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Amazon Collection

Background imageAmazon Collection: First Portrait of King Charles III

First Portrait of King Charles III
Portrait of King Charles III commissioned from artist Alastair Barford by ILN

Background imageAmazon Collection: The Amazon

The Amazon (1911). Lavery, Sir John 1856-1941. Date: 1911

Background imageAmazon Collection: Henry Walter Bates (1825-1892)

Henry Walter Bates (1825-1892)
Henry Walter Bates FRS FLS FGS was an English naturalist and explorer who gave the first scientific account of mimicry in animals. Born in Leicester 8 February 1825, died London, 16 February 1892

Background imageAmazon Collection: H. W. Bates illustrated notebooks

H. W. Bates illustrated notebooks
Plate 7 from a notebook of Henry W. Bates (1825-92) relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854

Background imageAmazon Collection: Butterflies from the Amazon by H. W. Bates

Butterflies from the Amazon by H. W. Bates
A page (p 144) from a notebook of Henry W. Bates relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854

Background imageAmazon Collection: En Pleine Folie at the Folies Bergere

En Pleine Folie at the Folies Bergere
Sketches by Erte for Grands Flueves du Monde (the Great Rivers of the World) in En Pleine Folie at the Folies Bergere, Paris, 1923 (showing the Rhine, the Nile, the Ganges and the Amazon)

Background imageAmazon Collection: Map of Peru 1683 Mallet

Map of Peru 1683 Mallet
Perou. A map showing a coastal part of South America on the South Pacific. Both the equator and tropic of Capricorn are given

Background imageAmazon Collection: Sophia Loren / Amazon

Sophia Loren / Amazon
SOPHIA LOREN Italian film actress, seen here in Amazonian pose on board a ship

Background imageAmazon Collection: Riding Habits 1834

Riding Habits 1834
Riding habits. Woman: imbecile sleeves, embroidered canezou, cravat & top hat. Boy: pantaloons, waistcoat with a roll collar, short jacket with gigot sleeves, ruff

Background imageAmazon Collection: Statue of an Amazon female warrior by Phidias

Statue of an Amazon female warrior by Phidias, wearing a peplos, holding a bow, with quiver under her arm. Found near the Villa d Este in Tivoli

Background imageAmazon Collection: Sarcophagus. Marble. Tel Mevorah. Battle between Amazons

Sarcophagus. Marble. Tel Mevorah. Battle between Amazons
Amazon sarcophagus. Marble. Tel Mevorah. Roman Period. Early 3rd century AD. Detail. Battle between the Amazons and the Greeks. Relief. Rockefeller Archaeological Museum. Jerusalem. Israel

Background imageAmazon Collection: Examples of mimicry among butterflies

Examples of mimicry among butterflies
Plate from On the lepidoptera of the Amazon Valley. Transactions of the Linnean Society, by H.W. Bates, 1862

Background imageAmazon Collection: H. W. Bates illustrated notebook

H. W. Bates illustrated notebook
Plate 7 from a notebook of Henry W. Bates (1825-92) relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854

Background imageAmazon Collection: Butterflies painted by H. W. Bates

Butterflies painted by H. W. Bates
A page from a notebook of Henry W. Bates relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854

Background imageAmazon Collection: Hippolyta / Amazon

Hippolyta / Amazon
Hippolyta, the Amazon Queen, in fighting mode

Background imageAmazon Collection: YMCA Building, 213 West 23rd Street

YMCA Building, 213 West 23rd Street, near 7th Avenue, New York City, USA, with inset of Yacht Amazon. Date: circa 1906

Background imageAmazon Collection: Beltona Gramophones catalogue

Beltona Gramophones catalogue
The Amazon - Beltona Gramophones catalogue 1930 Date: 1930

Background imageAmazon Collection: Matses or Matis warrior of Brazil

Matses or Matis warrior of Brazil, with facial tattoos, labrets, and piercings with macaw feathers and snail shells. Maxurunas Indian, Brazil. Maxourounas (Bresil)

Background imageAmazon Collection: A mounted Amazon spearing a lion (or chimera)

A mounted Amazon spearing a lion (or chimera)
A mounted Amazon impaling a lion (or chimera) with a spear. Woman warrior in helmet, breastplate, skirt and boots armed with a lance. From an engraved cornelian gem

Background imageAmazon Collection: The Borghese Gladiator, Louvre, Paris

The Borghese Gladiator, Louvre, Paris. Hellenistic marble sculpture depicting a swordsman fighting a mounted warrior, possibly Achilles fighting an Amazon, created at Ephesus about 100 BC

Background imageAmazon Collection: Mrs Davies, the lady sharpshooter 1900

Mrs Davies, the lady sharpshooter 1900
Female rifleman, Mrs Davies, in a trench during the seige of Mafeking (now Mahikeng) in the Boer war

Background imageAmazon Collection: South African female soldier in the Boer War 1900

South African female soldier in the Boer War 1900
Female South African soldier Mrs Otto Krantz with her horse and in a field, at the time of the Boer War

Background imageAmazon Collection: Matses warrior with facial tattoos, shells and feathers

Matses warrior with facial tattoos, shells and feathers
Matses (Maxuruna or Mayoruna) or Matis warrior, Native American of Peru with facial tattoos, labrets, and piercings with feathers and shells

Background imageAmazon Collection: Armored catfish species, Acanthicus hystrix

Armored catfish species, Acanthicus hystrix. Porcupine acanthicus, Acanthicus histrix. Fort St. Joaquin in the distance. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageAmazon Collection: Casmuniz 52 PT-AZU

Casmuniz 52 PT-AZU (msn 1, also, known as Casmuniz 5-2). The sole aircraft first flew in April 1952 and completed flight testing by 1955, whilst registered as PP-ZPD

Background imageAmazon Collection: Amazon River

Amazon River

Background imageAmazon Collection: Yuan-Shih-Kai

Top image, Yuan-Shi-Kai, premier of china, boating in his home town

Background imageAmazon Collection: A Catch of Arapaima Fish

A Catch of Arapaima Fish
A catch of arapaima fish. Native to the Amazon and Essequibo basins of South America, they are among the world's largest freshwater fish. Date: 1924

Background imageAmazon Collection: Roger Casement Iln Import 21 Dec 07 July 20th

Roger Casement Iln Import 21 Dec 07 July 20th
roger, casement, iln, import, 21, dec, 07, july, 20th, 1912, human, rights, activist, photographed, senor, juan, tizon, peruvian, amazon, company, hanged, 1916, involvement, irish, nationalist

Background imageAmazon Collection: Preparing Caoutchouc, a natural rubber produced in Amazon region

Preparing Caoutchouc, a natural rubber produced in Amazon region

Background imageAmazon Collection: Royal Mail Lines Amazon

Royal Mail Lines Amazon

Background imageAmazon Collection: Blue and yellow macaw and scarlet macaw

Blue and yellow macaw and scarlet macaw
Blue and yellow macaw, Ara ararauna, and scarlet or Amazon macaw, Ara macao

Background imageAmazon Collection: Botocudo natives of the Amazon, with plugs

Botocudo natives of the Amazon, with plugs
Botocudo natives of the Amazon, busts and profiles showing plugs in earlobes and lower lip

Background imageAmazon Collection: Man and woman of the Aymore or Botocudo people, Brazil

Man and woman of the Aymore or Botocudo people, Brazil. The man with the distinctive plugs (botocudo) in his ears may be Manuel, who was exhibited in Paris in 1844

Background imageAmazon Collection: Amazon bamboo rat, Dactylomys dactylinus

Amazon bamboo rat, Dactylomys dactylinus (Long-toed spinous rat, Echimys dactylinus). From a specimen in Berlin Museum. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lizars after an illustration by Col

Background imageAmazon Collection: Long-toed spiny rat, Dactylomys dactylinus

Long-toed spiny rat, Dactylomys dactylinus
Long-toed spinous or spiny rat, Amazon bamboo rat, Dactylomys dactylinus, (Echimys dactylinus? Geoff.) From a specimen in Berlin Museum

Background imageAmazon Collection: Eastern rosella and yellow-crowned amazon

Eastern rosella and yellow-crowned amazon
Eastern rosella, Platycercus exams, and yellow-crowned amazon, Amazona ochrocephala. Perruche omnicolore et Perroquet tete jaune

Background imageAmazon Collection: Dutchmans pipe species, Aristolochia ruiziana

Dutchmans pipe species, Aristolochia ruiziana (Aristolochia duchartrei)

Background imageAmazon Collection: Jubas bush, Iresine herbstii

Jubas bush, Iresine herbstii
Jubas bush or bloodleaf, Iresine herbstii or Iresine diffusa f. herbstii (Iresine verschaffeltii)

Background imageAmazon Collection: Amazon lily, Eucharis amazonica

Amazon lily, Eucharis amazonica

Background imageAmazon Collection: Amazon water-lily, Nymphaea amazonum

Amazon water-lily, Nymphaea amazonum

Background imageAmazon Collection: Botocudo chief with lip and ear plugs, Amazon, Brazil

Botocudo chief with lip and ear plugs, Amazon, Brazil
Botocudo chief and family with their distinctive lip and ear plugs, Amazon, Brazil. Naked man with bow and arrows, woman carrying children and bag

Background imageAmazon Collection: Nomadic Puri family relaxing in a hut, Brazil

Nomadic Puri family relaxing in a hut, Brazil
Nomadic Puri family relaxing in a hut made of leaves and branches, man lying in hammock, woman roasting meat on a fire. Amazon, Brazil

Background imageAmazon Collection: Puri people moving through the Amazon jungle

Puri people moving through the Amazon jungle
Nomadic Puri people armed with spears and sticks moving through the Amazon jungle

Background imageAmazon Collection: Amazon river dolphin, Inia geoffrensis

Amazon river dolphin, Inia geoffrensis (Frontier dolphin, Delphinus frontatus)

Background imageAmazon Collection: Perroquet tapire (artificially dyed amazon)

Perroquet tapire (artificially dyed amazon), and red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus. The native Americans color the plumage of young parrots with natural dyes. Handcoloured lithograph from Th

Background imageAmazon Collection: Mealy amazon and festive amazon

Mealy amazon and festive amazon
Mealy amazon, Amazona farinosa, and festive amazon, Amazona festiva. Handcoloured lithograph from Th. Lejeunes Complete Works of Buffon, Oeuvres Completes de Buffon, Brussels, 1837

Background imageAmazon Collection: Scarlet macaw and orange-winged amazon

Scarlet macaw and orange-winged amazon
Scarlet macaw, Ara macao, and orange-winged amazon, Amazona amazonica. Handcoloured lithograph from Th. Lejeunes Complete Works of Buffon, Oeuvres Completes de Buffon, Brussels, 1837

Background imageAmazon Collection: Blue-and-yellow macaw and yellow-headed amazon

Blue-and-yellow macaw and yellow-headed amazon
Blue-and-yellow macaw, Ara ararauna, and yellow-headed amazon, Amazona oratrix (endangered). Handcoloured lithograph from Th

Background imageAmazon Collection: Chestnut-fronted macaw and Cuban amazon

Chestnut-fronted macaw and Cuban amazon
Chestnut-fronted macaw, Ara severus, and Cuban amazon, Amazona leucocephala. Handcoloured lithograph from Th. Lejeunes Complete Works of Buffon, Oeuvres Completes de Buffon, Brussels, 1837

Background imageAmazon Collection: Red and Blue Macaw

Red and Blue Macaw. Date: 1933

Background imageAmazon Collection: Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot

Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot. Date: 1933

Background imageAmazon Collection: Mrs Fearnley-Whittingstall in tennis shorts

Mrs Fearnley-Whittingstall in tennis shorts, with a Greek sculpture of an Amazon by Pheidias for comparison. Date: 1933

Background imageAmazon Collection: Amazonian Adventure - article in the Sphere

Amazonian Adventure - article in the Sphere
Amazonian Adventure - an account of a 3, 000 mile-journey along the Amazon written and illustrated by Victor Coverley-Price Date: 1st March 1932

Background imageAmazon Collection: Riding Habit 1899

Riding Habit 1899
English riding habit with Amazon corsage. Quite severe in its tailoring & worn with a top hat & buttonhole the only feminine note is the rider sitting side saddle. Date: 1899

Background imageAmazon Collection: Riding Habit 1857

Riding Habit 1857
Amazon corsage buttoning to the throat & with a small white collar & reversed cuffs. Black velvet hat ornamented with a plume & worn with a veil. Date: 1857

Background imageAmazon Collection: BRAZIL / AMAZON C1890

Amazon river: with lush vegetation Date: circa 1890

Background imageAmazon Collection: AMAZON GREETING

In this culture on the banks of the Amazon, the accepted form of greeting is to blow through a pipe from your nose to the others while he does the same to you Date: circa 1890

Background imageAmazon Collection: AMAZON SCENE

Victoria Amazonica on the Amazon, Brazil Date: 1913

Background imageAmazon Collection: VICTORIA AMAZONICA

or Victoria Regia, on the Amazon, Brazil Date: 1913

Background imageAmazon Collection: THE AMAZON SCULPTURE

The Amazon A sculpture by Kiss, Berlin of an Amazon woman spearing a lion which is attacking her horse Date: 1851

Background imageAmazon Collection: Classical Myth - Amazon

Classical Myth - Amazon
Classical Mythology - An Amazon Warrior with bow and quiver of arrows

Background imageAmazon Collection: On the Amazon River c. 1825

On the Amazon River c. 1825
Passage on the River Amazon - journeying by boat between Lima and Paraguay. Date: c1825

Background imageAmazon Collection: Edwardian women in tricorne and bicorne hats 1912

Edwardian women in tricorne and bicorne hats 1912
Left tricorne, hat with three-cornered, in black tagal, trimmed with two pom - poms, one in black and the other white

Background imageAmazon Collection: AGUIRRE, Lope de (1515-1561). Spanish conquistador

AGUIRRE, Lope de (1515-1561). Spanish conquistador in South America

Background imageAmazon Collection: Titanus giganteus, South American longhorn or titan beetle

Titanus giganteus, South American longhorn or titan beetle
The South American longhorn or Titan beetle is largest known beetle and inhabits the Amazon forests

Background imageAmazon Collection: Ateles paniscus, black spider monkey

Ateles paniscus, black spider monkey
Portrait of a red faced black spider monkey, native to the Amazon forest of Brazil. Photographed by Frank Greenaway

Background imageAmazon Collection: Statue of Sciarra Amazon. Marble. 2nd century AD. Roman

Statue of Sciarra Amazon. Marble. 2nd century AD. Roman copy of a Greek bronze original from 5th century BC. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Copenhagen, Denmark

Background imageAmazon Collection: Fantastic Adventures - Daughter of the Snake God

Fantastic Adventures - Daughter of the Snake God
Cover of Fantastic Adventures, May 1942, featuring the story Daughter of the Snake God by William P. McGivern and John York Cabot

Background imageAmazon Collection: Galleon Saint Lucia. 17th century

Galleon Saint Lucia. 17th century

Background imageAmazon Collection: Battle of the Amazons, 1616-1618, by Rubens (1577-1640)

Battle of the Amazons, 1616-1618, by Rubens (1577-1640)
Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). Flemish painter. Battle of the Amazons, 1616-1618. Alte Pinakothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageAmazon Collection: Festival in Manaus, northern Brazil

Festival in Manaus, northern Brazil
Aerial view of a festival taking place in St Sebastian Square, in front of the opera house in the city of Manaus, northern Brazil

Background imageAmazon Collection: Tesselated pavement, Manaus, northern Brazil

Tesselated pavement, Manaus, northern Brazil
A tesselated pavement in St Sebastian Square, in front of the opera house in the city of Manaus, northern Brazil

Background imageAmazon Collection: Theodore Roosevelt on the Roosevelt River in Brazil

Theodore Roosevelt on the Roosevelt River in Brazil
The Rio da Duvida (or River of Doubt ) in Brazil, re-named The Roosevelt River (Rio Roosevelt)

Background imageAmazon Collection: Morpho menelaus, Amazonian butterfly

Morpho menelaus, Amazonian butterfly
An iridescent butterfly from the Amazon. Specimen from display at the Natural History Museum at Tring, part of the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageAmazon Collection: Theraphosa leblondi, goliath tarantula

Theraphosa leblondi, goliath tarantula
This spider, from the northern Amazonia, has a leg-span of 250mm

Background imageAmazon Collection: Relief with Amazonomachy. Athens, Greece. 2nd century AD

Relief with Amazonomachy. Athens, Greece. 2nd century AD. Marble. An Amazon wearing a short tunic and helmet is in combat with a naked Greek in a rocky landscape. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

Background imageAmazon Collection: Advertisement, Amazon 37 Drying Tumbler

Advertisement, Amazon 37 Drying Tumbler, manufactured by James Armstrong & Co Ltd, London. 1957

Background imageAmazon Collection: Fantastic Adventures - Queen of the Panther World

Fantastic Adventures - Queen of the Panther World
Cover of Fantastic Adventures, July 1948, featuring the story Queen of the Panther World by Berkely Livingston. Amazon rides a black panther fighting a green dragon with a spea. Date: 1948

Background imageAmazon Collection: Fantastic Adventures - Princess of the Sea

Fantastic Adventures - Princess of the Sea
Cover of Fantastic Adventures, January 1947, featuring the story Princess of the Sea by Don Wilcox. Beautiful Amazon with red cloak rides a white horse through the waves of the sea. Date: 1947

Background imageAmazon Collection: Fantastic Adventures - The Floating Robot

Fantastic Adventures - The Floating Robot
Cover of Fantastic Adventures, January 1941, featuring the story The Floating Robot by David Wright O brien

Background imageAmazon Collection: Head of an Amazon. Marble. Copy from an original of the 5th

Head of an Amazon. Marble. Copy from an original of the 5th
Roman Art. Head of an Amazon. Marble. Copy from an original of the 5th century B.C. It comes from Rome. Capitoline Museums. Rome. Italy

Background imageAmazon Collection: The Treasure of the Athenians. Detail

The Treasure of the Athenians. Detail
Treasure of the Athenians. 510-500 BC. Metope depicting Theseus fighting the amazon Antiope. Delphi Museum. Greece

Background imageAmazon Collection: CREVAUS, Jules Nicholas (1847-1882). French doctor and explo

CREVAUS, Jules Nicholas (1847-1882). French doctor and explo
CREVAUS, Jules Nicholas (Lorquin, 1847-El Chaco, 1882). French doctor and explorer. Departure of the expedition of the Colony Crevaux. Colored engraving

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