London Zoo - A large male Lion anticipating someone ignoring the warning sign
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Whether you ve goneComic cards were much brighter at this stage of the war when the end seemed to be in sight. The little girl is anticipating the return of her loved one whether you ve gone for a year or a day
Exclusive designs sketched by Gordon Conway anticipating Spring 1925 styles Date: 1925
ADVENTURE MACHINESIn time to come, some will give up consciousness to live the false life of the Adventure Machines, anticipating our virtual reality machines Date: 1930
James Watt / DelftfieldJAMES WATT His home in Delftfield lane, Glasgow, to which he moved in 1764, anticipating his marriage. Date: 1736 - 1819
Revolutionary CalendarAnticipating the new calendar devised by deputy Romme, which will come into force on 10 October, the citizens of Arras stage a grand procession in its honour
Chamberlain ChallengedQuaintly anticipating events 40 years later, a Chamberlain is challenged by a Churchill - here, Randolph Churchill defies Joseph Chamberlain with busts of Cobden and Bright
Sandbags in MoscowSandbag barricades in Smolensk Street, Moscow, anticipating a German attack on the city, which fortunately was prevented
Carriage on Rail WagonIn the earliest days of the rail, a private carriage might be carried on a rail wagon - anticipating todays motorail service by a hundred years !