Aneurysmal tumor on the forehead of a young man, 1815. The tumor had been growing for seven years before it was cut out from Mr R---n, a 25-year-old man. Aneurism of the Forehead, Mr. R
Fatal aneurysmal sac from the broken leg of a man, 1815. The sailor died of gangrene before the leg could be amputated. Drawing of Mr. Harkness's case of aneurism
Old Person of Tartary, Edward LearThere was an Old Person of Tartary, who divided his jugular artery; But he screeched to his wife, and she said, Oh, my life! your death will be felt by all Tartary! First published: 1846
Anatomy of the human arterial system in the upper torso. Handcoloured lithograph by St
Anatomy of the human arterial system in the legs. Handcoloured lithograph by St. Schillinger from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839
Jean Louis Petits machine to compress the femoral artery during amputation of the thigh 1, and bandages 2, aneurysm needle 3 and scissors 4
Grays Anatomy - carotid arteryTwo pages from the second edition of Grays Anatomy dealing with the common carotid artery. With hand-coloured illustration showing the blood vessels of the neck
Picture No. 10158183Various examples of veins and arteries of the human body. Date: Circa 1760
Arterial System / DrakeArteries of the human body according to Drake Date: Circa 1760
Picture No. 10158218The LUNGS and the CHEST ARTERIES of the human body Date: Circa 1760
Arteries of the FaceArteries of the face as seen from the right hand side, according to Haller. Date: Circa 1760
Heart & Chest ArteriesThe HEART and the CHEST ARTERIES of the human body according to the anatomist Haller. Date: Circa 1760