BARRY STATUE, PARISMemorial statue to Barry, a St Bernard dog who rescued 42 people in the Alps, but was killed by the 43rd who thought the dog was attacking him, Asnieres cemetery, Paris
ASNIERES - JAPPY GRAVEDog cemetery at Asnieres, outside Paris, France Gravestone for Jappy Date: 1908
CANINE GRAVESTONEThe grave of Marquise and Tony deceased dogs of Princesse Lobanof, in the Asnieres-sur-Seine dog cemetery on the outskirts of Paris, France. Date: 1930s
FRANCE / 1396 / QUITTINGAccused of practising magic against her brother-in-law, the imbecile king Charles VI le Fou, the duchesse dOrleans has to leave Paris for Asnieres Date: circa 1396
Monument to a pet at the Asnieres Dog Cemetery, ParisA beautiful monument to a favourite doggy at the Asnieres Dog Cemetery, Paris, France. Date: circa 1910s
Asnieres (1855). Moore, James 1819 - 1883. Date: 1855
Paris Ball - Bal d Asnieres. mid-19th century
Music cover, Le Chateau D Asnieres, Polka by Alphonse Leduc. circa 1850s
GOGH, Vincent van (1853-1890). Restaurant de la Sirene at Asnieres (Le restaurant de la Sir讥. 1887. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 d Orsay (Orsay Museum)
A Display of VasesVases by Clarey of Asnieres, in a variety of shapes and sizes, weird and wonderful, the sort of thing you find in dusty antique shops or the marche aux puces
Asnieres Regatta / BesExcited spectators watch the Asnieres Regatta from the river bank
Duchesse D orleans / FroisAccused of practising magic against her brother-in-law, the imbecile king Charles VI le Fou, the duchesse d Orleans has to leave Paris for Asnieres
Man Lifts CarAn unnamed market porter of Asnieres, France, demonstrates his strength by lifting a car which weighs 450 kilos