Supermarine Spiteful F14 RB520Supermarine Spiteful F14, RB520, was fitted with a sting-type arrester hook early in 1945 to become the interim Seafang prototype. Date: 1945
Blackburn Skua with arrester wire hook down landing aboard an aircraft carrier
Gravel pit arrester being tested by RAFTesting a gravel pit arrester for stopping runaway jets, using an RAF lightning jet fighter
The first Blackburn B-24 Skua II L2883The first Blackburn B-24 Skua II, L2883, to have an arrester hook fitted
Photographic, 1084149310841493
Arrester gear hooks on the undercarriage of a Sopwith Pup. The curved strip was an airscrew guard
A Sopwith Pup with early arrester gear during deck-landing trials, possibly aboard HMS Furious
Vought F8U-1 Crusader comes in for a landingIts arrester hook down, a Vought F8U-1 Crusader comes in for a landing during instrumented tests of new arresting gear installed on Hensley Field, Dallas
Inter-Colonial RailwayTrain of the Inter-Colonial Railway running between Canada and America. Burns wood fuel and has a spark arrester on the smoke stack