Appius Claudius the Censor (340-273 BC). Engraving. ColoredAppius Claudius the Censor (340-273 BC). Roman Censor. Engraving by Sabattini after a fresco by Cesare Maccari. The Iberian Illustration, 1898. Colored
Punic Wars, attack on Carthage, SicilyPUNIC WARS : war with Carthage begins when the Roman senator Appius Claudius Caudex backs an unjustified attack on the Carthaginian colony in Sicily
Italy. Rome. Appian Way. 312 BC. Initiated by the censor Appius Claudius and completed by Augustus. Connected Rome with Brindisi
Rome. The Appian WayRoman Art. The Appian Way, connecting Rome to Brindisi and Apulia. Republic era. 312 B.C. Rome. Italy
Claudia VestalisCLAUDIA VESTALIS Vestal virgin of Rome, credited with defending the consul Appius Claudius Caudex. Date: CIRCA 264 BCE
Virginius and DaughterThe old Roman virtues are sternly exemplified by VIRGINIUS, who stabs his daughter Virginia to save her from Appius Claudius Date: 450 BC
Appius ClaudiusThough old and blind, Appius Claudius convinces the Senate that they should reject the peace proposals offered by Pyrrhus