Women in fashionable dresses by Henri Paris, 1931Woman in dress in black Moroccan wool, trimmed with small pleats. Woman in afternoon dress in navy blue, white bib embroidered with navy and white beads. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in black and white dress and coat by Dupouy-Magnin, 1931Coat in black velvet trimmed with ermine, Paris. Afternoon dress in black crepe satin trimmed with white crepe satin, Prognostic. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in afternoon dress and jacket by Luceber, 1931Woman in Pourquoi afternoon dress in blue velvet and ochre crepe de Chine, and matching jacket. Woman in Madrilene afternoon dress in black Moroccan wool. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Afternoon dress in Lyons velvet with large bow on one hip. Robe d'apres-midi en velours de Lyon
Afternoon dress of purple faille-satin with matching cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-mide en faille-satin
Woman in afternoon dress of velvet chiffon with Karakul wool triWoman in afternoon dress of green velvet chiffon, with Karakul wool trim on the skirt. Green cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours chiffon. Jupe drapee, bordee de caracul
Woman in blue afternoon dress of crepe mongol over a satin slip. Cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe mongol sur fourreau de satin
Afternoon dress in silk velvet embroidered with silver braid galloons. Blue cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours de soie, brodee de galons d'argent
Afternoon dress of blue satin crepe with cross-over top. Grey hat. Robe de visite en crepe satin, haut tres croise
Woman in velvet afternoon dress and cloche hat with buckleAfternoon dress of velvet, contrasting velvet and silver lace bib, cloche hat with buckle. Robe d'apres-midi en velours
Afternoon dress and jacket of green crepe romaAfternoon dress of green crepe roma, jacket decorated with white silk galloon collar embroidered in gold. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe romain
Afternoon dress of chocolate Moroccan crepe adorned with metal and silk embroidery. Cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe satin, brodee soie et metal
Afternoon dress of grey Moroccan crepe, cloche hat with featherAfternoon dress of grey Moroccan crepe, collar and cuffs in two-colour crepe Georgette embroidered in silver. Cloche hat with feather. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe marocain
Afternoon dress of purple crepe marocain, cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe marocain
Afternoon dress of crepe roma, orange cloche hatAfternoon dress of crepe roma, pleated skirt, orange cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe romain
Afternoon dress of green veloutine and grey cloche hatAfternoon dress of green veloutine, with black and white wool embroidery. Grey cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en veloutine, brodee de laine
Afternoon dress in black velvet chiffon adorned with galloons anAfternoon dress in black velvet chiffon adorned with gold galloons and embroidery. Matching cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours chiffon, ornee larges galons et broderie d'or