, Caribbean - Fort-de-France - View from the top of the Rue Antoine-Siger. Antoine Siger was the Mayor of Fort-de-France, who was assassinated. Date: 1910s
Assassination of Count RossiCount Rossi assassinated, having had his throat slit. Date: 1890s
Funeral cortege, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wifeThe funeral cortege of the assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, with a guard of honour lining the route. Date: July 1914
Assassination of Garcia MorenoGarcia Moreno, President of the Equatorial Republic, assassinated in Quito. The man who killed him has been apprehended. Date: 1890s
Assassination of Leon GambettaLeon Gambetta assassinated in his home by a Sister of the Free-Masons. 1890s
Assassination of Mr and Mrs Emiliani and Mr LazzoneschiAfter retiring from the Free-Masons with some hostiliry, Mr and Mrs Emiliani and Mr Lazzoneschi were assassinated by Brother Gaviol. Date: 1890s
Samuel Bland Arnold was implicated in the plot to kidnap President Abraham Lincoln in 1865
Coffins of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wifeThe coffins of the assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. July 1914
Karl Eduard NobilingDr. Nobiling, the would-be assassin of Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany. On the 2nd June 1878, Nobiling shot and wounded Kaiser Wilhelm I but failed to kill him. Date: 1878
Assassination of President CarnotMarie Fran
Mr Carter Henry Harrison, Mayor of ChicagoMayor of Chicago for many years and recently elected for a fifth term, Carter Henry Harrison was murdered in his home by Patrick Eugene Prendergast. Date: 1825-1893
Assassination attempt on Jacob Br Scavenius Estrup Assassination attempt on Jacob BrScavenius EstrupAssassination attempt on Jacob Br Scavenius Estrup, a Danish politician who was Council President and Finance Minister from 1875-1894
Assassination attempt on Friedrich Wilhelm IV of PrussiaAssassination attempt by Sergeant Maximilian Joseph Sefeloge on Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia, in Potsdam, Germany. 1850
Attempt to assassinate King Alfonso XIII of SpainThe aftermath of an assassination attempt on the life of King Alfonso XIII of Spain (1886-1941) (reigned 1886-1931) on his wedding day on 31st May 1906 by anarchist Mateu Morral in Paris
Charles J. Guiteau, assassin of American President, James A. Garfield, on 2nd July 1881. 1881
Assassination attempt on Alfonso XII of SpainAssassination attempt by a pastry chef, Otero, on Alfonso XII of Spain, while the King was honeymooning in Madrid. 1879
Oskar Becker, assailant of Wilhelm I, in Baden Baden Date: 14th July 1861
Roderick Maclean, would-be assassin of Queen Victoria Date: 1882
Assassination of President Garfield by GuiteauCharles J. Guiteau shoots and kills President, James A. Garfield, on 2nd July 1881. 1881
Assassination attempt on Francesco CrispiAn unsuccessful assassination attempt on the life of the Italian statesman, Francesco Crispi, by the anarchist Lega. 1894
Attempted assasination of Wilhelm IWilhelm I and the Archduchess of Baden in their carriage after Max Hodels assassination attempt. Date: 1878
Selim III - Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireThe Grand Seignior. He is Selim III (1761-1808), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1789 to 1807. Son of Mustafa III (175774), he succeeded his uncle Abdulhamid I (177489)
Assassination of Thomas Kouli Kan, Emperor of PersiaThe Emperor of Persia was assassinated in his tent by five of his Officers, two of whom he killed, before they could dispatch him. Date: c. 1788
Attack on Pierre BaudinAttack on M. Pierre Baudin by Countess Olszewski, who was really after ThÚ»░hile Delcasse. Date: 1901
Attempt to assassinate King Louis PhilippeThe royal family were in their carriage passing through Fontainebleau after a boar hunt when a man named Lecomte fired two shots from his gun
John H. SurrattJohn Surratt was accused of being implicated in the attempted kidnap of President Abraham Lincoln, and in the assassination. Date: 1844-1916
An attempted assassination at Sibi, IndiaAs Captain and Mrs Spence were out driving, they saw a Brahui mounted on a Baluch racing mare coming towards them; as the man approached he drew his sword and attempted to attack Captain Spence
Guiseppe FieschiThe Corsican criminal, Guiseppe Fieschi, would-be assassin of King Louis Philippe of France. Date: 1835
Assassination of Duc de BerryCharles Ferdinand, duc de Berry, son of Charles X and second in line to throne, is stabbed by Louis Pierre Louvel as he leaves the Opera and dies soon after in a nearby house. Date: 13th February 1820
Memorial on site of Chatels attempy on Henri IVAn expiatory memorial on the site of Jean Chatels attempt on Henri IV, the first Bourbon King of France. The memorial was raised in 1595 and destroyed in 1605. Date: 27th December 1594
Assassination attempt on Jules FerryAubertin attempts to assassinate the French politician, Jules Ferry, (1832-1893) at the Chamber of Deputies, Paris
Casimir Guilhem attacks French magistratesFrench magistrates are attacked by a mentally disturbed assassin, Casimir Guilhem who accused the court of ignoring law. Date: 1860