Parthenon. Athens. GreeceGreece. Athens. Parthenon. 447-438 BC. in Doric style under leadership of Pericles. The building was designed by the architects Ictinos and Callicrates. Acropolis
Athens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis. Parthenon. Attica. Central Greece
Athens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis at night. Attica. Central Greece
Acropolis and Temple of Jupiter Olympus, Athens, Greece19th century vintage photograph - Acropolis and Temple of Jupiter Olympus [Olympieion, ] Athens, Greece, c.1880
Athens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis. Attica. Central Greece
Ostia Antica. Theater. Italy
Photographer preparing a portrait of a mummy. Nineteenth-century colored engraving
Henry Rawlinson / Anonsir HENRY CRESWICKE RAWLINSON archeologist, specialist in Assyrian archeology
Temple Period (3600 BC to 2500 BC). Malta. Headless seated statue depicting a woman with a voluminous body. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Phoenician inscription on a limestone stele. Tal-Virtu, Rabat (Malta). 7th century BC. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Small amphoraNeolithic Period. Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Small amphora with two handles made of very fine ware. From Tarxien. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. SpindlePrehistory. Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Spindle whorl of globigerina limestone with scratched zig-zag lines. From Mnajdra. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Rim sherdPrehistory. Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Rim sherd of a bowl with a five pointed star decoration. From Tarxien. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. BrokenPrehistory. Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Broken globigerina limestone slab which shows five sections separated with incised lines
Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. EngravedPrehistory. Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Engraved bone with parallel vertical grooves. Unknown provenance. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Prehistory. Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Alabaster fragment with serrated edges. From Mnajdra. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Heavily damaged stone statue. From the Tas-SilgHeavily damaged stone statue which probably depicted a figure of the corpulent type. From the Tas-Silg archaeological complex. Island of Malta. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Temple Period (3600 BC to 2500 BC). Clay and stoneTemple Period (3600 BC to 2500 BC). Malta. Clay and stone woman figurine sculpture. From Tarxien Temples. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Megalithic Temples of Malta (5000 BC to 2800 BC). One of the stone supports used for its construction. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Tarxien Phase (3000 BC to 2500 BC). Stone blockNeolithic Period. Tarxien Phase (3000 BC to 2500 BC). Stone block from the temple of Bugibba, Malta. Incised decoration depicting fishes carved on the sides. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta
Tarxien Phase (3000 BC to 2500 BC). Tarxien TempleNeolithic Period. Tarxien Phase (3000 BC to 2500 BC). Tarxien Temple Complex. Malta. Large ceramic carinated bowl. Approximate height: 55 cm. Maximum diameter: 85 cm. National Museum of Archaeology
Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Malta. Stone cupNeolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Tarxien Temple Complex. Malta. Stone cup. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Tarxien TempleNeolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Tarxien Temple Complex. Malta. Fragmented ceramic bowl with a slight carination at the lower part
Detail of a column with memorial inscription of Kopsis Kopan. Time of Omurtag, Great Khan of Bulgaria (814-831). National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Column with memorial inscription of Kopsis Kopan. Time of Omurtag, Great Khan of Bulgaria (814-831). National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Remains of a column with the text of a peace treaty. Provenance unknown. First half of the 9th century AD. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Treaty of 815. Detail of a column bearingTreaty of 815. 30-year peace agreement signed in Constantinople between the Bulgarian Khan Omurtag (814-831) and the Byzantine Emperor Leo V the Armenian (813-820)
Treaty of 815. Column bearing the text ofTreaty of 815. 30-year peace agreement signed in Constantinople between the Bulgarian Khan Omurtag (814-831) and the Byzantine Emperor Leo V the Armenian (813-820)
Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples. Stuc colorie, Musee de Naples
Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii. Serpent under two household gods Lars either side of a guardian Genius loci. Fourth Pompeian Style
Lararium niche painting dedicated to Hercules, PompeiiLararium niche painting dedicated to Hercules in an annex (Casa del Cenacolo, V.2.h) to the.House of the Silver Wedding, Region V.2.i. Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Decorative railing (below)
Decorative candlelabrae and column of enamel mosaic, PompeiiDecorative candlelabrae in the Fourth Pompeian Style (1, 3) and column of enamel mosaic (2), Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples
Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, PompeiiEnamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Casa degli Scienziati, Pompeii. Fontaine de mosaique d'email du Vico dei Scienzati, Region VI.14.43
Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, PompeiiEnamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, or Casa dell Orso Ferito, Pompeii. Fontaine de mosaique d'email de la maison de l'Ours, Region IV.2.45
Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Oecus voute d'une maison de la rue de Stabies. Quatrieme style
Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Casa dei Vettii or Casa del Domus Vettiorum. Exedra de la maison de Vettii, Region VI.15.1. Quatrieme style
Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Casa del Centenario, Exedra de la maison du Centenaire, Region III.7.6. Quatrieme style
Frieze in a room in the Fourth Pompeian Style, Pompeii. Wall panel below after Francois Mazois. Frise d'une chambre du quatrieme style, Region I.2.25
House of Tullius Faustus (left) and Popidius Priscus (right), PoHouse of Tullius Faustus on the Strada della Fortuna (left), and house of Popidius Priscus (right), Pompeii, Chambre d'une maison situee rue de la Fortune, Region IV.4.62
Exedra in the atrium, House of Siricus, PompeiiExedra in the atrium in the House of Siricus, Pompeii. With paintings of Erato and other muses. Fourth Pompeian Style. Maison de Siricus, Region IV.I.47. Quatrieme style
Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian Style. From a specimen in French architect's Francois Mazois Les Ruines de Pompei. Debut du quatrieme style
Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style. Panneau provenant d'une maison situee dans la region III, ilot 7. Variete du troisieme style
Oecus or parlour in the House of M. Spurius Mesor. Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples. Oecus de la maison de Spurius Mesor, Region VII.3.29. Au musee de Naples
Panels in the House of M. Epidi Sabini, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style. Panneaux d'une salle de la maison d'Epidius Sabinus, Region IX.1.22. Variete du troisieme style
Panel the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Details de l'un des panneaux de la maison de Jucundus. Troisieme style
Decorative motifs on wall paintings in Herculaneum, Third Pompeian Style. Destroyed at the same time as Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples
Panel in a room of the Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon, Pompeii, Third Pompeian Style. Panneau d'une salle de la maison de Laocoon, Region VI.14.30. Troisieme style
Tablinum in the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Tablinum de la maison de Jucundus. Troisieme style. Region V.1.26
Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Casa di Marco Lucrezio Frontone. Tablinum de la maison de Fronto, Region V.4. Troisieme style
Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Triclinium de la maison de l'Orphee ou de Vesonius Primus, Region VI.14.20. Style egyptisant
Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Panneaux de l'edifice d'Eumachie. Style egyptisant
Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain, Casa della Fontana Piccola, Pompeii. End of the Third Pompeian Style. Tablinum de la maison de la Petite Fontaine, Region VI.8.23. Fin du troisieme style
Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples. Second Pompeian Style. Panneau decoratif, conserve au musee de Naples. Deuxieme style
Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth. Casa del Labirinto, Pompeii. Second Pompeian Style. Oecus, a murs creux, ayant probablement servi de salle chaude
Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding, Casa delle Nozze d'Argento, Pompeii. Peristylium rhodien de la maison dite des Noces d'argent Region V.2
Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio, Pompeii. With wall painting of Diana and Actaeon at right. First Pompeian Style. Peristylium de la maison de Salluste. Premier style
Great Pyramid of Cholula, Puebla, MexicoGreat Pyramid of Cholula or Tlachihualtepetli at Puebla, Mexico. Temple built from the 3rd century BC to the 9th century AD was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl
Pyramid of the Niches at El Tajin, MexicoPyramid of the Niches at El Tajin, Papantla, Veracruz, Mexico. Mexican pyramid in a pre-Columbian site that flourished from the 7th to 13th centuries
Necropolis at the ancient Etruscan city of Tarquinia. The chambers rest on pillars carved from the rock. Gentlemen antiquarians sketch the catacombs by torchlight
Necropolis of the ancient Etruscan city of Tarquinia. Catacombs carved from the limestone, the walls painted with colourful images of the afterlife
Tombs in the Catacombs of Rome. Grave niche with Valeria Dormit in Pace 2, Christian martyr's tomb with palm frond and hatchet 3, sealed niche 4, and open tomb with skeleton and Chi Rho symbol 5
The catacombs or subterranean sepulchres of Rome. An antiquarian or historian with torch sits next to an open tomb with carved stones Virgina in Pace and Maxim
Part of a Roman stone olive press known as trapetumPart of a Roman stone olive press known as Trapetum (olive press). The device consisted of a large stone bowl (mortarium) into which the olives were poured and then crushed unter two concave stonees
Roman inscription with dedication to Caius Vallius PostumusDetail of a Roman inscription with dedication to Caius Vallius Postumus. Unknown original provenance
Inscription with dedication to Caius Vallius PostumusRoman inscription with dedication to Caius Vallius Postumus. Unknown original provenance
Roman Villa of Ramla - Xaghra, Gozo Island, MaltaRoman Villa of Ramla. Located in the western sector of Ramla Bay, in Xaghra (Gozo Island, Malta). Archaeological site excavated between 1910 and 1911 by Professor Temi Zammit
Man buried beneath the two halves of an amphoraRemains of a man buried beneath the two halves of a vertically-split amphora. The burial would have taken place in the Late Roman period (3rd to 5th centuries AD)
Roman Terra sigillata bowl bearing seal of the potter HermRoman period. Terra sigillata bowl bearing the seal of the potter Herm. Dated between 3rd century B.C. - 1st century A.D. Tal-Hamrija, Xewkija, Gozo island, Malta. Gozo Museum of Archaeology
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Archaeological ruinsCroatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Archaeological ruins
Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruinsCroatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia
Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatreCroatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD