Ras Taffari ApplaudedThe Regent ras Taffari assumes the title of Negus, and is applauded as he stands on the steps of his palace at Addis- Ababa
MUSSOLINI SAVES EUROPEMussolini returns from Munich to be applauded as the salvatore della pace who has saved Europe from imminent conflagration. Date: 1938
After the death of Leopold I, his son the duc de Brabant becomes Leopold II ; his solemn entry into Brussels is applauded by the populace. Date: 17 December 1865
GARIBALDI DIESWhen Garibaldi dies, his bust is taken to the Capitol, applauded by the Roman populace who owe him their Italian citizenship and their liberty. Date: 1882
DRIVING THROUGH TORINOMussolini drives for three kilometres through the streets of Torino, fervently applauded all the way Date: November 1932
Robespierre at JacobinsRobespierre is applauded enthusiastically when he delivers his speech to the Jacobin Club, but elsewhere his popularity is rapidly diminishing. Date: 26 July 1794
Marie De Medici - 2Marie de Medici escapes from France and seeks refuge in Amsterdam, where her arrival is applauded by the Dutch because they see it as recognition of the republic. Date: 1638
Marie De Medici - 3Marie de Medici escapes from France and seeks refuge in Amsterdam, where her arrival is applauded by the Dutch because they see it as recognition of the republic. Date: 1638
Marie De Medici - 4Marie de Medici escapes from France and seeks refuge in Amsterdam, where her arrival is applauded by the Dutch because they see it as recognition of the republic. Date: 1638
Marie De Medici - 1Marie de Medici escapes from France and seeks refuge in Amsterdam, where her arrival is applauded by the Dutch because they see it as recognition of the republic. Date: 1638
Wellington ApplaudedWELLINGTON cheered by the crowd at Rugby railway station. Date: 1814
Frederik VI ReturnsFrederik VI ill-advisedly sides with Napoleon in his wars, costing his country Norway and more : his homecoming to Copenhagen is applauded, none the less
Leopold II at BrusselsThe duc de Brabant, son of Leopold I, becomes Leopold II - he is applauded by the populace as he enters the church of Saint Gudule, Brussels
He Visits CorsicaNapoleon and Eugenie visit Corsica, where they are applauded on the place du Diamant, Ajaccio
Fetes at WarsawDespite the fiasco of his ball in February, the governor of Warsaw is determined to win friends and influence people - fetes and parades are applauded by some, at least
Louis at AssembleeBefore the Assemblee Nationale, Louis defends his policies and actions, drawing attention to his successes : he is applauded and loyal resolutions are voiced
Royals in Mexico 1864Mexican royals Emperor Maximilian and Empress Charlotte are applauded by some (but not all) Mexicans
Bismarck / Rohling / Page 34Bismarck is applauded in the street by crowds of people
First Punic War, naval victory of Duilius at MylaePUNIC WARS : the Roman consul Gaius Duilius is applauded for his naval victory over the Carthaginians at Mylae (present-day Milazzo) in northern Sicily