Tile representation of handicrafts. Catalan school, 17th-18th c. Ceramics. Proc: SPAIN. CATALONIA
Francisco de Frias y Jaccott (1809-1877). 4th Count of Pozos Dulces. Cuban journalist, politician, agronomist and economist. Portrait. Illustration by Bielsa. Chromolithography
Spain, Andalusia, San Fernando. Panoramic viewSpain, Andalusia, Cadiz province, San Fernando. Panoramic view. Engraving by Rico. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
Ireland. Agricultural crisis. Meeting held in DublinIrish agricultural crisis. Meeting held in Dublin by the owners or landlords to protest against the application of the agrarian law. Engraving by Capuz. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). No deixeu cap arada inactiva ni gens de terra sense treballar (Dont't leave neither inactive plough nor unworked land)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Farmer! Your enemies made you work from sunrise ti susnet to feed them. Now, when the land is yours, work from sunrise to sunset to annihilate them. Poster
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Ni un gra de blat perdut (Not even a lost grain). Poster of the General Direction of Agriculture of the Generalitat of Catalonia. SPAIN. Barcelona
Spanish Civil War Poster Edited By The Departamentspanish, civil, war, poster, edited, by, the, departament, of, agriculture, generalitat, catalonia, about, decree, on, redistribution, lands, 14th, august, vertical, upright, colour, color, mule
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). No envieu els vostres productes al mercat lliure. Veneu-los a traves dels sindicats agricoles (Don't send you produces to the free market)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Eat More Valencia Oranges. Poster
Tacuinum Sanitatis. 14 th century. Medieval handbook of healTacuinum Sanitatis. 14th century. Medieval handbook of health. Man offering turnips. Miniature. Fol. 51 r
Reconstruction of a Spanish mission as those built from 16th century by Jesuit and Franciscan orders to evangelize territories in Central and South America
Mowing. Engraving, 19th century. ColoredHistory agriculture. Mowing. Engraving, 19th century
Spain. Murcia. Farmer. Orchard of Murcia (Huerta). Colored
Agriculture. Threshing. Engraving by R. Milliet. 19th centurAgriculture. Threshing with threshing board. Engraving by R. Milliet. 19th century. Colored
Czech Republic. Prague. St. Vitus Cathedral. Golden Gate. WrCzech Republic. Prague. St. Vitus Cathedral. Golden Gate. Grid. Wrought Iron. Detail. Hay harvesting
Ireland. Agrarian agitation in the farm of Captain Boycott (Ireland. Agrarian agitation. Ulsters farmers escorted by soldiers to go to work on the farm of Captain Charles Boycott (1832-1897). Ballinrobe, 1880. Engraving
Hemp harvest. Banks of the Rhine. Peasants working the hemp plant. Engraving. L Illustration Journal Universel (1860). 19th century. Colored
Hemp harvest. Banks of the Rhine. Engraving. L Illustration Journal Universel (1860). 19th century
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen - Russian Writer and AgitatorAlexander Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870)
Vase depicting men packing tea (1348-1644). Detail. Chinese art. Ming period. China / Porcelain. IRAN. Tehran. Golestan Palace
SEGANTINI, Giovanni Battista (1858-1899). Two mothers. 1889. Oil on canvas. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Milan. Galleria d Arte Moderna (Gallery of Modern Art)
Parmentier, Antoine Augustin (1737-1813). Vocal promoter of the potato as a food source for humans in France and throughout Europe. Engraving
Fragment of a woody branch of vine attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium
SALVADOR CARMONA, Juan Antonio (1740-1805). TheSALVADOR CARMONA, Juan Antonio (1740-1805). " The Vintager". Vignette c. 1770 after original painting by Murillo preserved in the Royal Palace in Madrid. Etching. SPAIN. Madrid
MOLES, M. F. (second half 19th century-begin 20thMOLES, M.F. (second half 19th century-begin 20th century). The grape harvest. 1900. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. CATALONIA. BARCELONA. Sitges. Maricel Museum
HOUASSE, Michel-Ange (1680-1730). The Harvest. Baroque art. Oil on canvas
Disease of the vines. Engraving of 1853Bunch of grapes partially attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium in the first days of July
Civitatis Orbis Terrarum. EcijaBRAUN, George (1541-1622). Civitatis Orbis Terrarum (Theatrum orbis terrarum). 1572-1617. Ecija (1567). Etching. SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Salamanca. Salamanca University Library
Sarcophagus of the Seasons. 3rd c. Detail depicting a countryside scene. Roman art. Relief on marble. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia
View of a sugar plantation. Oil on canvas
View of Salamanca by David Roberts (1837). Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo de Historia
Ecuador. Indigenous painting. Working. ECUADOR" Ecuador. Indigenous painting. " Working". ECUADOR. Quito. Library of the Museum Jacinto Jij Caama f Archaeology and Colonial Art."
Jovellanos with the ley agraria (Report on the Agrarian Law). Portrait of Jovellanos. Oil on canvas
Peasant revolt in Romania: types of the agrarian agitatorsA page from the Illustrated London News showing the kind of Romanian people purported to be involved in the peasants revolt which began in March 1907