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Alle Collection

Background imageAlle Collection: Clam, mussel, oyster, scallop, etc

Clam, mussel, oyster, scallop, etc
Varieties of bivalve molluscs including clam, Tridacna, mussel, Mytilus, oyster, Ostrea, pen shell, Pinna, jingle shell, Anomia, and scallop, Pecten

Background imageAlle Collection: Neue tafel, yor alle liebhabers, und seefahrende perfonen

Neue tafel, yor alle liebhabers, und seefahrende perfonen

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the nervous system in the heart, neck and arm

Anatomy of the nervous system in the heart, neck and arm. Lithograph by C. Schach from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Stemmed plants

Stemmed plants including coffee, blueberry, papaya, argan, achras, desert date, styrax, olive, rhododendron, kalmia, gardenia, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Giovanni Luder fioro, asceso in aria per mezzo di un globo a

Giovanni Luder fioro, asceso in aria per mezzo di un globo aereostatico diretto dal Sig. Dre. Gaet, Cioni Dalla Piazza del Carmine di Firenze il di 16 iuglio 1795 a ore 7 1/2 pomerid e disceso alle 9

Background imageAlle Collection: Varieties of corals

Varieties of corals. Lithograph by C. Schach from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1841

Background imageAlle Collection: Ponte alle Grazie and view of San Miniato, Florence, Italy

Ponte alle Grazie and view of San Miniato, Florence, Italy. Date: circa 1900s

Background imageAlle Collection: Gharial, crocodile and extinct dinosaurs

Gharial, crocodile and extinct dinosaurs
Critically endangered gharial, Gavialis gangeticus, and Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus. Fossil skeletons of an ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus

Background imageAlle Collection: Lizards and skinks

Lizards and skinks
Caecilian, amphisbaenian or worm lizard, grass lizard, blindsnake, false coral snake, European legless lizard, and skinks

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of a fish, showing skeleton, internal

Anatomy of a fish, showing skeleton, internal organs and gills. Lithograph by St. Schillinger from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Fish varieties

Fish varieties
Monkfish, Lophius piscatorius, toadfish, Batrachoides surinamensis, armored catfish, Loricaria cataphracta, Atlantic stargazer, Uranoscopus scaber, sculpin or bullhead, Cottus gobio, and cascarudo

Background imageAlle Collection: Sea urchins

Sea urchins including edible sea urchin, Echinus esculentus, artichoke urchin, Echinus atratus, Breynia australasiae, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Varieties of sea cucumber

Varieties of sea cucumber
Sea cucumbers including Trochodota purpurea, Cladodactyla crocea crocea, Stichopus chloronotus, Anaperus peruvianus, Holothuria (Metriatyla) lessoni, Leptosynapta inhaerens, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Varieties of jellyfish

Varieties of jellyfish including moon jelly, Aurelia aurita, Portuguese man o war, Physalia physalis, mauve stinger, Pelagia noctiluca, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Varieties of jellyfish and medusae

Varieties of jellyfish and medusae. Lithograph by C. Mayer after Conrad Kull from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1841

Background imageAlle Collection: Varieties of jellyfish, siphonophores and medusae

Varieties of jellyfish, siphonophores and medusae. Including Portuguese man o war, Physalia physalis, Physophora hydrostatica, sea raft jellyfish, Velella velella, and blue button, Porpita porpita

Background imageAlle Collection: Varieties of corals, seafans, polyps and sea anemones

Varieties of corals, seafans, polyps and sea anemones
Varieties of soft corals, seafans, bryozoans, polyps and sea anemones. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1841

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the human nose, mouth and finger

Anatomy of the human nose, mouth and finger
Anatomy of the human nose, mouth, tongue, jaw and teeth, showing the senses of taste, smell and touch

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the human ear and eye

Anatomy of the human ear and eye. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of human venous return system in the upper torso

Anatomy of human venous return system in the upper torso
Anatomy of human venous return system of venal valves in the upper torso. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the human venal system in the arms

Anatomy of the human venal system in the arms. Lithograph by C. Mayer from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the human venal system in the upper torso

Anatomy of the human venal system in the upper torso. Lithograph by C. Mayer from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the human arterial system in the upper torso

Anatomy of the human arterial system in the upper torso. Handcoloured lithograph by St

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the human arterial system in the legs

Anatomy of the human arterial system in the legs. Handcoloured lithograph by St. Schillinger from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of human intestines from the front

Anatomy of human intestines from the front. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of human musculature

Anatomy of human musculature. Lithograph by C. Schach from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Anatomy of the human skeleton

Anatomy of the human skeleton. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Fruits, nuts and seeds

Fruits, nuts and seeds
Fruit, nuts and seeds including cannabis, fig, mulberry, beech, seagrape, rhubarb, buckwheat, laurel, nutmeg, mace, jabillo, castor oil, euphorbia, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Flowering plants

Flowering plants including mammee apple, mangosteen, vateria, camphor, bacuri, white cinnamon, ironwood, poppy, violet, nepenthes, pitcher plant, venus flytrap, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Fruit trees and plants

Fruit trees and plants including lemon, orange, lime, soapberry, rambutan, guava, santol, langsat, quassia, krameria, limeberry, chestnut, maple, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Root plants and vegetables

Root plants and vegetables including artichoke, globe thistle, chicory, dandelion, centaury, tansy, passionflower, rafflesia, pumpkin, sunflower, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Seed and fruit plants

Seed and fruit plants including cacao, calabash nutmeg, pawpaw, sugar apple, durian, tea, camellia, cotton, magnolia, peony, geranium, nasturtium, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Palm tree species

Palm tree species
Palm tree and tropical species including sago, coconut, breadfruit, pepper, pineapple, agave, sea coconut, areca, manicaria, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Lily and orchid species

Lily and orchid species including orchis, cypripedium, epidendrum, dendrobium, canna, crocus, strelizia, banana, iris, fritillary, aloe, ginger, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Skeleton of an extinct pterodactyl, Pterodactylus

Skeleton of an extinct pterodactyl, Pterodactylus. Lithograph by St. Schillinger from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1839

Background imageAlle Collection: Grasses and grains

Grasses and grains including wheat, barley, oats, rice, corn, maize, papyrus, sugar, sorghum, bamboo, waterlily, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: Varieties of fern

Varieties of fern. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1841

Background imageAlle Collection: Mushroom species

Mushroom species
Mushroom and fungi species including stinkhorn, earthstar, puffball, rust, mold, etc

Background imageAlle Collection: The little auks, male and female Alle alle

The little auks, male and female Alle alle
The little auks, male and female (Alle alle). Parker, Richard Dunscombe 1805 - 1881

Background imageAlle Collection: The Church of Saint Charles at the Four Fountains (1634) by

The Church of Saint Charles at the Four Fountains (1634) by
Baroque Art. Italy. Rome. The Church of Saint Charles at the Four Fountains (1634) by Francesco Borromini (1599-1667). Facade

Background imageAlle Collection: Portable bird-hide, for use when shooting birds

Portable bird-hide, for use when shooting birds. Illustration from Canarien Bogeln, Grhe Anweisung alle Arten Vogel zu fangen, einzustellen, abzurichten, zahm zu machen. Date: 1768

Background imageAlle Collection: Florence, Italy - River Arno and Bridges

Florence, Italy - River Arno and Bridges
Florence, Italy - Vie looking down the River Arno, with the Ponte Vecchio, Trinita Bridge and Ferro alle Cascine Date: circa 1920

Background imageAlle Collection: Sarcophagus with processus consularis. Detail. Rome, 270 BC

Sarcophagus with processus consularis. Detail. Rome, 270 BC
Roman Art. A lenos sarcophagus with processus consularis (a procession for the appointment of a Consul). Detail. Greek marble. Rome, 270 BC. Palazzo Massimo Alle Terme. Rome. Italy

Background imageAlle Collection: Augustus ( 63 BC A?i? 14 AD). First Emperor. Statue Via Lab

Augustus ( 63 BC A?i? 14 AD). First Emperor. Statue Via Lab
Augustus ( 63 BC A?i? 14 AD). Was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC-14 AD. Statue Via Labicana Augustus. Augustus as Pontifex Maximus. 12 BC

Background imageAlle Collection: Llooking east from the Ponte Vecchio at Sunset, Florence

Llooking east from the Ponte Vecchio at Sunset, Florence
View looking east from the Ponte Vecchio at Sunset, with the Hill of San Miniato and the Ponte Alle Grazie. Date: 1905

Background imageAlle Collection: Capturing birds, possibly larks

Capturing birds, possibly larks. Illustration from Canarien Bogeln, Grhe Anweisung alle Arten Vogel zu fangen, einzustellen, abzurichten, zahm zu machen. Date: 1768

Background imageAlle Collection: Alle alle, little auk

Alle alle, little auk
Plate 339 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1835-38), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London

Background imageAlle Collection: SPALLANZANI, Lazzaro (1729-1799). Portrait of

SPALLANZANI, Lazzaro (1729-1799). Portrait of
" SPALLANZANI, Lazzaro (1729-1799). Portrait of Spallanzani included in the title page of his work " Viaggi alle due Sicilie" published in 1795. Engraving. SPAIN. Barcelona

Background imageAlle Collection: Schubert / I Carve Her

Schubert / I Carve Her
Song : Ich scnitt es gern in alle Rinden ein (I carve her name on every forest tree..) unaware that his Beloved is secretary of the local environmental organisation

Background imageAlle Collection: Heraus mit unsern Gefangenen! Tretet alle dem Volksbund zum

Heraus mit unsern Gefangenen! Tretet alle dem Volksbund zum Schutze der deutschen Kriegs- u. Zivilgefangenen bei!. Poster shows a man behind bars

Background imageAlle Collection: Trapping Alle Alle Birds

Trapping Alle Alle Birds
Trapping the Little Auk (Alle Alle) on the White Sea

Background imageAlle Collection: LITTLE AUK

LITTLE AUK Mergulus alle

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