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Agust Collection

Background imageAgust Collection: ITURBIDE, Agust�(1783-1824). Mexican general

ITURBIDE, Agust�(1783-1824). Mexican general
ITURBIDE, Agust� (1783-1824). Mexican general and statesman. Emperor of Mexico (1822-1823)

Background imageAgust Collection: Mexico (1821)

Mexico (1821). Triumphal entrance of AgustЮ Iturbide into Mexico City with the Trigarante Army (7th September, 1821). Litography

Background imageAgust Collection: ZULOAGA, Santiago Agust�(18th century). Spanish

ZULOAGA, Santiago Agust�(18th century). Spanish
ZULOAGA, Santiago Agust� (18th century). Spanish miltary marine

Background imageAgust Collection: Solemn and peaceful entrance of the Army of the

Solemn and peaceful entrance of the Army of the Three Guarantees in the Capital of Mexico

Background imageAgust Collection: LUQUE Y COCA, Agust�(1850-1937). Spanish military

LUQUE Y COCA, Agust�(1850-1937). Spanish military
LUQUE Y COCA, Agust� (1850-1937). Spanish military and political. MORELLI, Domenico (1826-1901). Oil on canvas. SPAIN. CASTILE-LA MANCHA. Toledo. Army Museum

Background imageAgust Collection: ARG܅LLES, Agust�(1776-1843). Spanish liberal

ARG܅LLES, Agust�(1776-1843). Spanish liberal
ARG܅ LLES, Agust� (1776-1843). Spanish liberal politician and orator. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library

Background imageAgust Collection: ASPIAZڬAgust�(1826 - 1897). Bolivian writer

ASPIAZڬAgust�(1826 - 1897). Bolivian writer
ASPIAZڬ Agust� (1826 - 1897). Bolivian writer, jurist, and politician. Oil

Background imageAgust Collection: SPAIN. Llanes. Cubos de la memoria (The Cubes

SPAIN. Llanes. Cubos de la memoria (The Cubes
" SPAIN. Llanes. Cubos de la memoria" (The Cubes of the memory). Work by Agust� Ibarrola, 2002."

Background imageAgust Collection: ESTEVE MARQUES, Agust�(1753-1820). The Queen

ESTEVE MARQUES, Agust�(1753-1820). The Queen
ESTEVE MARQUES, Agust� (1753-1820). The Queen Maria Luisa de Borbon. ca. 1790. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Lạ ro Galdiano Foundation

Background imageAgust Collection: ARRIETA, Jos頁gust�(1802-1874). Portals of

ARRIETA, Jos頁gust�(1802-1874). Portals of
ARRIETA, Jos頁 gust� (1802-1874). Portals of the Main Square of Puebla. 1840. MEXICO. Mexico City. Chapultepec Castle. Oil on canvas

Background imageAgust Collection: ARRIETA, Jos頁gust�(1802-1874). The Surprise

ARRIETA, Jos頁gust�(1802-1874). The Surprise
ARRIETA, Jos頁 gust� (1802-1874). The Surprise. 1850. Oil on canvas. MEXICO. Mexico City. Chapultepec Castle

Background imageAgust Collection: PALAFOX, Jos頒ebolledo de (1776-1847). Spanish

PALAFOX, Jos頒ebolledo de (1776-1847). Spanish
PALAFOX, Jos頒 ebolledo de (1776-1847). Spanish military man, defender of Zaragoza in 1808. Portrait by Agust� Alcaide Ibieca. Engraving. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library

Background imageAgust Collection: COLOMBIA. HUILA. San Agust�Alto de los Idolos

COLOMBIA. HUILA. San Agust�Alto de los Idolos
COLOMBIA. HUILA. San Agust� Alto de los Idolos. Figure of eagle and snake, of the pre-Colmbian culture of San Agust� (4th c. BC). Pre-Columbian art. Sculpture

Background imageAgust Collection: RIANCHO, Agust�(1841-1929). The Cagigona. 1905

RIANCHO, Agust�(1841-1929). The Cagigona. 1905
RIANCHO, Agust� (1841-1929). The Cagigona. 1905. Realism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Santander. Fine Arts Museum

Background imageAgust Collection: Spain (19thc. ). Portrait of some politicians

Spain (19thc. ). Portrait of some politicians
Spain (19thc.). Portrait of some politicians

Background imageAgust Collection: Juan AgustЮCe n Bermodez

Juan AgustЮCe n Bermodez
GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). Juan AgustЮ Ce n Bermodez. Oil on canvas

Background imageAgust Collection: ESTEVE MARQUES, AgustѮ(1753-1820)

ESTEVE MARQUES, AgustѮ(1753-1820)
ESTEVE MARQUES, AgustЮ (1753-1820). Young Godoy. Portrait with the uniform of the Guard Corps. Oil on canvas

Background imageAgust Collection: MANET, EDOUARD (1832-1883). The Boy from the Coast

MANET, EDOUARD (1832-1883). The Boy from the Coast
ARRIETA, Jos AgustЮ (1802-1874). The Boy from the Coast. Oil on canvas

Background imageAgust Collection: QUEROL Y SUBIRATS, Agust�(1860-1909). Monument

QUEROL Y SUBIRATS, Agust�(1860-1909). Monument
QUEROL Y SUBIRATS, Agust� (1860-1909). Monument to the Sieges. 1908. SPAIN. ARAGON. ZARAGOZA. Zaragoza. Lower detail with a fight scene of the Peninsular War. Relief

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