Hylobates sp. Pongo pygmaeus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla goriGibbon, orangutan, chimpanzee, gorilla and human. Evidence as to Mans Place in Nature. Illustration published in Mans Place in Nature, Vol. 7 from a collection of essays by Thomas Henry Huxley, 1863
Hunting the AurochsAncient Germans hunt the AUROCHS (bos primigenius) thought to be the ancestor of modern cattle
Mastodon / Prehistoric USA family of Mastodon, roaming the area of modern-day Manhattan Island. Bones of this large forerunner of the modern-day elephant have been found in this region
Bewick / MouflonLinnaeus considered the mouflon a goat (capra ammon) but it is now classified as a sheep, indeed the smallest wild sheep and ancestor of all domestic breeds
Bonzo congratulates Chee-Kee by George StuddyBonzo congratulates Chee-Kee on finding her ancestors -- they can be seen as monsters on Chinese vases and plates. Date: 1924
Napoleons I and Iii / CdvLOUIS NAPOLEON III with his illustrious ancestor
Extinct wild horses of the DiluvialWild horses of the Diluvial era, extinct genus of equid ancestors to Equus ferus. Wildpferde der Diluvialzeit
Extinct wild horses of the late TertiaryFossil wild horses of the late Tertiary, extinct ancestors of Equus ferus. Wildpferde der spateren Tertiarzeit
Palaeomastodon, extinct genus of Proboscidea, late Eocene and early Oligocene, ancestors of elephants or mastodons
The Earl of Jersey at the Georgian Ball, Osterley Park, 1939George Child Villiers(1910-1998), 9th Earl of Jersey and his second wife Virginia(1908-1996), the Countess of Jersey
Duke of Marlborough dressed as his ancestorJohn Albert William Spencer-Churchill, 10th Duke of Marlborough, (1897 - 1972), dressed as his ancestor, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, the victor at the Battle of Blenheim. Date: 1938
Vanuatu - Pacific Islands - Santo Ancestor WorshipDate: circa 1910s
Charles Robert Spencer, 6th Earl SpencerCharles Robert Spencer, sixth Earl Spencer (1857 - 1922), before that Viscount Althorp until he succeeded to the title in 1910, British courtier and Liberal politician
Chinese Ancestor Worship - Ancestral TabletThe cermony of Ancestral worship
Homo erectus (or Homo ergaster), Turkana boy (KNM-WT 15000)A replica of the fossil cranium (with reconstruction) that once belonged to a male Homo erectus aged 9 to 12 years old when he died
Lord SpencerAlbert Edward John Spencer, 7th Earl Spencer (23 May 1892 9 June 1975), known formally as The Hon Albert Spencer until 1910 and from then until 1922 as Viscount Althorp
The Countess Spencer with her son, Lord AlthorpCynthia Elinor Beatrix Spencer (1897 - 1972), known until her marriage as Lady Cynthia Hamilton. The daughter of the third Duke of Abercorn, she married Viscount Althorp (later Earl Spencer) in 1919
Viking Age. Runestone. Tirsted. 10th century AD. National MArt. Germanic. Viking Age. Northern Europe. Runestone. Dedicated to their ancestors. Tirsted. 10th century AD. Asrad and Hildvig raised this stone in memory of Frede. National Museum of Denmark
Busts of ancestors. EgyptBusts of ancestors. First, polychromed limestone bust, from Thebes. At background, limestone bust of unknown origin. Both dated from 1300-1150 BC
Protorohippus or orohippus, extinct ancestor of the horse from the Eocene.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Giant Hyrax, Riesenklippdachs, extinct ancestor of the Rock or Cape Hyrax (Procavia capensis)
Figure of the reliquary Bwete or Bwitti (Gabon)
Lower jaw casts of Paranthropus robustus (Swartkrans 23) andFrom Swartkrans, South Africa (left) and Peninj, Tanzania (right)
Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon manA model head of Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon man. Cro-Magnon man, an anatomically modern human lived around 30, 000 years ago in the Dordogne region of France. This model was created by Maurice Wilson
Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Stenosaurus and another marineThese reptiles lived during the Jurrassic period, about 150 million years ago. Watercolour by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins
Homo neanderthalensisA model head of Neanderthal man (Homo neanderthalensis) created by Maurice Wilson. Neanderthal man is believed to have lived between around 130, 000 and 35, 000 years ago
Gigantopithecus model jawModel of Gigantopithecus jaw with Gorilla jaw for scale
A Swanscombe Hand AxeOne of many hand axes that have been discovered at the Homo neanderthalensis site of Swanscombe, Kent which was inhabited about 500, 000 to 300, 000 years ago
The Countess SpencerCynthia Elinor Beatrix Spencer (1897 - 1972), known until her marriage as Lady Cynthia Hamilton. The daughter of the third Duke of Abercorn, she married Viscount Althorp (later Earl Spencer) in 1919
Totem Pole Maker
Irish Elk - Megalocerosor Irish Elk A Diluvian ancestor of the Irish deer, noted for the enormous size of its antlers
Sir J Gordon Sprigg. Part of Box 104 Boswell Collection. Sprigg was born in Ipswich, England, into a strongly Puritan family
Etruscan Art. Italy. In honour of the ancestors. Urns-faceEtruscan Art. Italy. In honour of the ancestors. Symbolic faces were the focus and memorials held at the graveside. Symbolised Urns-face. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Copenhage. Denmark
British patients with Quex cannon collectionFour Imperial VAD hospital patients standing by some of the cannon collection in Quex Park. At the time of the First World War these were grouped in front of the Round Tower on the Quex Park estate
Fossils of extinct marine cephalopods, ancestors to the squid and cuttlefish, from the Jurassic.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A
Geronticus balcanicus, ancestral form of the Northern Bald Ibis, Hermit Ibis, Geronticus eremita
Bystander cover - The Countess SpencerCynthia Elinor Beatrix Spencer (1897 - 1972), known until her marriage as Lady Cynthia Hamilton. The daughter of the third Duke of Abercorn, she married Viscount Althorp (later Earl Spencer) in 1919
Bonzo in search of his forefathers by George StuddyBonzo finds a trace of his ancestral courage in an old tapestry -- he notices his ancestor running away from a wild boar, while bigger and braver dogs confront it. Date: 1924
Bonzo Discovers the Bonzosaurus Egg by George StuddyBonzo Discovers the Bonzosaurus Egg -- clearly an ancestor from prehistoric times! Date: 1924
Hindu Priests in India - " Warsudav" (Vasudeva) - worshipping ancestors (below). Date: circa 1910
Member for Britain - Churchill by SherriffsCaricature of Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965), British statesman, sitting in an armchair in the shadow of his great ancestor, military commander the Duke of Marlborough. Date: 1950
Tassilo Graf Zu ZollernTASSILO graf zu ZOLLERN German soldier in the service of Charlemagne, ancestor of the Hohenzollern dynasty. Date: CIRCA 801
Henri Cardinal RetzHENRI de GONDY, cardinal de RETZ French churchman, first cardinal de Retz, bishop of Paris, ancestor of cardinal Jean-Paul. Date: 1570 - 1622
Robert Goodloe HarperROBERT GOODLOE HARPER American soldier and statesman, doubtless an ancestor of the creators of the Harper publishing empire. Date: 1765 - 1825
Casts of Australopithecus boisei jaw bonesCasts of Upper jaw (left) of Australopithecus (Paranthropus) boisei from the Olduvai Gorge; lower jaw (right) of Australopithecus (Paranthropus) boisei from Peninj
Homo erectus, Java manA model of Homo erectus, known as Java man, based on fossil evidence found in archaeological sites along the Solo River, Indonesia. The fossils date back to around 500, 000 to 800, 000 years ago
Homo erectus, Peking manA model head of Homo erectus known as Peking man, based upon evidence discovered at Zhoukoudian Cave (Locality 1), China dating back 500, 000 years. This model was created by Maurice Wilson
Homo neanderthalensis, neandertal manThe installation of a cranium (cast) considered to be that of a Neandertal man (Homo neanderthalesis). It was discovered in a cave diposit at Atapuerca-Sima de Los Huesos, Spain
Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus, StenosaurusThese reptiles lived during the Jurrassic period, about 150 million years ago. Watercolour by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins
Homo neanderthalensis, neanderthal manThe installation of a cranium (cast) considered to be that of a Neanderthal man (Homo neanderthalesis). It was discovered in a cave diposit at Atapuerca-Sima de Los Huesos, Spain
Laughing Cavalier / C1930The laughing Cavalier: the ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Date: Published: c.1930
Ta Prohm temple, Siem Reap, CambodiaView of Ta Prohm (Ancestor Brahma) Khmer Buddhist temple at Siem Reap, Cambodia
Entrance to Ta Prohm temple, Siem Reap, CambodiaEntrance to the Ta Prohm (Ancestor Brahma) Khmer Buddhist temple at Siem Reap, Cambodia
Visit to Corsica - 5The Prince Imperial and his mama pay homage to his illustrious ancestor in the room where Napoleon I was born at Ajaccio
Singer BonneheeBonnehee (presumably an ancestor of the more famous singer of that name) in the role of Julien de Medicis in Pierre de Medicis
Devotions at a GraveA pious Chinaman honours the burial place of his departed ancestors
Richard Lemon LanderRICHARD LEMON LANDER Traveller in Africa, ancestor of Mary Evans
Honourable Ancestors-Honouring the ancestors in a Chinese household
Learning the FluteA music student is instructed by his teacher in the art of playing the double pipe, an ancestor of the flute
Visiting a GraveVisiting the grave of a deceased relative
Devotions at an AltarA pious Chinese man honours his ancestors at a domestic altar
Darwin / Ancestor CartoonCHARLES DARWIN English naturalist Cartoon of the Darwinian ancestor; " For O it is such a Norrible Tail!"
Neanderthaloid / WellsNEANDERTHALOID MAN Our probable ancestor but a parallel species to Neanderthal man
China / Ancestor Cult 1846Cult of ancestors
Glyptodon doedicurus, extinct animalA glyptodon doedicurus: the extinct ancestor of the armadillo