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Antiquarian Collection

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Sir Robert Cotton

Sir Robert Cotton
Sir ROBERT BRUCE COTTON antiquarian who formed one of the worlds greatest collections of old manuscripts, documents, coins etc - with his autograph

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Thomas Hearne / R Grave

Thomas Hearne / R Grave
THOMAS HEARNE English historian and antiquarian Date: 1678 - 1735

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Book sale at Sothebys auction house, London

Book sale at Sothebys auction house, London
A book sale taking place at Sothebys auction house, London. Mr Bernard Quaritch (1819-1899), the German-born British bookseller and collector, is seated just in front of the auctioneers desk

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Bust of Medusa, a Gorgon with venomous snakes in her hair

Bust of Medusa, a Gorgon with venomous snakes in her hair
Bust of Medusa, a monstrous Gorgon with venomous snakes and wings in her hair in Greek mythology

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Peleus performing a purification ritual

Peleus performing a purification ritual
Peleus, Greek hero, king of Phthia, husband of Thetis and father of Achilles, performing a purification ritual at a fountain

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Figure of a charging bull. Taurus

Figure of a charging bull. Taurus. Carved in carnelian, onyx and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Figure of a horse with the inscription C. Fufius Philostratus

Figure of a horse with the inscription C. Fufius Philostratus
Figure of a Roman horse pawing the ground with the inscription C. Fufius Philostratus, the owner? In sardonyx and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Portrait of a Greek Muse

Portrait of a Greek Muse. Musa. In sardonyx and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Roman bath attendant with jar of oil and strigil

Roman bath attendant with jar of oil and strigil, a tool to scrape oil from the skin. Engraved in emerald and dactylotheca from the collection of antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Balneator inc

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Bacchus with thyrsus riding a centaur

Bacchus with thyrsus riding a centaur
Bacchus, Roman god of win, with thyrsus (pine-cone staff) riding a centaur with its hands tied behind its back

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Bacchus and Ariadne on a chariot on Naxos island

Bacchus and Ariadne on a chariot on Naxos island
Ariadne sits in a chariot drawn by two winged cheetahs on the island of Naxos. Bacchus, Roman god of wine, with his thyrsus (pine-cone staff) supports her

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Greek warriors defeating Amazons on horseback

Greek warriors defeating Amazons on horseback. The destruction of the Amazons. In jaspidum, sanguin and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Roman man and woman lounging on a couch in a triclinium

Roman man and woman lounging on a couch in a triclinium or dining room. With oil lamp and vase. In carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Ancient warriors leading a sacrificial bull to an altar

Ancient warriors leading a sacrificial bull to an altar
Ancient warriors in armour leading a sacrificial bull to an altar. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Warrior with spear running alongside a horse

Warrior with spear running alongside a horse
Ancient warrior with spear running alongside a horse. Unknown figure on carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Ignotus inc. Carneolo & Dactyl

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Cupid fishing with a rod and basket on the shoreline

Cupid fishing with a rod and basket on the shoreline. Cupido Piscator. In carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Figure of Fortuna, the goddess of fortune

Figure of Fortuna, the goddess of fortune and the personification of luck in Roman religion. With cornucopia and gubernaculum or ship's rudder. On emerald and dactylotheca

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Military piety with soldier carrying a dead warrior

Military piety with soldier carrying a dead warrior
Military piety with soldier in armour carrying a dead warrior colleague over his shoulder. Perhaps Ajax carrying Achilles. Pietas militaris. In antique paste and dactylotheca

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Bust of Maecenas, political advisor to Octavian

Bust of Maecenas, political advisor to Octavian
Gaius Cilnius Maecenas c. 70 BC - 8 BC, friend and political advisor to Octavian, who later reigned as Augustus. Signed by AVAOY in cornelian and dactylotheca. Maecenas in Cornel & Dactyl

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Etruscan faun squeezing grapes into a bowl

Etruscan faun squeezing grapes into a bowl
Naked Etruscan faun squeezing grapes into a bowl. In sardonyx and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Scipio Africanus, 236/235-183 BC, Roman general

Scipio Africanus, 236/235-183 BC, Roman general
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, 236/235-183 BC, Roman general and military commander. Scipio Africanus. In sardonyx, coelatus and dactylotheca

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Lion in cornelian and dactylotheca

Lion in cornelian and dactylotheca. Leo in Carneolo & Dactyl. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Unknown woman, perhaps the Lemnian Athena

Unknown woman, perhaps the Lemnian Athena
Unknown woman by Heioy or Heius. Perhaps the Lemnian Athena. On cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Incognita in Carneolo & Dactyl

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Etruscan faun playing with a tiger

Etruscan faun playing with a tiger. In cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Faunus Etruscus Tigride ludens in Cor. & Dactyl

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Egyptian chimera with lion's head, goat's body and dragon's tail

Egyptian chimera with lion's head, goat's body and dragon's tail. On cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Lion and Egyptian scarab beetle

Lion and Egyptian scarab beetle in Egyptian sardonyx and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Leo feritus & Scarabaeus Aegypt in Sardony Aegypt & Dactyl

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: The lyre player on cornelian and dactylotheca

The lyre player on cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Lyricen in Carneolo & Dactyl

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Omphale, Queen of Ludia, combing Greek hero Hercules hair

Omphale, Queen of Ludia, combing Greek hero Hercules hair. He reaches out for the skin of the Nemean lion

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Portrait of Othryadess, Spartan warrior

Portrait of Othryadess, Spartan warrior
Portrait of Othryades or Othryadas, the last surviving Spartan of the 300 Spartans selected to fight against 300 Argives in the Battle of the 300 Champions. In cornelian and dactylotheca

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Portrait of Mercury, Roman god of communication

Portrait of Mercury, Roman god of communication
Portrait of Mercury, Roman god of commerce and communication with lyre, petasos, cloak and winged ankles. In cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Portrait in profile of King Juba I of Numidia, c. 85-46 BC

Portrait in profile of King Juba I of Numidia, c. 85-46 BC. Juba in Nicolo & Dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Antinous, favourite of Roman emperor Hadrian

Antinous, favourite of Roman emperor Hadrian
Portrait of Antinous in multicolour sapphire. Bithynian Greek youth and favourite of Roman emperor Hadrian. Antinous in Sapphero versicoloro & dactylotheca

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Unknown figure in profile in carnelian and dactylotheca

Unknown figure in profile in carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Incognito in Cornel. & Dactyl. Hon. C. F. Greville

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Portrait of King James II, of Scotland, 1430-1460

Portrait of King James II, of Scotland, 1430-1460. Dressed in doublet and hose, a wide-brimmed hat, jeweled chain on his chest, crakows or poulaines on his feet

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: An antiquarian with his cabinet of curiosities

An antiquarian with his cabinet of curiosities. Caleb Crypt showing his collection including an Egyptian mummy and sphinx, medieval suit of armour, classical statuary, ancient weapons, etc

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: The Pin and the Needle

The Pin and the Needle. The rivalry between an arrogant pin and a lowly needle

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Necropolis at the ancient Etruscan city of Tarquinia

Necropolis at the ancient Etruscan city of Tarquinia. The chambers rest on pillars carved from the rock. Gentlemen antiquarians sketch the catacombs by torchlight

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: The catacombs or subterranean sepulchres of Rome

The catacombs or subterranean sepulchres of Rome. An antiquarian or historian with torch sits next to an open tomb with carved stones Virgina in Pace and Maxim

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Perspective view of the plan of Athens, Greece 1700 Date: 1700

Perspective view of the plan of Athens, Greece 1700 Date: 1700

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: View of New York City 1849 and Waterways Date: 1849

View of New York City 1849 and Waterways Date: 1849

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Remains of Winchester Palace in 1800

Remains of Winchester Palace in 1800
South remains of Winchester House, Southwark. The Winchester Palace was built in the 12th century and burnt down in 1814

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Crypt of the ancient priory of Black-Nuns

Crypt of the ancient priory of Black-Nuns
Remains of the crypt part of the ancient priory of Black-Nuns, adjoining St. Helens Church, Bishopsgate Street

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Monument to John Stowe, Historian and Antiquarian, 1525-1605

Monument to John Stowe, Historian and Antiquarian, 1525-1605
John Stowe, Historian and Antiquarian, 1525-1605, from his monument in the Church of St. Andrew Undershaft. Depicted in an Elizabethan ruff holding a quill pen

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Albino African man and woman

Albino African man and woman with axe, bow and arrows. White Negroes

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: English tourists see Scots dancing to bagpipe music

English tourists see Scots dancing to bagpipe music on the bank of the Caledonian Canal from Fort William to Inverness, Scotland. Doctor Prosody meets a highland wedding on the Calidonian Canal

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: English tourist in a bird basket in a gannet hunt

English tourist in a bird basket in a gannet hunt
English tourist riding in a bird basket in a gannet or guga hunt on the isle of St. Kilda, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Doctor Factobends recantation in the bird basket, St. Kildd

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford

Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford
Horace Walpole (1717-1797), 4th Earl of Orford, English art historian, man of letters, antiquarian and Whig politician. circa 1750s

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: West Africa 1547 Date: 1547

West Africa 1547 Date: 1547

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Terra Java 1547 Date: 1547

Terra Java 1547 Date: 1547

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: North Polar Region 1897 Date: 1897

North Polar Region 1897 Date: 1897

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: East Coast Map 1823 Date: 1823

East Coast Map 1823 Date: 1823

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Map of the Americas1633 Date: 1633

Map of the Americas1633 Date: 1633

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Map of Africa 1633 Date: 1633

Map of Africa 1633 Date: 1633

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Map of Asia 1633 Date: 1633

Map of Asia 1633 Date: 1633

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Map of North Africa 1513 Date: 1513

Map of North Africa 1513 Date: 1513

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Map of the Indian Ocean 1700 Date: 1700

Map of the Indian Ocean 1700 Date: 1700

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Map of Africa, 1645 Date: 1645

Map of Africa, 1645 Date: 1645

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Map of the Americas 1685 Date: 1685

Map of the Americas 1685 Date: 1685

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Ancient Map of Japan 1606 Date: 1606

Ancient Map of Japan 1606 Date: 1606

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Early Map of Americas 1570 Date: 1570

Early Map of Americas 1570 Date: 1570

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Tower of London and surrounding area 1597

Tower of London and surrounding area 1597
From a print published by the Royal Antiquarian Society and engraved from the survey made in 1597. Date: 1597

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: John Stows Monument

John Stows Monument
John Stows monument in St Andrew Undershaft with arms of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors and Latin inscription: Either act by writing or write by reading

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Shakespeare Book Shop, Paris - 02

Shakespeare Book Shop, Paris - 02
Proprietor George Whitman in his Shakespeare and Company Book shop, on the Left Bank in Paris. First published in The Sunday Times. George Whitman 1913-2011

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Shakespeare Book Shop, Paris - 01

Shakespeare Book Shop, Paris - 01
Proprietor George Whitman in his Shakespeare and Company Book shop, on the Left Bank in Paris. First published in The Sunday Times. George Whitman 1913-2011

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Mohamed Aboudi of Luxor, Egypt

Mohamed Aboudi of Luxor, Egypt - an author who wrote about the Antiquities of Upper Egypt & Nubia

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Antiquarians at Greyabbey, County Down, Ireland

Antiquarians at Greyabbey, County Down, Ireland
Antiquarians visiting the ruins of the Cistercian Abbey-Monastery at Greyabbey (Grey Abbey), Ards Peninsula, County Down, Northern Ireland. It was founded in the 12th century. circa 1860

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Augustus Le Plongeon (1825-1908). British-American antiquari

Augustus Le Plongeon (1825-1908). British-American antiquari
Augustus Le Plongeon (1825-1908) British-American photographer and antiquarian who studied the pre-Columbian ruins of America, Maya civilization on the Yucatan Peninsula

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: John Dowie, Antiquarian

John Dowie, Antiquarian
JOHN DOWIE Vintner and antiquary of Edinburgh. (I think this must be the same fellow that Kay drew and Burns praised.) Date: circa 1806

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Leopoldo Cicognara

Leopoldo Cicognara
conte LEOPOLDO CICOGNARA Italian antiquarian Date: 1767 - 1834

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: William Baxter

William Baxter
WILLIAM BAXTER Welsh schoolteacher who went to Harrow speaking only Welsh, became a noted scholar and linguist, also antiquarian : depicted in his 69th year. Date: 1650 - 1723

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Venice / Ponte Dadi / Shop

Venice / Ponte Dadi / Shop
Venice: Ponte dei Dadi and an antiquarian shop Date: 1927

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: John Alfred Langford, English antiquary and journalist

John Alfred Langford, English antiquary and journalist
John Alfred Langford (1823-1903), English antiquary, author and journalist. Date: 1860s

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: John Charles Brooke, antiquarian and Somerset Herald

John Charles Brooke, antiquarian and Somerset Herald
John Charles Brooke (1748 - 1794), English antiquarian and Somerset Herald, wearing his heralds costume

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Charles Roach Smith

Charles Roach Smith (1807-1890) was an antiquarian and amateur archaeologist

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Three portraits from Savignano, Romagna, Italy

Three portraits from Savignano, Romagna, Italy: Girolamo Amati (1768-1834), palaeographer, Bartolomeo Borghesi (1781-1860), archaeologist and antiquarian, and Giulio Pertichari (1779-1822)

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Alfred Hutton

Alfred Hutton
Captain Alfred Hutton (1839 1910), Victorian officer of the Kings Dragoon Guards, writer, antiquarian and swordsman. He originated the first English revival of historical fencing. Date: 1903

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: William Camden - antiquarian, historian, topographer

William Camden - antiquarian, historian, topographer
William Camden (1551-1623) - an English antiquarian, historian, topographer, and officer of arms. Date: circa 1600

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Antiquary in silhouette

Antiquary in silhouette
An antique shop owner, admiring a small vase, pictured in silhouette. Date: 1926

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Fulvio Orsino

Fulvio Orsino
FULVIO ORSINO Italian churchman, antiquarian, librarian and author. Date: 1529 - 1600

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: John Nichols - 1

John Nichols - 1
JOHN NICHOLS Printer and antiquarian author Date: 1745 - 1826

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: John Nichols - 2

John Nichols - 2
JOHN NICHOLS Printer and antiquarian author Date: 1745 - 1826

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: John Nichols Silhouette

John Nichols Silhouette
JOHN NICHOLS Printer and antiquarian author Date: 1745 - 1826

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Aln. Baron Londesborough

Aln. Baron Londesborough
ALBERT DENISON, first baron LONDESBOROUGH antiquarian, collector and archeologist with a special interest in tumuli. Date: 1805 - 1860

Background imageAntiquarian Collection: Lisbon, Portugal - Antiquarian Bookseller Postcard

Lisbon, Portugal - Antiquarian Bookseller Postcard - overprinte with a black band following the double Royal assassination of February 1908

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