Carbolic smoke ballAn advertisment placed by the Carbolic Smoke Ball Company for the carbolic smoke ball, a cure for all types of ailments
Advert for Foot's Bath Cabinet 1924Hot-air vapour to open up the pours, cleansing the skin, claiming to preventing colds, influenza, rheumatism, liver and kidney complaints and skin affections. Date: 1924
Carbolic Smoke Ball / 1893Advertisement for The Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. which claimed to offer a cure for a wide variety of ailments. This led to a court case on grounds of deception & a landmark ruling
Gout (Bunbury)No need for the sufferer from GOUT to wait till he gets to Hell - the devil gives him a foretaste of the torments that await him
SYPHILIS / 1883Diagram to show the rash which appears in the second stage of syphilis
Gout Devil Bites 1799A little devil sinks his teeth into the swollen foot of a gout sufferer
Enos CockerelEnos Fruit Salts, a popular cure for digestive ailments throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries
Valentine GreatrakesIrish healer who, after a dream in 1662, discovered that he could heal many ailments simply by passing his hands and stroking the patient
Anti-Flu MasksA man and a woman wearing anti-flu masks. These masks cover the nose and mouth and are designed to prevent germs spreading. They may work but they look very curious!
Gout Man Fishes at HomeUnable to go fishing due to his painful gout, a sufferer casts his rod into a barrel of fish, in the comfort of his living room
Typhoid MaryMARY MALLON, (1869-1938) known as Typhoid Mary; though herself healthy, she is a carrier of typhoid and, employed as a cook, infects 22, one of whom dies
Tuberculosis SuffererDiagram to show how tuberculosis manifests itself in the body of a young girl
Advert for Foots Safty Bath Cabinets 1912Folding cabinet used in your own room, with hot air vapour, perfumed and medicated. 1912
Horses being X-RayedA horse being x-rayed at the Royal Veterinary College, Camden, London, using portable x-ray apparatus, which has proved invaluable in the treatment of animal ailments
Tuberculosis BacillusBacillus of tuberculosis, discovered by Koch, 1884
Measles ComparedThe left boy has MEASLES (rougeole), the middle one SCARLET FEVER (scarlatine), the right SMALLPOX (petite verole volante) Can you spot the difference ?
Bacillus of leprosy discovered by Hansen, 1877
Mr. Vernon-Ward's Treatment SalonsA photograph of the interior entrance hall which leads to Mr. Vernon-Ward's treatment salons, at Vere Street. The medical establishment had some fame for combatting obesity via fat reduction
Morocco - Chemist with his stallA Native traditional practitioner of ritual medicine with a variety of dead animals, used to cure all manner of ills and ailments Date: circa 1930s
A touch of gout - an elderly gentleman mops his brow whilst his wife and young daughter attend to him Date: Nineteenth century
Vaccinating against smallpox in a street in Paris Date: 1893
A gouty invalid angrily rings for his manservant, presumably to fetch him some more port! Date: 18th century
RABIES/BITTEN/LIS/1874At La Rochette, three country people, bitten by a rabid wolf, die in agony. Date: 1874
Patent Electropathic Battery Belt for men and women
Advert for Harness Electropathic Corset Belts 1895Every man & woman in search of heath & strength, all sufferers from disorders of the nerves, stomach, liver or kidneys should procure and wear. Date: 1895
CRUIKSHANK: CHOLICA gang of impish demons torment the Cholic Date: 1819
MAN WITH GOITRE AND SONA man afflicted with a goitre, with his cretin son Date: circa 1880
Medicine - 17th century Quack DoctorHere you may be cured ! - a 17th century quack stands beside his counter, strewn with wonderful potions and elixirs to cure all ailments Date: circa 1670
MAN WITH THE FLUA man (actually the arctic explorer Sir John Ross) puts his feet up over the fireplace and has a hot toddy to ward off the flu. Date: circa 1850
LONG WORMA tapeworm taken from a patient in Paris by Dr Nicolas ?Antry on 9th June 1698 which measured 4 fathoms long before it broke off! Date: 1698
TYPHUS BACILLUSTyphus bacillus, discovered by Eberth, 1880, and studied by Gaffky, 1884 - - left, infected intestine - right, culture
Nils Rosen Von RosNILS ROSEN VON ROSENSTEIN Swedish nobleman and professor at Uppsala, medical specialising in childrens ailments
GOUTDiagram to show how various parts of the body are affected by the inflammatory symptoms of gout
Influenza / Fumigator / 1900Advertisement for " Sanitas" fumigator, for the treatment of influenza and other lung and throat infections
Cholera VibrioVibrio (or vibrion) of cholera, discovered by Koch, 1883
Rabies / Bitten / Petit JA rabid and hydrophobic dog causes chaos in a French barbershop
Mesmer BaquetMesmers octagonal baquet, showing how eight patients could sit round it and be cured of 8 different ailments simultaneously, from hydropsis to the stone
Advert for Electropathic Battery Belt 1885Electropathic Battery Belt, restorer of impaired vital energy and its unvarying success. 1885
Advert for Harness Electropathic Corset Belts 1885Patent harnesses for men and women, effectual remedy for illnesses, with testimonials. 1885
Advert for Harness Electropathic corset belts 1888Harness Electropathic belt treatment. 1888
Advert for Harness Electropathic Corset Belts 1886Heath restored by means of mild continuous currents of electricity (without shock) generated by wearing
Advert for Harness Electropathic Corset Belts 1892Seeing is Believing! Harness electropathic corset belts, cures thousands of sufferers without the aid of poisonous drugs or quark nostrums. 1892
Advert for Dr Carter Moffats electric body belt 1893Dr Carter Moffats electric body belt, scientifically tested and guaranteed genuine. 1893
Advert for Luxurious thermal bath cabinet 1902It opens the 7, 000, 000 pores, and sweats out all poisons. Cures all disease without medicine. 1902
Advert for Foots patent cabinet bath 1902Foots patent cabinet bath, used in the private of your home, benefits of vapour, medicated, perfumed, or oxygen baths, claims to keep blood pure, prevent sickness, stopping colds, curing Rheumatism
The Dispensary at the London Hospital, WhitechapelPatients with a variety of ailments being administered medicine at the Dispensary at the London Hospital in Whitechapel, East London in 1888. Date: 1888
Advert for Dr. Scotts electric hair brush 1881Dr. Scott s, (George Augustus Scott), electric hair brush made from pure bristles, no wires, supposedly producing an electric current
Advert for Harness Electropathic Belt 1889Health restored by means of mild continuous currents of electricity generated (without shock) by wearing Harness Electropathic Belt, thousands have been treated
Advert for Harness Electropathic Corset Belts 1889They cure nervous weakness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, debility, rheumatic affections, liver and kidney disorders, internal weakness and hysteria. 1889
Advert for Harness Electropathic corset belts 1891Advert for Harness Electropathic corset belts no taking poisonous drugs or quack nostrums. Claims to cure all rheumatic and nervous affections. 1891
Advert for Harness electropathic corset belts 1887Advert for Harness electropathic corset belts no taking poisonous drugs, for ladies and gentlemen, claims to cure a variety of ailments from nevous affections, depression, sleeplessness
Christmas card in the shape of medicines -- Seidlitz Powders and Liver Pills (back). (2 of 2) Date: circa 1890s
Greetings card in the shape of medicinesGreetings card in the shape of a bottle of medicine (labelled black draught) and a box of little blue pills. circa 1890s
Tense, Nervous Headache?A young woman lies in bed with an awful headache or migrane. Date: 1960s
Advert for Homocea, babies medicine 1894Homocea touches the spot in croup and all similar ailments Available from Hooper, Chemist, King William Street, London. 1894
Rickets PatientA child afflicted with rickets. Date: circa 1870
EPILEPSYDiagram to show an unconscious victim of a strong epilectic attack Date: 1883
Diagram / Diabetes / 1883Diagram to show the damage inflicted on the organs of the body during the final stages of diabetes Date: 1883
Roux Treatment / DiphtheriA young child being treated for diphtheria by Dr. Roux (a French physician and bacteriologist) Date: 1894
Advert for Electropathic & Zander Institute 1892Electropathic treatment showing the interior of a private consulting and treatment room in Oxford Street, the comfortable Harness Belt for men and women that gives support
Advert for Electropathic Battery Belt 1892Mr. C. B Harness the president of the Institute and the other officers of the Company, may consulted free of charge on all matters relating to health and the application of curative electricity
Advert for Harness Electropathic Belt 1892Comfortable to wear and guaranteed, the Harness Electropathic Belt, with a mild continuous current of electricity which cannot fail to invigorate the debilitated constitution. 1892
Advert for Dr Carter Moffats electric body belt 1891Dr Carter Moffats electric body belt, magneto-electric battery Co. 1891
Advertisement for Beechams Powders - Act like magic! Suitable for the treatment of chills, colds and flu. Date: 1930
Typhus Sufferers in Kniagin, RussiaBedridden Typhus sufferers in the Russian provence of Kniagin. Date: 1891 - 1892
Train Transporting Typhoid SufferersA Russian train being used as a temporary hospital specialising in treatment for patients suffering from Typhoid fever. Date: 1920
Old Mrs Snooksons Husband view on his drinking ailment" Well, hows your Husband, Mrs Snookson
Christmas card in the shape of medicinesChristmas card in the shape of a bottle of medicine and boxes of pills for various ailments. circa 1890s
Medical / Ailments / RicketsThe terrible body deformation caused by rickets. Date: circa 1870
Hammerblow CureIn the Correges, France, there is a tradition that a child can be cured of certain ailments if laid on a black- smiths anvil and a mighty blow struck close to its head. Date: 1901
Lourdes - Pilgrims ShelterLourdes, France - the interior of the pilgrims shelter
Advertisement for the doctor James HallettUndated advertisement for the " doctor" James Hallett, " the original curer of all diseases", listing all the diseases and ailments he is able to cure by herbs and ointments
Twisted Spine19-year old Mary Elizabeth Houghtons twisted back excites the interest of surgeons
Yellow Fever VictimA yellow fever victim
Summer SolsticeFires were lit at solstices and equinoxes by the ancient Germans : the fires cured their ailments, and the ashes scattered in the fields ensured fertility
Electropathic beltAdvertisement from 1885 for the Pall Mall Electric Associations Electropathic Belt
Dr. Scotts electric corsetAdvertisement from 1886 for Dr
Gladstone wearing an electropathic beltAdvertisement from 1886 for the Medical Battery Companys Electropathic Belt, featuring a caricature of William Gladstone, Prime Minister wielding an axe and wearing the belt
Francisque Crotte / 1901Francois Crottes electrical cure for TB being demonstrated on a female sufferer
ST. VITUS DANCE / C16THSufferers from St. Vitus Dance going on a pilgrimage to the Church of St. Willibrod, near Luxembourg
About to SneezeA smart gentleman clutches his handkerchief as he is about to sneeze
Rashful YouthThis unfortunate youth has come out in a rash though his face is spared : we don t know what is afflicting him, and I dare say the doctors don t know either
Leper (Munster)A 16th century leper walks with a clapper, to warn people of his approach
The Hypohondriac / 1883A hypochondriac sits at his desk surrounded by potions and advertisements for various cures