FABRITIUS, Carel (1622-1654). The Goldfinch. ca. 1654. NETHERLANDS. The Hague. Mauritshuis. Baroque art. Oil
STEINLEN, Th鯰hile A Tourn饠du Chat NoirSTEINLEN, Th鯰 hile Alexandre (1859-1923). Reopening of the Chat Noir Cabaret. 1896. Advertisment of the tour of this cabaret from Montmartre founded by Rodolphe Salis. Art Nouveau. Litography
Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia, Primaporta, Rome, c.20 BC. Roman art. Fresco
Pantomime Characters, Commedia dell Arte - Clown, Harlequin, Columbine and Pantaloon. 19th century
Bust of goddess Tanit. Carthaginian art. Sculpture. SPAIN. BALEARES. IBIZA. Ibiza. Museum of Archaeology of Ibiza and Formentera
RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). Totonaca Civilization. 1950. MEXICO. Mexico City. National Palace. Mexican Mural Painting. Fresco
Concert of Collegium. Musicum of JenaCollegium Musicum of Jena Concert. 1740. German anonymous. Painting. GERMANY. HAMBURG. Hamburg. Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe (Museum of Art and Craftwork)
Stela of the royal scribe Ani. Egyptian art. New Kingdom. Relief. EGYPT. CAIRO. Cairo. Egyptian Museum
Claude Lorrain (1600-1682). View of Delphi with Procession. 1650. Classicism. Oil on canvas. ITALY. LAZIO. Rome. Doria Pamphili Gallery
Statue of Djoser. Egyptian artSeated statue of King Djoser. 2611 BC. Detail. Egyptian art. Old Kingdom. Sculpture on rock. EGYPT. CAIRO. Cairo. Egyptian Museum. Proc: EGYPT. CAIRO. Saqqara
Poster by IbelsPoster depicting entertainers - singers, commedia del arte
Consegration of a bishop. Valencian School. 15 century. Gothic art. Painting. FRANCE. AQUITAINE. PYRɎ Ʌ S-ATLANTIQUES. Bayonne. Mus饠 Bonnat (Bonnat Museum)
Tapestry of Creation. 1st half 12th c. Central detail. Creation of the heaven, earth and animal and vegetal life. Romanesque art. Tapestry. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Gerona
Banquet scene in the Egyptian Hall at Mansion House in London, 1808. Engraving by Augustus Pugin and Thomas Rowlandson for The Microcosm of London published by Rudolph Ackermann (1808-1810). Engraving
Seminara (Italy). Sanctuary Madonna dei PoveriMadonna dei Poveris Sanctuary. ITALY. Seminara. Madonna dei Poveris Sanctuary. Reconstructed after the earthquake of 1908. Late Byzantine art. Architecture
RANC, Jean. Charles III as a ChildRANC, Jean (1674-1735). Portrait of Charles III of Spain as a Child. ca. 1723. Rococo. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Prado Museum
GUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos鮠Still life with a bottleGUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos頨 1886-1945). Still Life with Bottle. 1927. Contemporary Art. Oil on canvas. Private Collection
Pro Arte OrchestraThe leading Double Bass section of the Pro Arte Orchestra, peforming at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Date: 1969
Bust of a Roman woman. Roman art. Early Empire. Sculpture. SPAIN. CATALONIA. BARCELONA. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia
Mexico. Uxmal. Pyramid of the MagicianPyramid of the Magician. 6th-10th c. MEXICO. YUCATN. Uxmal. Puuc style. Maya art
GUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos鮠MasksGUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos頨 1886-1945). Masks. Expressionism. Oil on canvas. Private Collection
Giza. Great Sphinx and. Great Pyramid of GizaThe Giza Sphinx. 26th-25th c. BC. EGYPT. GIZA. Giza. Egyptian art. Old Kingdom. Sculpture
Elizabeth I / DibdinQUEEN ELIZABETH I depicted in a capital C in John Dee, General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the perfect Arte of Navigation
Commedia dell arte CharactersFour Characters from Commedia dell arte, an improvised kind of popular comedy in Italian theatres in the 16th18th centuries, based on stock characters
Mexico City. Quetzalcoatl SnakeMEXICO. Mexico City. National Museum of Anthropology. Teotihuacan Hall. Quetzalcoatl Snake. Aztec art. Sculpture
Christmas card, Pulcinella and PierrotChristmas card, A Very Merry Christmas, Pulcinella and Pierrot getting drunk. Date: mid 19th century
God of Death. Teotihuacan culture. Sculpture. MEXICO. FEDERAL DISTRICT. Mexico City. National Museum of Anthropology. Proc: MEXICO. STATE OF MEXICO. Teotihuacᮮ
PINAZO CAMARLENCH, Ignacio (1849-1916). Child Death, 1882. Modernism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Valencia. San Pio V Fine Arts Museum
Music-Hall. Folies-Bergere. The wall of the death
Spanish Civil War. Manifestacion de Arte Catalan. Espana-Mexico. Pro victimas del fascismo. (Catalan Art Exhibition. Spain-Mexico. Pro fascism's victims. Poster by Teixidor, 1937. SPAIN)
Music cover (detail), The Pantomime Quadrille, performed at Julliens Promenade Concerts, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London. circa 1849
Music cover, The Pantomime Quadrille, performed at Julliens Promenade Concerts, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London
Pickings from the Pantomimes, Judy magazinePickings from the Pantomimes, January 1882. 1882
Poster, Pierrot and woman dancingTheatre poster, Pierrot and woman dancing
CARLO GOLDONI / SIX PICSCARLO GOLDONI Six scenes celebrating his reform of Italian comedy in the style of Moliere, thereby superseding the older style commedia dellarte Date: 1707 - 1793
Commedia Ballerina dancingThe Ballerina dances and plays her tambourine. Date: 1500
Commedia delle arte - HarlequinadeAncestors of the Harlequinade - characters of the old Italian comedy. Date: 1929
Illustration, Columbine by Harry Clarke. circa 1920s
ITALY. Caprarola. Villa Farnese. Map of Europe. 1574 painting by Giovanni Antonio da Varese Vanosino. Stanza del Mappamondo (Geographic room or Room of the World Map). Renaissance art. Cinquecento
Etruscan throne. 8th c. -3rd c. BC. Etruscan artEtruscan throne. 8th c.-3rd c. BC. Etruscan art. Furniture. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Museums
Table clock (16th c. ). Renaissance art. JewelryTable clock (16th c.). Renaissance art. Jewelry. FRANCE. FRANCHE-COMTɮ DOUBS. Besan篮. Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology. Proc: GERMANY
Leda and Swan, fragment of sculpture from Anhas, Morocco. 3rd century. Coptic art. Relief. EGYPT. CAIRO. Cairo. Coptic Museum
Chi Rho. Paleo-christian art. Relief on rock. SPAIN. CATALONIA. BARCELONA. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia
INDIA. Ellora. Ellora Caves. Ellora. Cave 33. Jain Temple of Jagannath Sabha, 9-10th c. Sculpture of two seated tirthankaras. Hindu art. Architecture
INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Detail of face of Buddha in one of the Jataka reincarnations and episodes of his life. Mural painting, 6th-7th c. Hindu art. Gupta period. Fresco
Replica of the Mayan wall paintings placed in Bonampak Temple in Chiapas. Late classical period (662-830). Batlle scene. Maya art. Painting. MEXICO. FEDERAL DISTRICT. Mexico City
Warrior. Inca art. Relief. PERU. Lima. National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History
Puppet theatre with marionettes, 18th c. Early Modern Era. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Ca Rezzonico
Egyptian ship on the Nile. Egyptian art. Painting. EGYPT. CAIRO. Cairo. Egyptian Museum
Roman as with a representation of the god Janus. This was the first coin ever struck by Ancient Rome
Hagia Triada Sarcophagus. ca. 1450 BC - 1400 BC. Painted terra-cotta. Ritual sacrifice of a calf. Minoan art / Cretan art. Late Minoan period. Painting. GREECE. CRETE. IRAKLION. Iraklion
Arabian flat astrolabe from 10th century. ITALY. TUSCANY. Florence. Galileo Museum. Proc: SPAIN
Disembarkation of the Spanish at Veracruz. 1951. MEXICO. Mexico City. National Palace. Mexican Mural Painting. Fresco
Gold nose ring. Chibcha art. Jewelry. COLOMBIA. CUNDINAMARCA. Bogotᮠ Gold Museum
Raphael (1483-1520). Portrait of a lady. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Painting. Private Collection
Tanzania. Kondoa Irangi. Koro rock paintingsTANZANIA. Kondoa Irangi. Animals grazing. Koro rock paintings. Upper Paleolithic. Cave
Scythian shieldThe Battersea Shield. 350 -50 BC. Celtic art. Jewelry. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. London. The British Museum. Proc: UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. GREATER LONDON. London
MONDRIAN, Piet. WindmillMondrian, Piet (1872-1944). Windmill. 1906. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas. Private Collection
Mexico. Villahermosa. Cultura OlmecaMEXICO. Villahermosa. Parque-Museo de La Venta. Olmeca Culture. Head. Olmec art. Sculpture
Libya. Leptis Magna. ArchaeologyLIBYA. TRIPOLI. Leptis Magna. Roman theatre, built in 1 AD. Roman art. Early Empire
Iran. Persepolis. ApadanaPalace of Darius I. Apadana or Audience Hall. 6th c. BC. IRAN. FARS. Persepolis. Apadana or Audience Hall of Darius I. Persian art. Achaemenid period
GUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos鮠Women UndressingGUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos頨 1886-1945). Women Undressing. 1933. Contemporary Art. Oil on canvas. Private Collection
Helmet of King Meskalamdug. Sumerian artGold helmet of King Meskalamdug. ca. 2400 BC. Sumerian art. Jewelry. IRAQ. Bagdad. Baghdad Museum. Proc: IRAQ. Ur
France. Amiens. Cathedral of Our LadyFRANCE. Amiens. Notre Dame cathedral. Bas-reliefs. North wall of the choir. Scenes depicting the life of John the Baptist. Gothic art. Relief
COURBET, Gustave. The Artists StudioCOURBET, Gustave (1819-1877). The Artists Studio. 1854 - 1855. Realism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 d Orsay (Orsay Museum)
Pierrot and Harlequin, by Philippe Mercier (1689-1760). A scene from the Commedia dell Arte, in which Pierrot and Harlequin protect the honour of the doctors daughter
The Death of Pierrot by Aubrey Beardsley. Accompanying the illustration in The Savoy, volume 6, was this text: " As the dawn broke, Pierrot fell into his last sleep
Stealing Pantalones food on a Christmas and New Year cardHarlequin and Columbine stealing Pantalones food and drink on a Christmas and New Year card (they are passing it through the windows to a Clown on the other side). (2 of 2) Date: circa 1890s
Refugees in the London underground (1941). Watercolor by Henry Moore belonging to the series The Shelter Drawings. Watercolour. Private Collection
Planes (1940). Wax drawing by Henry Moore. Drawing. Private Collection
EPICURUS (341-270 BC). Greek philosopher. Bust of Epicurus, 2nd c. A.D. Roman art. Sculpture. ITALY. LAZIO. Rome. Capitoline Museums
ITALY. Ravenna. San Apollinare Nuovo. Judas remorse, 7th century. Scene from The Passion of Jesus, which decorates the upper right side of the main nave. Byzantine art. Mosaic
ITALY. Rome. Farnese Palace. Ceiling of the Carracci Gallery, room decorated from 1592 with the frescoes by the brothers Agostino and Annibale Carracci
Breastplate in the form of a lion-headed eagle, from Tell Hariri (ancient Mari) c.2500 BC (gold, copper, bitumen & lapis lazuli). Sumerian art. Decorative Arts. SYRIA. Damascus. National Museum
Mercury. 3rd century. Roman art. Mosaic. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Tarragona. National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona
Peter I The Just (1320-1367). King of Portugal and the Algarve (1357-1367). Tomb of Peter I. Gothic art. Sculpture on rock. PORTUGAL. Alcoba确 Monastery of Santa Maria
Bull (2500-2000 BC). Hittite art. Sculpture. TURKEY. CENTRAL ANATOLIA. Ankara. Archaeological Museum
RODIN, Auguste (1840-1917). The Thinker. 1902. Based on The Divine Comedy of Dante and entitled the portal The Gates of Hell. Contemporary Art. Sculpture on bronze. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE
Profile of the face of Buddha, 17-18th c. Sculpture. THAILAND. CENTRAL. PHRA NAKHON. Ayutthaya. Chao Sam Phraya National Museum (Ayutthaya)
Bracelet. 2nd c. BC. Gold and turquoises. From the Sarmatian tribes. Scythian Art. Jewelry. RUSSIA. SAINT PETERSBURG. Saint Petersburg. State Hermitage Museum
Nespekasuti, Scribe of Karnak. 490 BC. Ethiopian age. Egyptian art. Sculpture on rock. EGYPT. CAIRO. Cairo. Egyptian Museum
A priest leading a bull to sacrifice, from the Palace of Zimri-Lim, Mari. Babylonian art. Neo-Babylonian Art. Painting. SYRIA. ALEPPO. Aleppo. Archaeological Museum
Full armour. Made in Milan between 1570-1580. Metals
Round brooch (gold & cloisonne enamel). (7th century). Merovingian art. Jewelry. ITALY. TUSCANY. Florence. Bargello National Museum