Egyptian art. Relief depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and threEgyptian art. A house altar depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and three of their Daughters. Relief. Limestone. New Kingdom. Amarna period. 18th dynasty. C. 1350 B.C. Egyptian Museum of Berlin. Germany
Winged Victory of Samothrace or Nike of SamothraceGreek art. Winged Victory of Samothrace or Nike of Samothrace. 2nd century BC. Marble. Sculpture of the greek goodess Nike (Victory). Museum of Louvre. Paris
Map of the Coronation ritual within Westminster AbbeyA panoramic view inside Westminster Abbey to show the position, movements and sequence of ceremonies (indicated by numbers) of the Coronation ceremony of King George VI. Date: 1937
Apparition at Knock, County Mayo, Ireland, which took place on 21 August 1879
Pergamon Altar. Hecate fighting against the giant Klytios nePergamon Altar. Built by order of Eumenes II Soter. 164-156 BC. Marble and limestone. Gigantomachy. South frieze
Pergamon Altar. Athena against the giant AlcyoneusPergamon Altar. Built by order of Eumenes II Soter. 164-156 BC by artists of the school of Pergamon. Marble and limestone. East frieze. Gigantomachy. Struggle between gods and giants
Army Chaplain in Great War Deeds, WW1An Army Chaplain holding a night service on the battlefield, with a packing case as an altar and a tin mug as a chalice
Wallingford Screen, St Albans Abbey, HertfordshireView of the 15th century Wallingford Screen (high altar) in St Albans Abbey, Hertfordshire. The statues were destroyed during the Dissolution, but were replaced in the 19th century
Lourdes - The GrottoStatue of Our Lady of Lourdes in the Grotto, with believers praying beneath and hanging crutches testament to the miraculous cures achievers by those of faith at this sacred Christian site
The High Altar of St. Pauls Cathedral; Second World War, 19Photograph showing the High Altar of St. Pauls Cathedral, London, after a German bomb had exploded on the choir roof and destroyed a large section of roof, 1940
Twelve Tables of Rome drawn upThe Twelve Tables, Romes first legal code, are drawn up by a commission at the request of the plebeians
The Pope Urban II consecrates the altar of the church of the Cluny abbey (1085). Miniature of 12th c. Romanesque art. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Membership certificate, Ancient Order of Druids, illustrated with a Druid playing a harp, with Stonehenge in the background
Christ in Majesty, Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff, South WalesChrist in Majesty, sculpture by Epstein, in the nave of Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff, South Wales. Date: circa 1970s
Chromolithograph Devotional Card - Saint Gerald MajellaChromolithograph Devotional Card depicting Saint Gerard Majella (1726-1755) - an Italian lay brother of the Congregation of the Redeemer, better known as the Redemptorists
Sacrifice of Abel and Melchizedek (538-545 AD). Basilica ofScene of Abrahams life. Abel and Melchizedek bringing their offerings to the altar (538-545 AD). Basilica of St. Vitale. Presbytery. South wall. Rabenna. Italy
Italiy. Venice. Saint Marks Basilica. Noahs Ark. Mosaic. 1Noah free the animals of the ark, Mosaic from the Pala d Oro or Golden Altar 12th-14th centuries. Saint Marks Basilica. Venice. Italy
Pergamon Altar. Hephaistos and goddess Eos riding a horsePergamon Altar. Built by order of Eumenes II Soter. 164-156 BC by artists of the school of Pergamon. Marble and limestone. South frieze. Gigantomachy
Cologne Cathedral interior, GermanyInterior of Cologne Cathedral (Hohe Domkirche St Petrus), in Germany. The Cathedral is viewed from the main entrance, showing the High Altar at the far end. circa 1910s
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591). Italian Jesuit. ColoredSaint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591). Italian Jesuit seminarian and student at the Roman college. He died in Rome, at the service of persons infected by the plague
A Parsi woman at a fire altarA Parsi (Zoroastrian) Indian woman at a fire altar, worshipping Zoroaster Date: 1906
Old Coventry CathedralThe altar and east end of the cathedral of Saint Michael. Building began in 1373, on the site of an earlier cathedral. Mostly destroyed during the Blitz on 14 November 1940
Grotto of the Annunciation, NazarethView inside the Grotto of the Annunciation in Nazareth, where by tradition Mary is said to have received a visit from the Angel Gabriel
Interior R. C. Cathedral, ArmaghInterior R.C. Cathedral, Armagh - a view looking up the aisle to the altar. (Location: Northern Ireland: County Armagh: Armagh). Date: circa early 1900s
Library of Congress Mural - The Occupation of the DayWashington DC, USA - Mural - The Occupation of the Day by Charles Sprague Pearce (1851-1914). Found in the Library of Congress, Thomas Jefferson Building. Religion. Worship before an altar of Fire
Alexander the Great on the eve of GaugamelaAlexander the Great at the fire altar on the eve of the battle of Gaugamela
The interior of Rosslyn Chapel, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland
Scene inside the Church of the Nativity, BethlehemA scene inside the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, which marks the traditional birthplace of Jesus
Lady Chapel, Hereford Cathedral, Herefordshire, England Date: circa 1910s
Archbishop Herbert VaughanRoman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Herbert Vaughan. 1896
The Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh, Scotland (interior, the entrance to the shrine) - housed in a re-developed barrack block in Crown Square, at the heart of Edinburgh castle
Italy. Pompeii. Temple of Apollo. Marbles altar, ionic coluItaly. Pompeii. Temple of Apollo. Marbles altar and Ionic column built to hold the sundial. In the background. stairs and two fluted Corinthian columns
Church of England Service on a WWI battlefield for troops heading into the trenches - the Chaplain is officiating from a small field altar. Date: circa 1915
The interior of the Abbey Church of St Mary, Iona, Scotland
Prince George married Princess Mary of Teck in the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace, London, with ten bridesmaids, granddaughters and a great granddaughter of the Queen Victoria
Stone altar. From Hagar Qim, Malta. Temple Period (3600 BC to 2500 BC). National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231). Franciscan friarSt. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) wishing to demonstrate to a heretic who asked him for a miracle, the truth of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar
The clergy solemnly come with the cross and holy images before a lord at the door of a church or monastery. Facsimile by Huyot and J. Petot after a 14th-century illustration
The Miraculous Mass of Saint Gregory the Great (ca. 540-604), representing the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Engraving by Bertrand and Huyot after a 15th century missal miniature
Funerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, of Tatianos, son of Euenos and Antiocheis. 2nd-3rd centuries AD
Funerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, ofFunerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, and respective socle, of Caius Servilius Claranus. 2nd century AD. Inscription: Dedicated to Gods Manes
Stone altar consecrated to Endovellicus, by Marcus Licinius Nigellius
Stone altar dedicated to Endovellicus, by MarcusStone altar dedicated to Endovellicus (Endovelicus), by Marcus Fannius Augurinus. 1st century AD. Detail. Sao Miguel da Mota. Terena. Alandroal, Evora, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum
Stone altar dedicated to Endovellicus, by MarcusStone altar dedicated to Endovellicus (Endovelicus), by Marcus Fannius Augurinus. 1st century AD. Sao Miguel da Mota. Terena. Alandroal, Evora, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal
Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain. Great Mosque of Cordoba or Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. Interior. Engraving. Glorias Espanolas (Glories of Spain). Volume II. Published in Barcelona, 1890
The dubious death of Germanicus Julius Caesar in Seleucia, AD 19The dubious death by poisoning of Germanicus Julius Caesar in Seleucia, AD 19
View of a chariot race at the Circus Maximus in Rome
Anne Bill. mystic wife of printer John Bill, died 1621. Veiled bust within oval frame held by angel at an altar with musical instruments in flames
Vesta, Roman goddess of the hearth and home. Shown seated under a tree with lamb, cow and squirrel
Janus, the two-faced Roman god of beginnings, gates, time and change. He is shown seated on a plinth with key and sceptre in front of an altar
Virgins making a sacrifice to the Roman goddess VestaVirgins making a sacrifice at an altar to the Roman goddess Vesta. Priestesses in laurel crowns bring a torch and a platter of flames. Other Vestals play music on a lyre and wave blossom branches
Interior of an oratory or private chapel, England, 16th century. Altar under a canopy, candlesticks, table with Bible and rosary, fan, bucket, vases
Mahaut, Countess of Boulogne, and her daughter Joan, 13th CMahaut or Matilda II, Countess of Boulogne, wife of Philip I, and their daughter, Jeanne de France or Joan, who married Gaucher de Chatillon, France, 13th century
Harold Godwinson makes an oath to William Duke of NormandyHarold Godwinson swears an oath on an altar and a reliquary to William Duke of Normandy and returns by sailing ship to England
Apollo Archegetes in laurel wreath
Two priestesses making an offering to CybeleTwo priestesses making an offering at an altar to Cybele, Anatolian mother goddess. One carries a knife, the other bangs cymbals. A musician plays an aulos
A satyr playing panpipes and faun with ram's horn before an altar. Faunus et Satyrus. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of the art dealer Thomas Moore Slade
Ancient warriors leading a sacrificial bull to an altarAncient warriors in armour leading a sacrificial bull to an altar. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Ancient Roman tripods and altarsTripod on an ancient bas-relief at the Villa Justinian 1, ancient altar with griffins dedicated to Apollo found in the Villa del Conte Fede, Tivoli 2, and copper tripod from the Casa Oddi, Perugia 3
Ancient Roman tripods and altarsAncient tripod found by Sir William Hamilton at Pantanello in Tivoli 1, ancient altar with eagle and rams head found at Villa Casali outside Porta San Sebastiano 2
Regina sacrorum, high priestess of ancient Rome. Wife of the Rex sacrorum. In gold crown, crimson palla and stola, making a sacrfice to Juno at an altar in a temple. Reine des Sacrifices
Rex sacrificulus or king of sacrifices, ancient RomeRex sacrificulus or king of sacrifices, highest ranking priest in ancient Rome. In crown, crimson mantle, white toga, seated on a throne in front of burnt offerings on an altar in a temple
A wedding ceremony in ancient Rome. The bride wears a yellow flammeum bridal veil, the groom a short tunic, cape and yellow sandals
Sacred vessel, perfume holder and altar to NeptuneVessel for hot water used by sacrificial priests found in Portici 1, perforated vase for perfumes used in worship 2, and altar to Neptune with battle prows and battering rams
Ancient candelabra, perfume box, altar and knifeAncient candelabra under the Portico della Rotonda 1, perfume box for sacrifices in the Capitoline Museum 2, altar in the Mattei Garden 3, and knife or cultellus used to scare victims 4
An Etruscan woman burns offerings at an altar before a templeAn Etruscan woman in veil burns offerings at an altar before a temple
Priest in peasant dress before an altar (perhaps to Priapus)Priest in Roman peasant dress of hat, cloak, and sandals before an altar (perhaps to Priapus, rustic fertility god). From an engraved chalcedony gem in the collection of Ridolfino Venuti
Altar of the goddess Fortuna with cornucopia and beesAltar of Fortuna, Roman goddess of fortune. With cornucopia (horn of plenty) and bees. From an engraved gem in common niccolo. Ara Fortunae Incis in Gemma Vulgo Niccolo
A priest making a sacrifice to the fertility god Priapus. In animal skin and tunic the priest offers grapes, a rams head and cornucopia of fruit at an altar
The Altar of the Church of St. Margaret's, Westminster Abbey. With carved and painted Last Supper, stained glass windows above
The Altar of St. Mary Aldermanbury, LondonThe carved wooden altar of St. Mary Aldermanbury, with painting of the Last Supper by Old Franks and the Ten Commandments from the Book of Exodus
The Altar of the Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, London, 1807. Built in the 16th century with stained glass windows destroyed by terrorism in 1992
Young Chuvash woman at prayer in a cabin, 18th centuryYoung Chuvash woman at prayer in a cabin. She wears traditional garb and prays in front of a sacred keremet of rose branches tied with bark. Fille Tschouvasche en priere
Sacrifice by the Roman emperor Caligula. The emperor with laurel wreath, and his sisters Julia Drusilla, Julia Livilla, making an offering to a sacred flame decorated with a phallic emblem
Rustic man and woman making a sacrifice to health. Offering a serpent to Aesculapius, and a ram's head on an altar. In carnelian. Sacrifitio alla Salute. In corniola
A man making a sacrfice to the Greek gods of health. He kneels before an altar, offering a snake to a sacred flame altar to the gods of healing Apollo and his son Aesculapius. In carnelian
Sacrifice to Bacchus, the Roman god of wineA rustic sacrifice to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. A farmer pours wine into a vase or carchesium consecrated to Bacchus. Altar with grapes on a vine. In onyx. Sacrifitio di Baccho. In Onice
Hannibal Barca (247-183 BC). Carthaginian general and statesman
Italy. Easter in Rome. The Chapter of St. John Lateran giving thanks before the altar of Confession after the baptism of the Jews. Illustration by H. Estevan. Photoengraving by Laporta
Altar to the Lares Viales. Inscription: To the Lares of the roads. He fulfilled his vow. From the Church of San Roman, As Encrobas, Cerceda (La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain)
Roman altar to the Lucoves Arquieni. Roman votive inscription to local Galician gods: Lucoubu Arquien (O) Silonius Silo Ex Voto. Silonius Silo fulfilled his vow
Altar to the goddess Fortuna. Second half of 2nd century ADAltar to the goddess Fortuna. Inscription: To Fortuna. Valerius Lupus, assistant of the centurion, accomplished his vow of free will. Second half of the 2nd century AD