ITURBIDE, Agust(1783-1824). Mexican generalITURBIDE, Agust (1783-1824). Mexican general and statesman. Emperor of Mexico (1822-1823)
Mexico (1821). Triumphal entrance of AgustЮ Iturbide into Mexico City with the Trigarante Army (7th September, 1821). Litography
ZULOAGA, Santiago Agust(18th century). SpanishZULOAGA, Santiago Agust (18th century). Spanish miltary marine
Solemn and peaceful entrance of the Army of the Three Guarantees in the Capital of Mexico
LUQUE Y COCA, Agust(1850-1937). Spanish militaryLUQUE Y COCA, Agust (1850-1937). Spanish military and political. MORELLI, Domenico (1826-1901). Oil on canvas. SPAIN. CASTILE-LA MANCHA. Toledo. Army Museum
ARG܅LLES, Agust(1776-1843). Spanish liberalARG܅ LLES, Agust (1776-1843). Spanish liberal politician and orator. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
ASPIAZڬAgust(1826 - 1897). Bolivian writerASPIAZڬ Agust (1826 - 1897). Bolivian writer, jurist, and politician. Oil
SPAIN. Llanes. Cubos de la memoria (The Cubes" SPAIN. Llanes. Cubos de la memoria" (The Cubes of the memory). Work by Agust Ibarrola, 2002."
ESTEVE MARQUES, Agust(1753-1820). The QueenESTEVE MARQUES, Agust (1753-1820). The Queen Maria Luisa de Borbon. ca. 1790. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Lạ ro Galdiano Foundation
ARRIETA, Jos頁gust(1802-1874). Portals ofARRIETA, Jos頁 gust (1802-1874). Portals of the Main Square of Puebla. 1840. MEXICO. Mexico City. Chapultepec Castle. Oil on canvas
ARRIETA, Jos頁gust(1802-1874). The SurpriseARRIETA, Jos頁 gust (1802-1874). The Surprise. 1850. Oil on canvas. MEXICO. Mexico City. Chapultepec Castle
PALAFOX, Jos頒ebolledo de (1776-1847). SpanishPALAFOX, Jos頒 ebolledo de (1776-1847). Spanish military man, defender of Zaragoza in 1808. Portrait by Agust Alcaide Ibieca. Engraving. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
COLOMBIA. HUILA. San AgustAlto de los IdolosCOLOMBIA. HUILA. San Agust Alto de los Idolos. Figure of eagle and snake, of the pre-Colmbian culture of San Agust (4th c. BC). Pre-Columbian art. Sculpture
RIANCHO, Agust(1841-1929). The Cagigona. 1905RIANCHO, Agust (1841-1929). The Cagigona. 1905. Realism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Santander. Fine Arts Museum
Spain (19thc. ). Portrait of some politiciansSpain (19thc.). Portrait of some politicians
Juan AgustЮCe n BermodezGOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). Juan AgustЮ Ce n Bermodez. Oil on canvas
ESTEVE MARQUES, AgustѮ(1753-1820)ESTEVE MARQUES, AgustЮ (1753-1820). Young Godoy. Portrait with the uniform of the Guard Corps. Oil on canvas
MANET, EDOUARD (1832-1883). The Boy from the CoastARRIETA, Jos AgustЮ (1802-1874). The Boy from the Coast. Oil on canvas
QUEROL Y SUBIRATS, Agust(1860-1909). MonumentQUEROL Y SUBIRATS, Agust (1860-1909). Monument to the Sieges. 1908. SPAIN. ARAGON. ZARAGOZA. Zaragoza. Lower detail with a fight scene of the Peninsular War. Relief