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Archivo Collection

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El analfabetismo

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El analfabetismo ciega el espiritu. Soldado instruyete (Spirit is blinded by analphabetism. Soldier, get instructed). Poster edited by the Militia of Culture. SPAIN

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain. Civil War. Demonstration in Madrid

Spain. Civil War. Demonstration in Madrid calling to mobilization against the milutary uprising (July 1936). SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Salamanca. Archivo Hist󲩣o Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. 19 de julio 1938. El invasor

Spanish Civil War. 19 de julio 1938. El invasor se estrellara ante la muralla humana del pueblo espanol ( 19th July 1938. Invaders will crash against Spanish people human wall)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Poster of the 1937's film

Spanish Civil War. Poster of the 1937's film Barrios bajos (Poor neighbourhoods) by filmaker Pedro Puche. Sindicato de la Industria del Espectaculo (Entertainment industry syndicate). Drawing

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Poster advertising children

Spanish Civil War. Poster advertising children summercamps. Spanish Red Aid. Propaganda and Press. 1936-1938. Drawing. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Bank workers syndicate in

Spanish Civil War. Bank workers syndicate in UGT (Spanish General Union of Workers). Author: Ortega. Valencia. Drawing. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Poster from CNT-AIT (National)

Spanish Civil War. Poster from CNT-AIT (National)
Spanish Civil War. Poster from CNT-AIT (National Confederation of Labour, member of IWA (the International Workers Association, AIT in Spanish)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Camperols: Perque no manqui

Spanish Civil War. Camperols: Perque no manqui pa als nostres soldats, sembreu! (Country people: grow wheat to make bread for our soldiers! ). Propaganda poster from the Republican side

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Tres elementos necesarios

Spanish Civil War. Tres elementos necesarios para crear una nueva Espana (Three required elements to set up a new Spain)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Ajudeu els caiguts! (Help)

Spanish Civil War. Ajudeu els caiguts! (Help)
Spanish Civil War.Ajudeu els caiguts! (Help our dead people!). Propaganda poster from the Republican side. International Red Aid. Author: Subirats. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War No Enveneneis A La Infancia

Spanish Civil War No Enveneneis A La Infancia
spanish, civil, war, no, enveneneis, a, la, infancia, don't, poison, children, propaganda, poster, from, the, republican, side, federacion, iberica, de, juventudes, libertarias, iberian

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Allisteu-vos a les milicies

Spanish Civil War. Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes (Join the Antifascist Militia). Propaganda poster from the Republican side. UGT (Spanish General Union of Workers). Author: Oliva Perotes

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish civil war. Un borracho! es un parasito

Spanish civil war. Un borracho! es un parasito: Eliminemosle (One: drunkard! it is a parasite: Let's eliminate him!). Propaganda poster by the Republican Side

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Feu tancs, tancs, tancs!

Spanish Civil War. Feu tancs, tancs, tancs!
Spanish Civil War.Feu tancs, tancs, tancs!, que son els vehicles de la victoria (Make tanks. tanks. tanks.! They are victory vehicles!). Poster from the Republican side

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Front Popular!: Front de

Spanish Civil War. Front Popular!: Front de victoria i de llibertat! (Popular Front!: Front of victory and freedom!). Propaganda poster from the Republican side

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Nuestros caidos exigen el

Spanish Civil War. Nuestros caidos exigen el aplastamiento de Franco (Our dead people call for crashing Franco). Propaganda poster from the Republican side

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Disciplina. Mando unico

Spanish Civil War. Disciplina. Mando unico (Discipline. Under a single command). Partido Sindicalista (Syndicalist Party). Propaganda poster from the Republican side. Poster by Monleon. 1936. SPAIN

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Les J. E. R. E. C. que es troben

Spanish Civil War. Les J. E. R. E. C. que es troben
Spanish Civil War.Les J.E.R.E.C

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish civil war. 1936 18 de julio 1937. Propaganda

Spanish civil war. 1936 18 de julio 1937. Propaganda poster by the Republican Side. Author: Bardasano. 1937. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. 7 de noviembre Honor a los

Spanish Civil War. 7 de noviembre Honor a los que cayeron en las epopeyicas jornadas de la defensa de Madrid! ( 7th November: Honor to those who died in the epic fights in Madrid!)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Propaganda poster from

Spanish Civil War. Propaganda poster from the Republican side. Advertisement for Escoles Populars (Popular Schools). Barcelona City Council. Author: Jan. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Advertizing For The Subscription

Spanish Civil War Advertizing For The Subscription
spanish, civil, war, advertizing, for, the, subscription, of, newspaper, el, magisterio, espanol, propaganda, poster, by, republicans, spain, salamanca, archivo, historico, nacional, trade, union

Background imageArchivo Collection: Todos en Pie de Guerra (Everybody in the fight)

Todos en Pie de Guerra (Everybody in the fight). Postcard from the Republican side. Propaganda Undersecretaryship. Barcelona. 1938. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Madrid Al Pais Del Socialismo

Spanish Civil War Madrid Al Pais Del Socialismo
spanish, civil, war, madrid, al, pais, del, socialismo, en, su, aniversario, to, the, socialist, country, in, its, 20th, foundation, anniversary, propaganda, poster, from, republican, side, homage

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Tu, que estimes Catalunyatens

Spanish Civil War. Tu, que estimes Catalunyatens
Spanish Civil War.Tu

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Trece Puntos de Paz y Victoria

Spanish Civil War. Trece Puntos de Paz y Victoria
Spanish Civil War.Trece Puntos de Paz y Victoria (13 Points of Peace and Victory). Propaganda poster from the Republican side, by Tolosa, 1938. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Advertising poster Loteria

Spanish Civil War. Advertising poster Loteria sevillana (Lottery in Seville). Local commitee for combatant's benefit.Printed in Jerez, around 1937. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Manifestacion de Arte Catalan

Spanish Civil War. Manifestacion de Arte Catalan. Espana-Mexico. Pro victimas del fascismo. (Catalan Art Exhibition. Spain-Mexico. Pro fascism's victims. Poster by Teixidor, 1937. SPAIN)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Sempre! Catalans: Catalunya!

Spanish Civil War. Sempre! Catalans: Catalunya! (Catalan always! Catalonia!). Political propaganda poster from the Republican side. Commission for propaganda of the Generalitat of Catalonia

Background imageArchivo Collection: Poster of a Soviet popular film called Revolt

Poster of a Soviet popular film called Revolt of the Fishermenof, by Erwin Piscator, 1931. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Shop window in

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Shop window in Valencia (1937). Photography by Kati Horna. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Satirical puppet

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Satirical puppet show La Tarumba. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El Guerrillero

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El Guerrillero Rojo (The Reg Guerrilla), Soviet film. Poster by Josep Renau (Valencia). SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Poster of Hora

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Poster of Hora de Espana, literary magazine. Made by Ramon Gaya (Valencia, 1937). SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The Siege of

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The Siege of Madrid. The Vaticanists, engraving by Francisco Mateos edited by the Section of Plastic Arts of El Altavoz del Frente (The Loudspeaker of the Front)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Sevillian lottery

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Sevillian lottery. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Francisco Blas

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Francisco Blas, interpreter of the Republican Army. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: FRANCE. Paris. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

FRANCE. Paris. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Paris International Exposition (1937)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War 10 Demands Of Youth Presented

Spanish Civil War 10 Demands Of Youth Presented
spanish, civil, war, 10, demands, of, youth, presented, by, santiago, carrillo, general, secretary, the, juventudes, socialistas, unificadas, during, an, act, held, on, 24th, june, in, valencia

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Parade of

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Parade of the Marine Infantry of the Republican Army. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Republican Side Preparing The

Spanish Civil War Republican Side Preparing The
spanish, civil, war, republican, side, preparing, the, armaments, of, tanks, spain, salamanca, archivo, historico, nacional, horizontal, black, and, white, b, w, outdoor, daylight, exterior, outside

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Republican Soldiers Going To

Spanish Civil War Republican Soldiers Going To
spanish, civil, war, republican, soldiers, going, to, the, front, spain, salamanca, archivo, historico, nacional, horizontal, black, and, white, b, w, outdoor, daylight, exterior, outside, daytime

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). First line of artillery

Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). First line of artillery in Monte Aragon. Photo by Katy Horna. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Interior Of The Modelo Prison

Spanish Civil War Interior Of The Modelo Prison
spanish, civil, war, interior, of, the, modelo, prison, in, barcelona, spain, salamanca, archivo, historico, nacional, vertical, upright, black, and, white, b, w, interiors, inner, inside, insides

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Republican war

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Republican war calendar (1939). SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los combatientes

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los combatientes necesitan prendas de abrigo (Fighters need warm clothes). Poster ob the International Red Help. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Front of the Cetral

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Front of the Cetral Area. Commander Enrique Lister, war commissary Anton and the communist deputy Dolores Ibarruri. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Madrid 7 de noviembre

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Madrid 7 de noviembre de 1936 (Madrid 7th November 1936). Poster edited in Valencia, with drawing by Tomas. Litography. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Campesinos, dad

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Campesinos, dad vida a la tierra. Otros os la dan y defienden (Farmers, bring life to the earth. Other give it to you and defend it)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Valenciano La Movilizacion

Spanish Civil War Valenciano La Movilizacion
spanish, civil, war, valenciano, la, movilizacion, general, te, transformara, en, defensor, de, tu, patria, valencian, the, mobilization, will, convert, you, into, a, defender, of, motherland

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Leed Verdad

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Leed Verdad, vuestro diario (Read Verdad (Truth), your newspaper). Unified journal of the communist and socialist parties. Poster. SPAIN. Salamanca

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Farewell of

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Farewell of the International Brigades in Barcelona (15th October 1938)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Anarchist poster of the CNT-FAI

Spanish Civil War. Anarchist poster of the CNT-FAI by Tony Vidal (1936). Painting. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Marino mercante

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Marino mercante, raza de heroes, salud! (Merchant sailor, race of heroes, hail!). Poster by Ortega edited in Valencia by the CNT. SPAIN. Salamanca

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). Poster Ventajas

Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). Poster Ventajas de la colectivizacion. Campesinos: colectivizad la tierra! (Advantages of Collectivization)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain. Civil War. Por las milicias (For)

Spain. Civil War. Por las milicias (For)
Spain. Civil War. Por las milicias (For the militia). Postrer of the anarchist organization CNT-FAI made by Ricard Obiols. Painting. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Producid!!

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Producid!! (Produce!!). Ink poster edited by the Republican government. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Per a una potent

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Per a una potent industria de guerra. Ier Congres Metal.lurgic de la UGT (For a powerful war industry. 1st Metallurgical Congress of the UGT)

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Las Juventudes Libertarias

Spanish Civil War Las Juventudes Libertarias
spanish, civil, war, las, juventudes, libertarias, y, los, heroicos, defensores, de, irun, the, libertarian, youth, and, heroic, defenders, of, picture, by, georges, paillard, engraving, spain

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain (20th c. ). Civil War. Catalunya! (Catalonia!)

Spain (20th c. ). Civil War. Catalunya! (Catalonia!)
Spain (20th c.). Civil War. Catalunya! (Catalonia!). Poster by Ricard Giralt Miracle with the portrait of Lluis Companys. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El receptor de

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El receptor de radio (The radio receiver). Poster dited in Valencia. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain Civil War Evacuation Of Teruel December

Spain Civil War Evacuation Of Teruel December
spain, civil, war, evacuation, of, teruel, december, before, the, attack, republican, troops, salamanca, archivo, historico, nacional, vertical, upright, black, and, white, b, w, scene, group, woman

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Aragoneses!

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Aragoneses! Aragon os pide ayuda (Aragoneses! Aragon is asking for your help). Poster of the Aragones Worker Center edited in Barcelona. SPAIN. Salamanca

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Spanish communists

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Spanish communists leaders

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Franquist policial

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Franquist policial record with republican people. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). Spanish Delagation

Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). Spanish Delagation at the Red Square in Moscow during a parade. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Victory lies

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Victory lies in fortify and resist. Poster by V. Martin. Editions of the Eastern Army. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Members Of The International

Spanish Civil War Members Of The International
spanish, civil, war, members, of, the, international, brigades, at, front, teruel, photo, by, l, torrent, spain, salamanca, archivo, historico, nacional, horizontal, black, and, white, b, w, outdoor

Background imageArchivo Collection: LARGO CABALLERO, Francisco (1869-1946). Spanish

LARGO CABALLERO, Francisco (1869-1946). Spanish socialist politician. Propaganda poster of the Valencian Socialist Federation. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain. Civil War. Camp of Union of Girls, sponsored

Spain. Civil War. Camp of Union of Girls, sponsored by the National Committee of Physical Education, attached to the Ministery of Education and Health. Poster by Juana Francisca. SPAIN. Salamanca

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War. Republican side. Organizers

Spanish Civil War. Republican side. Organizers of the Spanish Pavilion in the International Exhibition of Paris (1937) in front of Pablo Picasso's Guernica. SPAIN. Salamanca

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Troops

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Troops on the streets of Teruel (December 31, 1937). SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: MIAJA MENANT, Jose (1878-1958). Spanish military

MIAJA MENANT, Jose (1878-1958). Spanish military man, commander-in-chief of the Republican army during the Civil War. Caricature. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). nd International

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). nd International Congress of Writers, held in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia in 1937. Poster by Ramon Gaya. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El socialismo

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El socialismo es la humanidad superada (Socialism is Humanity that Has Got Better), Poster of the Valencian Socialist Federation designed by J. Barreira. SPAIN

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spain. Civil War. Man Will Be Released by Socialism

Spain. Civil War. Man Will Be Released by Socialism. Poster edited by the Valencian Socialist Federation. Painting. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War Advertising Poster Of The Anarchist

Spanish Civil War Advertising Poster Of The Anarchist
spanish, civil, war, advertising, poster, of, the, anarchist, magazine, tierra, y, libertad, published, by, fai, spain, salamanca, archivo, historico, nacional, vertical, upright, colour, color

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Paso a la Mujer!

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Paso a la Mujer! (Make Way to Woman). Poster of the Spanish Communist Party. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los ninos A

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los ninos A Levante! (Children, to the East!). Poster by Mauricio Amster edited by the Ministery of Public Education. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Leaflet edited

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Leaflet edited by the Propaganda Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia with text by Companys and Negrin

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Eat More Valencia

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Eat More Valencia Oranges. Poster

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Advertising poster

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Advertising poster of the Soviet film El carnet del Partido (The Party's Card). Poster by Pedraza Blanco

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los 13 Puntos

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los 13 Puntos de la Victoria (The 13 Points of Victory). Republican poster edited by the Undersecretaryship of Propaganda. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageArchivo Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Pour l'Aide au

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Pour l'Aide au Peuple Espagnol. Poster edited in Paris by the Comission of Solidarity with Spanish People (July 1937). SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

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