Soviet ArmeniaTourism poster for Soviet Armenia, with a steam train passing over a viaduct and a motor car driving through the landscape
Making Butter, ArmeniaMaking butter in Arnebia using a suspended barrel to churn the milk
A Jewish Man and An Armenian Man Date: 1821
A group of Persian musiciansA group of four Persian musicians playing their instruments. 1818
Armenia - Yerevan - Astafjeff Street Date: circa 1910s
Iberian iris or Georgian iris, Iris iberica, native to the Caucasus mountains of Armenia, eastern Georgia, and western Azerbaijan. Raised by H. E. Chitty of Bellevue Nursery, New Jersey, USA
Marcus Antonius, Roman politician and general, 83-30 BCMarcus Antonius, Roman politician, consul and general, 83-30 BC. Head of a clean-shaven man with curly hair. Mark Antony, conqueror of Armenia. Antonio Armenian
Caspian Sea littoral. Map by geographer Thunot Duvotenay (1796-1875). History of Russia by Jean Marie Chopin (1796-1870). Panorama Universal, Spanish edition, 1839
Erzurum, eastern Anatolia, Turkey, Ottoman EmpireErzurum (Armenian - Karin), is a city in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The name " Erzurum" derives from " Arz-u Rum" (literally The Land of the Romans in Persian)
Map of Turkey, Mesopotania, Armenia and Syria Date: circa 1910
Saint Blaise of Sebaste (3rd-4th centuries), 1490-1500Saint Blaise (3rd-4th centuries). Bishop of Sebaste and martyr. Portrait by Miguel Jimenez (15th-early 16th centuries), 1490-1500. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain
Armenian Refugee AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement appealing for donations for the purpose of rebuilding damaged homes of martyred Armenian refugees during World War 1
The Ruins at Ani, ArmeniaVarious views of the ruins of Ani, Armenia. Ani is ruined medieval Armenian city that is situated in modern Turkey. Between 961 and 1045, it was the capital of the Bagratid Armenian kingdom
An Udi man from ArmeniaPeople of the Caucasus series by Max Karl Tilke - An Udi man from Armenia. Date: 1910
Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan with Ernesto Che GuevaraAnastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Armenian Old Bolshevik and Soviet politician under Stalin and Khrushchev. He made key trips as an international diplomat to Communist Cuba and to the USA
Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, Russian Soviet politicianAnastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Armenian Old Bolshevik and Soviet politician under Stalin and Khrushchev. He made key trips as an international diplomat to Communist Cuba and to the USA
Man and woman of Armenia, 1818. The man wears a turban, coat, tunic and breeches, the woman wears an embroidered dress
Women of the Isle of Nio or Ios, Greece, 1818. One woman spins yarn on a spinning wheel and another holds a spindle
Armenian bride wrapped in a sack, supported by two of her nearest relations. Illustration from Francois Pouquevilles Travels through More, Albania and several other parts of the Ottoman Empire, 1805
Calcutta scene showing the nationalities best known in India: Northern Indian, Mongol, Persian, Mughal, Muslim, Arab, Chinese, Malay, Armenia, British, Dutch, etc
Armenian man. 19th century
Armenian woman. 19th century
The Russian officer whose army captured the Turkish fortifications of Erzerum, in Armenia. Illustration taken from a photograph of General Doubaskys collection. Date: 1916
ARMENIAN VEGETABLE SHOPA vegetable shop in Armenia Date: late 19th century
Turkey - Armenian Genocide, Adana - Young survivorTurkey - Armenian Genocide, Adana - 4 year-old Ratoun Vanoudian, wounded by the bullet that killed her Grandmother. Her father and 18-month old brother were also killed
Map of Asia Minor (Turkey) - in antiquity - pre-Ottoman Empire. Date: 1804
Soviet Armenia - Kurdish Girls - Traditional Dance Date: circa 1930s
Three boy scouts arm in arm, Egypt. They are, from left to right, Armenian, English and Jewish
Turkish man, woman from Smyrna, Armenian men and women.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840
Caucasian oilfields by G. H. DavisThe Achilles Heel of the Soviets: the Caucasian oilfields
Turkey - Sanilurfa (Urfa) - A Street in the Old Citadel - card published by the German Mission to Armenia to raise funds for the Mission-run Armenian Orphanages. Date: circa 1901
A view of Erzurum - TurkeyErzurum (Armenian - Karin), is a city in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The name " Erzurum" derives from " Arz-u Rm" (literally The Land of the Romans i n Persian)
Hadjin, Turkey - now known as FekeHadjin, Turkey. Now known as Feke - scene of the Turko-Armenian Horrors. Near Adana
Sargon II of AssyriaSARGON II His many conquests included Babylonia, Armenia, Philistia and Israel, which was wiped out by its defeat
St. Peters statue. Sculpted from 1838-1840 by Venetian sculptor Giuseppe de Fabris (1790-1860). In his right hand, holds the keys that he received from Christ in Caesarea of Philippi
Saint Gregory the Illuminator (c. 257- c. 331). Statue. StSaint Gregory the Illuminator or Saint Gregory the Enlightener (c. 257- c. 331). Patron saint and first official head of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Statue. St. Peters Basilica. Vatican City
Armenian MausoleumARMENIA An ornamented mausoleum in Nakhichevan, Armenia Date: 1901
Cartoon, Armenia Delivered, WW1Cartoon, Armenia Delivered. Russia delivers Armenia from the Turks, depicted here in an allegorical way. Date: 1916
Iris bakeriana, violet-flowered iris native to Armenia
Iris barnumae, purple iris native of Armenia.. Hand-coloured botanical illustration drawn by Matilda Smith and lithographed by J.N
Three cub scouts on an outdoor activity -- they are probably Armenian, under the French Federation of the time
International gathering of scouts, Alexandria, EgyptAn international gathering of scouts, Alexandria, Egypt. Showing the 1st Alexandria (British) Troop and 2nd Alexandria (International) Troop having tea together after a game
Four Armenian ladies in traditional costume Date: 1880s
Ruins of Ani - Turkey - Minaret of Manuchihir MosqueTurkey - The Ruins of Ani (formerly in Armenia) - near to Kars
Chief Priests of the Armenian Church - St Lazare, VeniceThe Chief Priests of the Armenian Church - St Lazare, Venice, Italy. Date: circa 1908
Soviet Armenia - Collective Woman - Armenian FarmerBeautiful photographic portrait from Soviet Armenia - Collective Woman - Armenian Farmer. Date: circa 1930s
Soviet Armenia - Cheese FactorySoviet Armenia - Kalinin Mechanical Steam Cheese Plant No.1 - Foreman Akushev inspects the pressed round cheeses. Date: circa 1930s
Soviet Armenia - Collective Farmer - Ortakent VillageSoviet Armenia - Collective Farmer Matevasyan Zarmandukht - Ortakent Village, Mikoyan District. Date: circa 1930s
Marsilea quadrifolia - Four-leaf CloverMarsilea quadrifolia (four-leaf clover). Manuscript document: Sketches of plants made at the Mauritius to accompany the report of May 1829 Date: 1829
Tourism brochure for Soviet Armenia, with a steam train passing over a viaduct and a motor car driving through the landscape. We also have a similar poster (see: 10272340). Date: circa 1930s
ARMENIA. Monastery of Geghard
Portolan Atlas, 1587. Map of Asia, from Armenia, Iran, Afghanistan to the Indus River. Made in Messina. Facsimile. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
Tales from Many Lands: The Golden Rose Bush. Illustration originally published in black & white in Treasure no. 187 (13 August 1966)
A Persian woman enveloped in her chadre. From: Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c : during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. Date: 1821
A soldier in the European organization in the service of Abbas Mirza.. From: Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c : during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. Date: 1821
The city of Teheran from the Ispahan RoadA view of Teheran. From: Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c : during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. Date: 1821
At Persepolis
At Mourg AubAn angel-like figure carved in stone. From: Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c : during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. Date: 1821
A Persian lady. From: Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c : during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. Date: 1821
A Persian Khan. From: Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c : during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. Date: 1821
A wild ass. From: Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c : during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. Date: 1821
Saint BlaiseSAINT BLAISE physician, later bishop of Sebaste (Armenia), who saved a womans only pig from wolves and later received its head as thanks, as shown here Date: died circa 316
Give or we perish American Committee for Relief in the Near East - Armenia-Greece-Syria-Persia - Campaign for $30, 000, 000. Poster showing a woman clutching a shawl around her shoulders. Date 1917
Lest they perish Campaign for $30, 000, 000 - American Committee for Relief in the Near East - Armenia-Greece-Syria-Persia
Three Kurdish chiefs talkingA group of three Kurdish chiefs talking. One of them holds a spear, another has a sword and two pistols at his side. 1818
Breakfast in a Persian house with several men sitting on carpets. 1818
Curtained litter and cavalry exercise, PersiaTwo Persian images. The first, entitled Takht-e-Ravan, shows a curtained litter being escorted by horsemen
Armenia - Yerevan - The University Date: circa 1910s
Armenian refugees at Baku, Armenia, WW1Armenian refugees at Baku, Armenia, towards the end of the First World War. Date: August 1918
Armenian troops in defence of Baku, Armenia, WW1Armenian troops manning a front line position during the defence of Baku, Armenia, towards the end of the First World War. Date: August 1918
Armenia - Yerevan - The Marketplace Date: circa 1908
Armenia Dacha at KaraklisAgaoakeva Dacha at Karaklis, Armenia Date: 1912
Turkey - The Walls of AniTurkey - The Main Gate and the city Walls of Ani (formerly in Armenia) Date: circa 1910s
Armenian Bathhouse - Sulphur Baths. The attendant is wearing a camel hair mitten, which is using to rub the bather all over which cleanses and exfoliates! Date: circa 1910s
North Staffordshire soldiers on road to Baku, WW1A group of 7th North Staffordshire soldiers on the road to Baku, Armenia
Street scene in Baku, Armenia, WW1A street scene in Baku, Armenia, showing the approach to the main quay
Gunners during the defence of Baku, Armenia, WW1The defence of Baku, Armenia, towards the end of the First World War, showing British and Armenian gunners in action with a 6-inch Russian Howitzer. Date: August 1918
Oil derricks at Binagadi, north of Baku, Armenia, WW1Oil derricks at Binagadi, north of Baku, Armenia, towards the end of the First World War. August 1918
Fire in the Baku oilfields, Armenia, apparently caused by a lack of discipline over cigarette smoking. Date: early 20th century
A man and Woman of Armenia. A book of national types and costumes from the early 19th century
Armenian Princeling with his wife and family
Armenian Princeling with his wife Date: circa 1903
Armenian newspaper - Harem girl photographArmenian newspaper - with Harem girl in centre. Interesting juxtaposition here, as the printing occured prior to the commencement of difficulties between the Armenians and the Turks
The Gok-Jami or Blue Mosque of Yerevan, Armenia