Bagpipe players, falconer with hood and glove, and man with portative organ. Various costumes from the 13th century manuscript History of the Holy Grail
Four men carrying a dead body on a bier, funeral scene, 9th century. From illuminated manuscript 510 by Gregory of Nazianzus. Scene funeraire MS 510
Emma of Normandy, c. 984-1052, queen of England, Denmark and Norway through her marriages to Aethelred the Unready and Cnut the Great. La Reine Emme, MS de la Sainte-Chapelle
Woman in cloak and tunic, hose and boots, 9th century. From illuminated manuscript 510 by Gregory of Nazianzus. Figure tiree du MS 510
Byzantine sailboat with priest and nobles, 9th century. From illuminated manuscript 510 by Gregory of Nazianzus. Vaisseau Grec, MS 510
Byzantine Empress, 9th century, in a robe with gilt border encrusted with gems, matching the throne. From an illuminated manuscript by Gregory of Nazianzus. Imperatrice de Constantinople, MS 510
Statues of the Merovingian princes in the Abbey of St. Germain dPortal of the Abbey of St. Germain de Pres, Paris, with statues of the Merovingian princes, sons of the Frankish king Clovis I. Portail St. Germain des Pres, cote lateral gauche
Byzantine Emperor on his throne, 9th century, with guards holding spears and shields. From an illuminated manuscript 510 by Gregory of Nazianzus.. Empereur Grec, MS 510
Costume of a Medieval priest, 9th century, ecclesiastical robes with crosses. From manuscript 510 by Gregory of Nazianus. Costume de Pretre, MS 510
King of the Carolingian dynasty, with crown, sceptre, sword and throne. Manuscript from the Bibliotheque royale, Bible No. 10). Roi de la seconde race (MSBR Bible No. 10)
Civil costumes from Bible 10 in the manuscipts of the BibliotheqMedieval men in robes seated on cushioned stools. Civil costumes from Bible 10 in the manuscipts of the Bibliotheque Royale. Costumes civils (MSBR Bible, No. 10)
Medieval soldier in long tunic on horseback. Cavalry from Bible 10, Manuscripts in the Bibliotheque royale. Cavalier (MSBR Bible No. 10)
Medieval soldiers with axe and shield, tunic and shoes. Military costumes from Bible 10, Manuscripts in the Bibliotheque royale. Costumes militaires (MSBR Bible No. 10)
Medieval woman in veil and long-sleeved dress, with chair. Civil costumes from Bible 10, Manuscripts in the Bibliotheque royale. Costumes civils (MSBR Bible No. 10)
Medieval battle scene with two warriors armed with lance, sword and shields, 9th century. One with a dog at his feet wears a tunic over chainmail armour
Medieval soldier in military costume lunging with lance and pennant, 9th century.. From an illuminated manuscript in the Bibliotheque Royale. Costume militaire, MSBR
Scribe at work with quill and knife at a writing desk, 9th centuScribe at work with quill and knife at a writing desk, seated on a chair with footrest, 9th century. Ecrivain
Hunter wrangling a wild animal, 9th century. From an illuminated manuscript from the Bibliotheque Royale. Chasseur, MSBR
King of the Carolingian dynasty, so-called second race. From an illuminated manuscript in the Bilbliotheque Royale. Roi de la seconde race (MSBR)
Noble woman lounging on a Byzantine bed of the 9th century (from a manuscript in the Bibliotheque Royale). The bed is decorated with gilt and a large bolster pillow. Lit Grec du IXe Siecle (Bibli)
Statues of the Frankish kings in the Abbey of St. Germain de PrePortal of the Abbey of St. Germain de Pres, Paris, with statues of the Frankish king Clovis, princess Clotilde, and two Merovingian princes. Portail St. Germain des Pres, cote lateral gauche
Odo or Eudes (c. 857-898), King of the West Franks, Robertian dyOdo or Eudes (c. 857-898), King of the West Franks, first king from the Robertian dynasty. Eudes
Nobleman reclining on a Byzantine bed of the 9th century (from an illuminated manuscript in the Bibliotheque Royale). The bed frame is decorated with a mosaic of precious stones
Statue of Louis IV, king of West Francia, Carolingian dynastyStatue of Louis IV (920-954), called d'Outremer or Transmarinus, king of West Francia, Carolingian dynasty. Seated on a throne with a sceptre. Louis d'outre-mer. Rex Ludovicus
Statue of Carloman I, King of the Franks, younger brother of Charlemagne, 751-771
Statue of Lothair I, Lothar I, Carolingian emperor, 9th centuryStatue of Lothair I, Lothar I, Carolingian emperor, King of Italy and Middle Francia, 795-855. Seated on a throne holding a fleur-de-lys sceptre. Lothaire, Rex Lotarus
Statue of Louis III, King of West Francia, 9th centuryStatue of Louis III (863-882), king of West Francia, eldest son of King Louis II and Ansgarde of Burgundy
Costumes of Frankish princesses and lords, 9th century. From the dedication page of the Bible of San Paolo fuori le mura, MS f.1.m, c.870, In the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls
Louis the German (c. 806-876), or Louis II, first king of East Francia. Grandson of emperor Charlemagne and third son of Louis the Pious, emperor of Francia, and Ermengarde of Hesbaye
Lothair II (835-869), King of Lotharingia, second son of Emperor Lothair I and Ermengarde of Tours. In crown, cloak or chlamys, robes, holding orb and sceptre. Lothaire, roi de Lorraine
Bas-relief from the tomb of Hincmar (806-882), Archbishop of Reims and adviser to Charles the Bald, Carolingian Emperor, 823-877
Statue of Saint Genevieve, (c.419-502), patron saint of Paris, in Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois, Paris. St. Genevieve, statue tiree du portail de l'eglise Saint Germain l'Auxerrois a Paris
Charles the Bald (823-877), 9th-century king of West FranciaCharles ΙΙ, or Charles the Bald (823-877), 9th-century king of West Francia and Italy, emperor of the Carolingian Empire
Costumes of Frankish lords at the court of Charles the Bald, 9th century. In helmets, cloaks, armour, hose, with sword, lance and shield
Statue and seals of Lothair I or Lothar I (795-855), Emperor of the Romans, governor of Bavaria, King of Italy and Middle Francia. Lothaire
Frankish priests in chasuble and surplices, 9th centuryFrankish priests in chasubles and surplices, 9th century. From an illuminated manuscript showing Charles the Bald receiving the Vivian Bible
Chair and scriptorium, 10th centuryChair with ornate carved back and cushion with tassels, and scriptorium or inkstand, 10th century. Siege et Ecritoires
Musical instruments in the time of King David. Two of the four musicians, known as composers of psalms, Ethan, Iduthin, Asaph and Eman, with horn and seistron (percussion instruments)
Musical instruments in the time of King David. Two of the four musicians, known as composers of psalms, Ethan, Iduthin, Asaph and Eman, with lyre, cithara and horn or tobacco pipe
Zodiac within an illuminated initial D from the Vivian Bible, 84Zodiac within an illuminated initial D (reversed), 845. Vivian Bible or the First Bible of Charles the Bald, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, MS lat 1. fol. 8r. Zodiaque
King David chanting psalms on a harp. From a figure in Charles the Bald's illuminated First Bible, Vivian Bible, 846, folio 215v, BnF. David. Figure tiree de la Bible de Charles-le-Chauvre
Tomb of Clovis I (c.466-511), first king of the Franks, Basilica of Saint-Denis, Paris. In crown and chlamys (cloak). Clovis 1er
Funeral rites, 10th centuryFrankish funeral rites, 10th century. Offering incense over a body in a shroud (top) and funeral of a bishop, 10th century
Funeral rites, 10th centuryFrankish funeral rites, 10th century. A man and woman wrap a body in a shroud (top) and two men lower a shrouded corpse into a grave, while a grave-digger with shovel watches (bottom)
Charles ΙΙ, or Charles the Bald, Carolingian dynastyCharles ΙΙ, or Charles the Bald (823-877), 9th-century king of West Francia and Italy, emperor of the Carolingian Empire
Frankish women listening to a Christian priest, 9th century. Four women in rich robes and veils seated on a sofa, reading Bibles
Frankish ship with naval ram, mast with sail and rigging, oarsFrankish ship with naval ram, mast with sail and rigging, rowers and oars, rudder, 9th century. Frankish vases below. Vaisseau Franc, Vases
Norman ship with carved figurehead, striped sail, oars, church-lNorman ship with carved animal figurehead on the bow, striped sail, oars, church-like forecastle on the deck, 11th century. Vaisseau Northman
Lothair I or Lothar I (795-855), Emperor of the Romans, governor of Bavaria, King of Italy and Middle Francia. On a throne with crown, staff and mantle. Lothaire
Charles ΙΙ, or Charles the Bald, on the throneCharles ΙΙ, or Charles the Bald (823-877), 9th-century king of West Francia and Italy, emperor of the Carolingian Empire. On a throne under the Hand of God, with crown, sceptre and orb
Statue and seal of Louis the Pious, King of the Franks, co-emperor with his father, Charlemagne, 778-840. Louis le Pieux
Armour and seal of CharlemagneSuit of armour and seal (Karolus) of Charlemagne or Charles the Great, King of the Franks, Emperor of the Romans, 748-814. He wears Frankish national costume with Roman elements
Tassilo III (c.741~796), Duke of Bavaria from 748 to 788, last of the house of the Agilolfings. In crown over helm, with lance and sword, chainmail armour, tunic, greaves and spurs. Tassillon
Louis the Pious, King of the Franks, co-emperor with his father, Charlemagne, 778-840. In crown with orb and sceptre, chlamys over chasuble and ecclesiastical robes. Louis le Pieux
Heads and crown of a Frankish king, cloak buckle and chlamys, 5tHeads and crown of a Frankish king, cloak buckle and method of wearing the chlamys. From the portal of Notre Dame de Chartres
Charlemagne or Charles the Great, King of the Franks, Emperor of the Romans, 748-814. In crown with sword and orb, wearing a chlamys over a suit of armour, tunic, spurs
Charlemagne, King of the Franks, with Constantine, Byzantine EmpCharlemagne or Charles the Great (748-814), King of the Franks, with Constantine, Byzantine Emperor. Charlemagne et Constantin
Carloman I, King of the Franks, younger brother of Charlemagne, 751-771. In black hooded habit
King Pepin the Short, King of the Franks, Carolingian Dynasty, 714-768. In crown with orb and sceptre, wearing a crimson cloak edged in ermine. Pepin le Bref
Sword hilt and gem-encrusted scabbard of Charlemagne's swordHilt, round pommel with eagle, short guard, and gem-encrusted scabbard of Charlemagne's sword. Charles the Great or Charles I (748-814) was King of the Franks, Lombards and Emperor of the Romans
Emperor Charlemagne receiving ambassadors of ConstantineEmperor Charlemagne or Charles the Great (748-814), King of the Franks, receiving ambassadors of Constantine, Byzantine Emperor. Charlemagne recevant des Ambassadeurs
Emperor Charlemagne (874-814) under the hand of God, with his advisors seated between two towers. Charlemagne Patrice
Emperor Charlemagne (748-814) holding a church 1, 2, and his swoFigures from Aachen Cathedral showing Emperor Charlemagne (748-814) holding a church 1, 2, and his sword 3. Figures de Charlemagne
Belt and shoe of the Emperor Charlemagne, 748-814. Ceinture et Chaussure de Charlemagne
Joyeuse sword and seal of Charlemagne, 8th century. The coronation sword has a gold hilt, pommel, grip and guard, gem-encrusted scabbard, belt decorated with fleurs de lys
Sword, scabbard, signet ring, buckle from the tomb of ChildericSword, scabbard, signet ring, buckle and other objects found in the tomb of Childeric I (c.437-481), Frankish leader in the northern part of imperial Roman Gaul, Merovingian dynasty
Sceptre and coins of Emperor Charlemagne, 748-814. The gold sceptre is decorated with pearls, rubies and sapphires, a fleur de lys and figure of the king Coins engraved with Karolus Magus
Emperor Charlemagne receiving the standard of Rome from St. PeteEmperor Charlemagne (748-814) genuflecting as he receives the standard of Rome from St. Peter. Pope Leo III on the left. Mosaic in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome. Mosaique de St
Pope Leo III and the Emperor Charlemagne, 8th CenturyPope Leo III and the Emperor Charlemagne from an 8th century mosaic in the Church of Saint Susanna at the Baths of Diocletian, Rome, destroyed in the 12th century by an earthquake. Mosaique de Ste
Carloman I, King of the Franks, and his wife GerbergaCarloman I, King of the Franks, younger brother of Charlemagne, 751-771 and his wife Gerberga. From tomb effigies in the Basilica Saint-Denis, Paris. Carloman, Herberge
Portrait and coins of Pepin the Short (714-768), King of the Franks, first Carolingian king. Pipinus Imperator. Pepin
Carloman I, King of the Franks, younger brother of Charlemagne, 751-771. Statue in Fulda Cathedral
Lion hunt from the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 13th centuryMoor on horseback hunting a lion with a spear from a ceiling fresco painting of the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 13th century. Tire des Peintures de l'Alhambra
Pepin the Short and his wife Bertrada of Laon, 8th centuryPepin the Short (714-768), King of the Franks, first Carolingian king, and his wife Bertrada of Laon (c.710-783). From tomb effigies in the Basilica of Saint-Denis, Paris
Pepin the Short (714-768), King of the Franks, first Carolingian king. With crown, cape fastened with a buckle, tunic, fleur de lys sceptre, tablet with jeweled cross, throne with lion heads
Moor in robes with sword from the Alhambra Palace, Granada, SpaiMoor or Arab man in robes with sword from a gilt ceiling fresco of court life in the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 13th century. Statue Maure tiree de l'Alhambra a Grenade
Dolmen or Druidic altar and sacrificial hammer, BrittanyDolmen or Druidic altar. Hammer used for sacrifice (from a figure engraved under the table of a Dolmen in Brittany). Dolmen ou Autel Druidique
Moorish costumes from ceiling fresco paintings in the Alhambra Palace, Granada, 13th century. Statues Maures tiree de l'Alhambra a Grenade
Statue of Dagobert I (c. 603-639), king of Austrasia, all the Franks, Neustria and Burgundy, last king of the Merovingian dynasty. Statue de Dagobert I
Tomb of Fredegund or Fredegunda, 543-597, Queen consort of Chilperic I, Merovingian Frankish king of Soissons
Tomb of Childeric I, Frankish leader, Merovingian dynastyTomb of Childeric I (c. 437-481), Frankish leader in the northern part of imperial Roman Gaul and a member of the Merovingian dynasty
Sceptre, seal and throne of Dagobert I, King of Austrasia and alSceptre, seal and throne of Dagobert I (c. 603-639), king of Austrasia, all the Franks, Neustria and Burgundy. Last king of the Merovingian dynasty
Saint Odile, Adalrich, Duke of Alsace, and Bishop LeodegarSaint Odile (c.662-720), Abbess of Strasbourg, patron saint of the blind, her father Eticho or Adalrich, Duke of Alsace, and Bishop Leodegar von Autun, uncle of Berswinda, Odile's mother
Childebert I, King of Paris, Frankish King of the Merovingian dyChildebert I (c. 496-558), King of Paris, Frankish King of the Merovingian dynasty. From his tomb in the choir, and statue in the Refectory of Saint Germain de Pres, Paris