Maranta or arrowroot, Maranta arundinacea (Phrynium variegatum). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Cassava, yuca or manioc plant, Manihot esculenta, Manihot edulis, Manioc. Handcoloured steel engraving by Debray after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A
Arrowroot or maranta, Maranta arundinacea. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880
Arrowroot, Maranta arundinacea. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr. Willibald Artus Hand-Atlas sammtlicher mediinisch-pharmaceutischer Gewachse
Tacca leontopetaloides, Indian arrowrootFinished watercolour by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771. Illustration annotated Chaitaea tacca
Plants used as foodIllustration of arrowroot, manioc or cassava, yam and sweet potato. Plate 9 from Vegetable Kingdom 1872, by William Rhind
Curcuma augustifolia, malabar arrowrootIllustration by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn (1829-1928). Held at the Natural History Museum, London
Arrowroot ProductionThe cultivation of ARROW-ROOT on a South African farm